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Discipline Incident Setup



The following data elements must be defined within Incident Management for the Student Information System (SIS) and Event Collection System reports.

Incident types, as well as incident codes and subcodes, must be set up at the district level prior to creating discipline incidents. In addition, security groups must be granted access to Incident Types in order for staff members to create incidents. See the District Setup section of this documentation and the Incident Management User Guide in PowerSchool Community for more information.

Discipline incidents can be created at the school or district level. If an incident occurs on school grounds, it is recommended to create the incident while logged into that school. If the incident occurs within the district, but is not related to a particular school, then it is recommended to create the incident at the district level.

To access Incident Management for creating incidents, navigate to Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management.


The following rules apply to set up incidents for the Student Information System (SIS) and Event Collection System reports.

  • The incident must be associated with the “LA State Reporting” Incident Type.
  • An Offender must be defined for every incident, even if the perpetrator is unknown (such as graffiti incidents).
  • Select the Primary Behavior checkbox when adding the “most serious offense” to an incident. The primary checkbox must be selected even if there is only one behavior for the incident.
  • For the Discipline (090) record, the Behavior code must be 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, or 007.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Note: Security groups must be granted access to Incident Types in order to create incidents. See the Incident Management Guide on PowerSchool Community for more information. 

Entering Incident Description

Incident Description

Incident ID

This field is view-only. The ID is populated automatically when the incident is first submitted.


Required Setup


Choose a school or the district from the pop-up menu.

Note: This option is only available if the incident is created at the district.


Required Setup

Incident Type

Choose LA State Reporting from the pop-up menu.

[Incident_LU_Code] Code_Type=incidenttypecode


Required Setup

Incident Date

Enter the date that the incident occurred.

Choose the time that the incident occurred from the pop-up menu.


Required Setup

Time Frame

Choose Time Code from the pop-up menu and then choose the appropriate subcode.

[Incident_LU_Sub_Code] State_Detail_Report_Code

Required Setup


Not Required


Optional Setup


Not Required


Optional Setup


Choose Location Code from the pop-up menu and then choose the appropriate subcode.

[Incident_LU_Sub_Code] State_Detail_Report_Code

Required Setup

Created By

The system-generated record of the person logged into PowerSchool who recorded the incident.


System Generated

Created On

The system-generated date and time that the incident was recorded.


System Generated

  1. Click the Plus (+) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.
  2. Enter criteria for the search and click Search.
  3. Highlight the appropriate participant in the search results and click Add.


The full name, school, grade level, gender and type (student or staff member) of the participant.

The identity of the participant is saved in PowerSchool. The race and ethnicity are reported from the student or staff record.

If the participant is unknown, choose Create Other and enter the appropriate information. Define the race and ethnicity, if possible, for the unknown participant using Participant Attributes.

Age and gender attributes are required for unknown victims, but not unknown perpetrators.

Demographic information is not reported for victims; only a count of the number of victims is reported.



Required Setup


Click the Plus (+) button to add a Participant Attribute. Choose the appropriate attribute from the pop-up menu. If an additional menu appears, choose the appropriate subcode.


Required Setup


Choose the role that best describes the participant’s involvement in the incident. Choose the appropriate subcode for Offenders and Victims.

Reporters are not extracted.

Valid values:

  • Victim
  • Offender
  • Witness

Note: In order to assign more than one role, click the Plus (+) sign next to Select Role(s).

If Victim or Offender is chosen, you must also assign a subcode to the participant. Please refer to the Appendix.

[Incident_Person_Role] Role_Incident_Detail_ID

Required Setup

Action Code

Choose the action code from the pop-up menu to represent the disciplinary action taken as a result of the incident.

See the Appendix for valid values.


Required if Applicable

Action Date Range

Enter the Begin Date and the End Date for the disciplinary action.

For reporting purposes, the next in session day after the Action Date Range End Date is reported.



Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Discipline Administered Date

Enter the date that the disciplinary action was administered. If the Action Date Range is populated, then it is recommended to enter the same day as the Action Date Range Begin Date, if possible. Otherwise, this field can be used instead of the Action Date Range.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Corporal Punishment Authorized by 3rd Party

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Corporal Punishment Administrator Last Name

Enter the last name of the administrator responsible for corporal punishment.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Corporal Punishment Administrator Type

Choose the type of administrator who is responsible for the corporal punishment from the pop-up menu.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Corporal Punishment Administrator First Name

Enter the first name of the administrator responsible for corporal punishment.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Manifestation Hearing Date

Enter the manifestation hearing was held for special education students.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Action Attributes:

Minutes Removed

Enter the number of minutes that the student was removed from class as part of the disciplinary action.

[PSRW_ParticipantAttr] Incident_Category

Required if Applicable

Behavior Code

Choose the behavior code from the pop-up menu.

If an additional menu appears, choose the appropriate behavior subcode.

See the Appendix for valid values.


Required Setup

Primary Behavior

Select the checkbox if this is the most severe offense associated with the incident. Select the checkbox even if this is the only behavior, or if there are multiple behaviors associated with the incident.

One behavior is reported per perpetrator. If there are multiple behaviors for the perpetrator, then the first behavior entered may be reported. This method is not reliable, so if you need to report a specific behavior for a perpetrator, it is recommended to only associate one behavior to the perpetrator.

One behavior is reported per incident. Only the primary behavior is reported.

Required Setup
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