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LA EdLink Calendar

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The CALENDARS and CALENDARS_EXT extracts provide district and school level calendar information for submission to the EdLink warehouse. These extract files include information on all calendar days within the full school year beginning with the first day of school through the last day of school including student and staff days, holidays, and closures. Use PowerSchool's Remote Connection Management feature to set up a SFTP connection to allow for automatic uploading of files to EdLink. Use with the report's scheduling feature to set up a recurring upload of files to EdLink.

Calendar types:

  • District: The default calendar for a district. Required.
  • School: This type of calendar is created if there is a need to develop a school calendar when there are different attendance days for a school within the district, or school group within a school. Records in this calendar override the district calendar. Optional.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

School Selection

The report selects records from the [Schools] table based on the following criteria:

  • The school must not be excluded from State Reporting.


  • A LA sponsor site calendar must be created for each school site code that will be reported to EdLink.
  • The calendars_ext file will only contain records where Day_type = 'DAY'

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select Schools

Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options:

If sub-districts are not enabled:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

If sub-districts are enabled:

  • Select Sub-district Select sub-districts to include in the report. To select a single sub-district, click that sub-district. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each sub-district to be included.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

Output File NameSelect the extract to generate.
School YearSelect the school year for which to run the report. The options are controlled by the current Term selected.
Identify as a Partial File

Select Enabled to create and submit an EdLink file containing only a subset of the students without overwriting the complete file or another partial file. Enabled is unchecked by default.

If this field is selected, the word '_partial' and a unique number are added to the end of the file name (e.g. calendars_partial4.txt)

SFTP connectionsIf the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


Data Element



The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE of the schools represented by the calendar. Required.

Uses first three digits of the subdistrict_number specified for the ‘Select sub-district’ report parameter when a subdistrict is selected.

Uses [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber when subdistricts are not enabled

SCHOOL_YEARThe year of a school session. Required.[S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]First_Day

The school’s site code. Required.

If [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]SiteCode is blank/empty, then "[ALL]" is reported.

Otherwise, [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]SiteCode


The unique, district-assigned code identifying the particular calendar for a particular LEA and/or school/site and/or grade level. Required.

If [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]SiteCode is blank/empty, then "DISTRICT" is reported.

Otherwise, [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]CalendarCode

The type of day within the school calendar. Required.
  • YEAR: For the school year, includes one record with dates identifying the first and last day of school.
  • CLOSURE: For each closure, includes one or more records identifying the date of each closure (this includes the 5th day in the week for a 4-day school week).
  • DAY: Includes a single record for each day of the school year when students are expected to be in attendance.
  • STAFF_DAY: Includes a single record for each day of the school year when only staff is expected to be in attendance.
  • TERM: includes a single record for each term of the calendar
  • SEMESTER: includes a single record for each semester of the calendar

If NULL, this field is extracted as a <tab> <tab> in the report.


if [S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Record_Type equals

  • 020 then "STAFF_DAY" is reported
  • 030 then "CLOSURE" is reported
  • 040 then "DAY" is reported
  • 050 then "CLOSURE" is reported
  • 060 then "DAY" is reported

For each term defined in the Years/Term window

  • "TERM" if [S_LA_TRM_X]EdlinkCalSemTerm's reported_value from the code set begins with 'T' and [S_LA_TRM_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting is unchecked.
  • "SEMESTER" if [S_LA_TRM_X]EdlinkCalSemTerm's reported_value from the code set begins with 'S' and [S_LA_TRM_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting is unchecked.
BEGIN_DATEThe beginning date of the event. Required.

[S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Beginning_Day or

[S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]First_Day if DATE_TYPE equals YEAR or

In Session Date if DATE_TYPE = DAY or

[Terms]FirstDay if DATE_TYPE = TERM or SEMESTER

END_DATEThe end date of the event. Required.

[S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Ending_Day or

[S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]Last_Day if DATE_TYPE equals YEAR or

In Session Date if DATE_TYPE = DAY or

[Terms]LastDay if DATE_TYPE = TERM or SEMESTER


Describes the calendar date for the school year, semesters, terms, and closures.


If DATE_TYPE equals

  • DAY, then 'FID' is reported
  • YEAR, then the SCHOOL_YEAR is reported
  • STAFF_DAY or CLOSURE, then determine the reporting_value from the Calendar Date Type code set for the code entered for [S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Calendar_Date_Type
  • TERM or SEMESTER then determine the reporting_value from the Calendar Term Type code set for the code entered for [S_LA_TRM_X]EdlinkCalSemTerm


Data Element



The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE of the schools represented by the calendar. Required.

First three digits of [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode
SCHOOL_YEARThe year of a school session. Required.[S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]First_Day

The school’s site code. Required.

If [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]SiteCode is blank/empty, then "ALL" is reported.

Otherwise, [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]SiteCode


The unique, district-assigned code identifying the particular calendar for a particular LEA and/or school/site and/or grade level. Required.

If [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]SiteCode is blank/empty, then "DISTRICT" is reported.

Otherwise, [S_LA_CalendarSpc_S]CalendarCode

DATE_TYPEThe type of day within the school calendar. Required.
  • DAY: Includes a single record for each day of the school year when students are expected to be in attendance.


if [S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Record_Type equals

  • 040 then "DAY" is reported
  • 060 then "DAY" is reported
BEGIN_DATEThe beginning date of the event. Required.

[S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Beginning_Day or

In Session Date if DATE_TYPE = DAY

END_DATEThe end date of the event. Required.

[S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Ending_Day or

In Session Date if DATE_TYPE = DAY


The number of instructional minutes per day. Only submitted if Date_Type is "DAY".

If NULL, this field is extracted as a <tab> <tab> in the report.

if if [S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Record_Type equals 040, 060, or 070 then report from [S_LA_CalendarSpc_Event_C]Instructional_Time



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