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DRC Testing Extract



This report extracts student information in the DRC file layout that enables the district to upload the student information directly to the DRC site.

The number of students per file that can be loaded to the DRC site varies based on the connection strength of the site. The DRC suggested file size is less than 5,000 students per file. For large files, please verify that the last student name in the file was successfully loaded into the system. Districts can select the schools or students to be included in the file to manage file size.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection
The report selects students who are actively enrolled at report run time and who are not excluded from state reporting. The district can use the Student Search page to select the students who are to be included in the extract, or use the Select Students by Grade prompt on this report to identify the students.

Class Record Selection Criteria:
The report selects records from the [CC] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The section of the class enrollment record is not checked to be excluded from state reporting ([Sections]Exclude_State_Rpt_YN not equal to 1).
  • The class enrollment record has not been excluded from state reporting ([CC]Period_Obsolete not equal to 1).
  • The class enrollment record has not been dropped ([CC]SectionID is not negative).
  • The class enrollment exit date is not before the Class entry date. ([CC]DateLeft is greater than [CC]DateEnrolled).

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools*

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students*

Choose to run the report for the selected number of students or for all students.

Start date for the report*

Enter the start date for the period you want the report to cover. Defaults to the first day of the school year.

End date for the report*

Enter the end date for the period you want the report to cover. Defaults to the last day of the school year.

Include full name and birthdate of studentSelect to share the student's full name and date of birth with DRC based on the data-sharing agreement.
Select Students in GradesSelect students for the report based on their current grade. Not all grades are appropriate for all Tests.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element






The LEA code assigned by the LDOE.

Report the first three digits:

[S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride, if populated

Otherwise, [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode of the school that the student is registered in




The last three digits of the school's site code.

Only last three characters:

[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEASiteCode or




The unique student ID assigned by the state.





Student's last name.

If the Include full name and birthdate of student checkbox is not checked, the last 3 characters of the student's last name is shared.


Allowed Characters: A – Z, a-z Diacritical characters are converted to their alphanumeric equivalent. Examples include but are not limited to: Ã = a, ñ = n, ë or é = e, Ô = o, and Í = i All other non-alphanumeric characters are removed from the field before saving.




Student's first name.

If the Include full name and birthdate of student checkbox is not checked, the first character of the student's first name is shared.


Allowed Characters: A – Z, a-z Diacritical characters are converted to their alphanumeric equivalent. Examples include but are not limited to: Ã = a, ñ = n, ë or é = e, Ô = o, and Í = i All other non-alphanumeric characters are removed from the field before saving.



Student's middle initial.

If the Include full name and birthdate of student checkbox is not checked, the middle initial is not shared.


Allowed Characters: A – Z, a-z Diacritical characters are converted to their alphanumeric equivalent. Examples include but are not limited to: Ã = a, ñ = n, ë or é = e, Ô = o, and Í = i All other non-alphanumeric characters are removed from the field before saving.




The student's gender.
Valid values:
M – Male
F – Female




The student's date of birth.

If the Include full name and birthdate of student checkbox is not checked, the student's date of birth is displayed in this format: 01/DD/1900 with the DD displaying the student’s actual day of birth.





The current grade level of the student.

If [Students]Grade_Level = 9 and [S_LA_STU_TransNinthGrade_X] TransNinthYearID = the current school year ID then report T9




Indicates if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

Set to Y if [Students]FedEthnicity = 1. Otherwise, set to N



Race American Indian Alaska Native

Indicates if the student is American Indian or Alaska Native.

Set to Y if [StudentRace]RaceCD = AA. Otherwise, set to N



Race Asian

Indicates if the student is Asian.

Set to Y if [StudentRace]RaceCD = AS. Otherwise, set to N


13Race Black African American

Indicates if the student is Black or African American.

Set to Y if [StudentRace]RaceCD = BA. Otherwise, set to N


14Race Native Hawaiian Other Pacific Islander

Indicates if the student is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Set to Y if [StudentRace]RaceCD = NO. Otherwise, set to N


15Race White

Indicates if the student is White.

Set to Y if [StudentRace]RaceCD = WH. Otherwise, set to N




Indicates if the student is a migrant.

Currently always "N"



Education Classification

Indicates if the student is a regular education, special education or talented/gifted student.
Valid values:
00 – Regular Education
01 – Special Education
02 – Talented/Gifted

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X]SPEDIndicator or 00 if null


18SpecialEd ExceptionalityIndicates the type exceptionality of the student.Currently, this field is left empty.3


Indicates the level of the student's English proficiency.

Valid values:

  • 01 – Not English Learner
  • 02 – English Learner
  • 04 - English Learner (SIFE)




Indicates if this student qualifies under section 504.

[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X]SPEDIndicator must not be 1 and
[S_LA_STU_504SPED_X]Is504_TF = Y or [S_LA_STU_504SPED_X]ExitDate > run date of the report.



Indicates if this student is classified as homeless.

Set to Y if [S_LA_STU_X]HomelessCode is not null. Otherwise, set to N


22Military AffiliationIndicates if this student has a military affiliation.Set to Y if [S_LA_STU_X]MilitaryAffiliation is not null. Otherwise, set to N1
23Foster CareIndicates if this student is in foster care.

Set to Y if [S_LA_STU_X]AwaitingFosterCare_TF is not null. Otherwise, set to N


Indicates if this is a virtual learning student.

Valid values:

  • 01 - 100% Virtual
  • 02 – 100% In Person
  • 04 - Combination/Hybrid


If there are multiple virtual indicator codes compare with [S_LA_STU_VirtualIndicator_C]EffectiveDate:

If the current date falls within the report start and end date, compare with the report start date.

If the current date is before the report start date, compare with the report start date.

If the current date is after the report end date, compare with the report end date.

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