Transfer Course Transcript
General Information
The publishing logic of the Transfer Course Transcript data is similar to the Course Completion data. Except, publishing of the Student/Teacher section is not required.
For the publishing of the Summer Course Transcript data, the student must have a Historical Grade (StoredGrades table) record.
The grades are entered in the current school year with the below-mentioned method credit earned types with the current school year DEX profile.
Transfer Credit
Transfer Credit Out of State
Transfer Credit Homeschool
Required Setup/Data
The student must not be excluded from State Reporting.
The Stored Grade record must not be Excluded From Publishing.
The Term Types must be mapped under the Code Set Mapping.
The Course Completion Mapping must be done.
The Course Grade Mapping must be done.
The Final Grade Mapping must be done.
The Stored Grade School ID must be correctly associated with the record.
If the stored grade record has been created manually, then the State Course Code must be associated with it.
The value in the Method Credit Earned field must be one of the Transfer Credit Types.
The Publishing Year and the Publishing Term associated with the historical grade must be the current school year.
A valid grade scale must be associated with the historical grade and must be mapped correctly. If not, the grade scale override must be used to associate a valid grade scale.
Publishing Logic
The Transfer Course transcript records do not need a student section or a staff section associated. If the student has a valid school enrollment record the data should publish correctly.
The Transfer Course transcript record will be published based on the Stored Grade School ID available under the Indiana State Information section on the Stored Grades page and it must be the same as the school ID of the valid school enrollment record for the data to get published correctly.
The Publishing Year and the Publishing Term are based on the Final Grade Mapping, so the Transfer Course Transcript Record will be published based on the associated year and term.