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Calculate Truancy


The report lists students with their membership days, Fall and Spring absences, Fall and Spring Tardy counts. The report also updates the Truancy indicator field on the Louisiana State Information page for each student if the "Update the database Truancy Value" is selected before the report is run. The indicator is marked based on the Truancy value calculated on the report output. This report can be run from the District Office.

It is recommended to always refresh your attendance before running the Calculate Truancy Report. Do not run multiple instances of the Calculate Truancy report simultaneously. Do not run DEWS reports while running the Calculate Truancy report.

Recommended Setup Steps

For all the attendance codes in your school, make sure you to check the box to either an attendance code to be counted as Unexcused absence or Unexcused Tardy under the state information section of the new/edit attendance code page.

Student Truancy Flag

A student will have their [S_LA_REN_X]Truant_TF field populated after running the report. The calculation logic of Truancy is as follows:

Calculated Truancy Indicator Code

Calculation Logic


Fall - Students who have more than or equal to 5 unexcused absences OR 5 Unexcused Tardy in the Fall Semester only.


Fall - Students who have more than or equal to 5 unexcused absences OR 5 Unexcused Tardy in the Spring Semester only.


All Year - Students who have more than or equal to 5 unexcused absences OR 5 Unexcused Tardy in both the Fall and Spring Semester.


Not Truant - Students who have not had more than or equal to 5 unexcused absences or 5 unexcused Tardy in any semester.

  • Only the attendance codes that are marked as “Count this attendance code as Unexcused Absence for Truancy Calculation“, will be considered for absence counts.

  • Only the attendance codes that are marked as “Count this attendance code as Unexcused Tardy for Truancy Calculation“, will be considered for Tardy counts.

  • While running the report, if you select the option “Calculate Only Full Day Absences“ checkbox, then any partial absence days are ignored for Calculating the Truancy value.

  • While running the report, there is an option to specify “Spring Start Date“. Any date given will affect the Truancy Calculation as follows:

    • The date range starting from Spring start date to that of the school year end date will be considered as spring semester. Any absence or Tardy that falls under this range will be counted as Spring absence or Spring Tardy.

    • The date range before the Spring start date until the beginning of the school year will be considered as the fall semester. Any absence or Tardy that falls under this range will be counted as Fall absence or Fall Tardy.

  • To arrive at the absence and tardy counts, the report will consider all the enrolments for a student within the district for the selected school year.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student’s school exit date must occur on or after the report start date.

  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.

  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the school entry date (excludes no-shows).

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Spring Start Date

Select the date in which your spring semester starts.

As per state requirements, semesters are defined as two equal parts of the school year.

Update the database Truancy Value

Select to update the values to the database.

If this field is not selected the report is generated without updating the database.

Calculate Only Full Day Absences


Enabled to include only full-day absences and tardy for spring and fall in the report output.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element




Student ID

The student’s internal ID.




The first and last name of the student in the format: last, first.



Latest School

The name of the school where the student is recently enrolled.

[Schools] Name


Membership Days

The number of days the student was enrolled in a school in the district during the selected school year.




Total Fall Semester Unexcused Absences

The number of days the student was unexcused absent during the Fall Semester range.

The report only includes full-day unexcused absences, based on the attendance conversion set up for the school and assigned to the student using their FTE.

  • If Calculate this attendance code as Unexcused absence for Truancy Calculation flag is selected for an attendance code then it counts for Unexcused Absences.

  • If both flags are selected for an attendance code then it is considered for the count of Unexcused Absences.

Review additional information about troubleshooting attendance.




Total Fall Semester Unexcused Tardies

The number of days the student was unexcused Tardies during the Fall Semester range.

If Calculate this attendance code as Unexcused Tardy for Truancy Calculation flag is selected for an attendance code then it counts for Unexcuses Tardies.




Total Spring Semester Unexcused Absences

The number of days the student was unexcused absent during the Spring Semester date range.

  • If Calculate this attendance code as Unexcused absence for Truancy Calculation flag is selected for an attendance code then it counts for Unexcused Absences.

  • If both flags are selected for an attendance code then it is considered for the count of Unexcused Absences.




Total Spring Semester Unexcused Tardies

The number of days the student was unexcused Tardies during the Fall Semester range.

If Calculate this attendance code as Unexcused Tardy for Truancy Calculation flag is selected for an attendance code then it counts for Unexcuses Tardies.




Calculated Truancy Value

The calculated truancy value. Students who have five unexcused absences or five unexcused tardies in the Fall, Spring, or All Year.

Valid values:

  • F - Fall

  • S - Spring

  • A - All Year

  • N - Not Truant

Calculated/ Derived


Override Truancy Value

Values entered to override the calculated truancy value. If a user has set an override Truancy value, it is shown here.

An override value is set, if you manually identify the Calculated Truancy value is incorrect so that the right value can be reported to the state.


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