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LA EdLink Staff Extract



This report extracts the staff's and the contract staff's course offering data and mentor information in the format required for submission to the EdLink warehouse. Use PowerSchool's Remote Connection Management feature to set up a SFTP connection to allow for automatic uploading of files to EdLink. Use with the report's scheduling feature to set up a recurring upload of files to EdLink.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Staff Selection

For the staff course offering link extract, the extract selects records from the Staff/User tables that meet the following criteria:

  • The staff member is a lead or co-teacher of the course.
  • The staff member has a unique staff ID entered for [USERS]SIF_State_PrId field.
  • The staff member has a Classification Level of 01, 02, 05, 06 or 07
  • The staff and the staff's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

For the contract staff course offering link extract, the extract selects records from the Staff/User tables that meet the following criteria:

  • The staff member is a lead or co-teacher of the course.
  • The staff member has a unique staff ID entered for [USERS]SIF_State_PrId field or a SSN beginning with '998'.
  • The staff member has a Classification Level of 03 - contracted professional services person or 04 - third party contract employee.
  • The staff and the staff's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

For the vacant staff course offering link extract, the extract selects records from the Staff/User tables that meet the following criteria:

  • The staff member is a lead or co-teacher of the course.
  • The staff member does not have number recorded for [USERS]SIF_State_PrId field.
  • The staff members does not have a Classification Level specified.
  • The staff member has a SSN beginning with '999' (which indicates a vacant staff position).
  • The staff and the staff's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

For the mentor teacher link extract, the extract selects records from the Staff/User tables that meet the following criteria:

  • The staff member has a unique staff ID entered for [USERS]SIF_State_PrId field.
  • The staff member has a mentor teacher assignment record for the selected school year.
  • The staff and the staff's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options:

If sub-districts are not enabled:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

If sub-districts are enabled:

  • Select Sub-district Select sub-districts to include in the report. To select a single sub-district, click that sub-district. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each sub-district to be included.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

Select Staff

Select the staff to include in the report by choosing one of the following options:

The Selected [number] Staff Only - Run the report for staff in the current selection.

All Staff - Run the report for all staff in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Ensure to select the staff prior to running the report, whether the report is for a single or group of staff.

Output File Name

Choose the extract to generate:

  • staff_course_offering_link
  • staff_course_offering_link_ext
  • mentor_teacher_link
  • contract_staff_course_offering_link
  • contract_staff_course_offering_ext
  • vacant_staff_course_offering_link

School Year

Select the school year for which to run the report.

Identify as a Partial FileSelect this checkbox if the file being generated does not include all staff that should be reported to EdLink. As a partial file, the file name will have '_partial' plus a unique number added to the name to ensure each file is unique when it is uploaded to EdLink.
SFTP connectionsIf the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



LOCAL_STAFF_CRS_OFFRNG_LINK_KEYThe value that uniquely identifies each staff class code record submitted. Required.[Terms]Firstday,
[USERS]SIF_StatePrid OR [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +

(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use Course number and section number)
SCHOOL_YEARThe year of the school session. Required.[Terms]FirstDay
DISTRICT_CODEThe three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.

[Prefs]Value where


If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number


Unique identifier for the staff. The StateID/Louisiana Secure ID (LASID) assigned by eScholar to the staff. Required.

[USERS]SIF_StatePrid or
[S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN

The Class Code that uniquely identifies a class taught at a school. Required.(See the Curriculum User Guide)

To link the students with their respective teachers and their courses, the Class Code submitted in the Curriculum record must match the Class Code submitted in the Student and Teacher Class Schedule records. This data element is used to match staff with their students, staff with their courses, and students with their courses.

[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +
[Sections]Section_Number +


(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use Course number and section number)


Reports as Active when:

  • when the staff is actively teaching the Class Section today
  • for completed Class Sections, the staff was actively teaching the class on the last day of the class
  • for future Class Sections, the staff is identified as a lead or co-teacher for at least a portion of the class

Reports as Inactive when:

  • for currently underway class sections, the teacher is no longer teaching the class
  • for completed Class Sections, the teacher left the class prior to the last day of the class


SectionTeacher(table) - if teacher's staff_class_end_date ends prior to the end_date of the class AND the staff_class_end_date is less than today, set the staff_class_status to “Inactive” else "Active"
STAFF_CLASS_START_DATEThe date the staff member started to teach the class. Required.SectionTeacher(table)
STAFF_CLASS_END_DATEThe date the staff member stopped teaching the class. Required.SectionTeacher(table)
STAFF_CLASS_PRIMARY_INDICATORY or N based on whether the teacher is teaching the class from their home-base site (or PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_IND). Required.derived from [USERS]HomeSchoolID
LOCAL_ASSIGNMENT_KEYThe value that uniquely identifies the assignment record submitted by each staff.

Concatenated value of [Terms]Firstday, [USERS]SIF_StatePrid OR [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits), [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits) [S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or [Courses]Course_Number + [Sections]Section_Number, to_char(SectionTeacher.START_DATE,'mm/dd/yyyy')

(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use Course number and section number)

STAFF_CLASS_PERCENTThe percentage of a teacher's class time in a specific class.[SectionTeacher]Allocation or if null set to 100

Staff Course Offering Link Ext (Obsolete beginning 2022-2023 school year)

Data Element



LOCAL_STAFF_CRS_OFFRNG_LINK_KEYThe value that uniquely identifies each staff class code record submitted. Required.[Terms]Firstday,
[USERS]SIF_StatePrid OR [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +

(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use Course number and section number)
SCHOOL_YEARThe year of the school session. Required.[Terms]FirstDay
DISTRICT_CODEThe three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first three characters)

Unique identifier for the staff. The StateID/Louisiana Secure ID (LASID) assigned by eScholar to the staff. Required.

[USERS]SIF_StatePrid or
[S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN
TWELVE_HOUR_INDICATORA local classification of the primary instructors certification as it relates to this course section.[S_LA_USR_Courses_C] SubjArea12CrHrFlag

Data Element



SCHOOL_YEARThe year of the school session. Required.[Terms]FirstDay
DISTRICT_CODEThe three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first three characters)
LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEYThe school’s site code. Required.[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode

The mentor's unique staff member identifier within the district applications. Required.

RESIDENT_LOCAL_STAFF_KEYThe resident's unique staff member identifier within the district applications. Required.[S_LA_SSF_MENTOR_C]Mentee_id
RESIDENT_TEACHER_PREP_PROGRAM_TYPEThe prep program type of resident is participating in[S_LA_SSF_MENTOR_C]Prep_Program_Type
PLACEMENT_PERCENTThe percentage of their day that the resident is active in the placement[S_LA_SSF_MENTOR_C]Placement_Percentage

Data Element



LOCAL_STAFF_CRS_OFFRNG_LINK_KEYThe value that uniquely identifies each staff class code record submitted. Required.[Terms]Firstday,
[USERS]SIF_StatePrid OR [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +
(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use course number and section number)
SCHOOL_YEARThe year of the school session. Required.[Terms]FirstDay
DISTRICT_CODEThe three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.

[Prefs]Value where


If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number

LOCAL_STAFF_KEYUnique identifier for the staff. The StateID/Louisiana Secure ID (LASID) assigned by eScholar to the staff. Required.[USERS]SIF_StatePrid or [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN

The Class Code that uniquely identifies a class taught at a school. Required. (See the Curriculum User Guide)

To link the students with their respective teachers and their courses, the Class Code submitted in the Curriculum record must match the Class Code submitted in the Student and Teacher Class Schedule records. This data element is used to match staff with their students, staff with their courses, and students with their courses.

[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +
(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use course number and section number)
STAFF_CLASS_STATUSIndicates whether the staff is actively teaching the Course Offering (Class Section). Optional.SectionTeacher(table) - if sys date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive'
STAFF_CLASS_START_DATEThe date the staff member started to teach the class. Required.SectionTeacher.start_date
STAFF_CLASS_END_DATEThe date the staff member stopped teaching the class. Required.SectionTeacher.end_date
STAFF_CLASS_PRIMARY_INDICATORY or N based on whether the teacher is teaching the class from their home-base site (or PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_IND). Required.[USERS]HomeSchoolID
STAFF_CLASS_PERCENTThe percentage of a teacher's class time in a specific class. Optional[SectionTeacher]Allocation or if null set to 100

Contract Staff Course Offering Ext (Obsolete beginning 2022-2023 school year)

Data Element



LOCAL_STAFF_CRS_OFFRNG_LINK_KEYThe value that uniquely identifies each staff class code record submitted. Required.[Terms]Firstday,
[USERS]SIF_StatePrid OR [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +
(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use course number and section number)
SCHOOL_YEARThe year of the school session. Required.[Terms]FirstDay
DISTRICT_CODEThe three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first three characters)
LOCAL_STAFF_KEYUnique identifier for the staff. The StateID/Louisiana Secure ID (LASID) assigned by eScholar to the staff. Required.[USERS]SIF_StatePrid or [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN

Data Element



LOCAL_STAFF_CRS_OFFRNG_LINK_KEYThe value that uniquely identifies each staff class code record submitted. Required.[Terms]Firstday,
[S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +
(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use course number and section number)
SCHOOL_YEARThe year of the school session. Required.[Terms]FirstDay
DISTRICT_CODEThe three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required.

[Prefs]Value where


If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number

LOCAL_STAFF_KEYUnique identifier for the staff. The StateID/Louisiana Secure ID (LASID) assigned by eScholar to the staff. Required.[S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN or [USERS]SSN

The Class Code that uniquely identifies a class taught at a school. Required. (See the Curriculum User Guide)

To link the students with their respective teachers and their courses, the Class Code submitted in the Curriculum record must match the Class Code submitted in the Student and Teacher Class Schedule records. This data element is used to match staff with their students, staff with their courses, and students with their courses.

[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (first 3 digits),
[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (all digits)
[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or
[Courses]Course_Number +
(use NonLEAClassCode if populated, else use course number and section number)
STAFF_CLASS_STATUSIndicates whether the staff is actively teaching the Course Offering (Class Section). Optional.SectionTeacher(table) - if sys date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive'
STAFF_CLASS_START_DATEThe date the staff member started to teach the class. Required.SectionTeacher.start_date
STAFF_CLASS_END_DATEThe date the staff member stopped teaching the class. Required.SectionTeacher.end_date
STAFF_CLASS_PRIMARY_INDICATORY or N based on whether the teacher is teaching the class from their home-base site (or PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_IND). Required.[USERS]HomeSchoolID
STAFF_CLASS_PERCENTThe percentage of a teacher's class time in a specific class. Optional[SectionTeacher]Allocation or if null set to 100
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