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Screening - Oral and Vision/Color

Navigation: Select Student > Health >Sreenings

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendix for documentation of valid values.

Add Vision and Color Screening

IL Examination Report Element

Data Element

Additional Information


Screening Details

Screening Provider Name


Date of exam

Screening Date

Date at which screening was done



Grade Level


Screening Provider Type


Vision and Color



Screening for Astigmatism




Screening for Amblyopia




Screening for Pathology


Combination of Findings

Combination of Findings

Screening for Combination of Findings

[S_IL_HSV_X]Combination of Findings



Screening for Other vision concerns.


Vision Referral Date


Recommendations -Corrective lenses

Vision Aid


Uncorrected visual acuity - Distance (Right)

Right Eye Vision Test Result

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Uncorrected visual acuity - Distance (Left)

Left Eye Vision Test Result

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Uncorrected visual acuity - Distance (Both)

Both Eyes Test Result

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Best corrected visual acuity - Distance (Right)

Right Eye Result w/ Correction

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Best corrected visual acuity - Distance (Left)

Left Eye Result w/ Correction

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Best corrected visual acuity - Distance (Both)

Both Eyes Result w/ Correction

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Uncorrected visual acuity - Near

Uncorrected visual activity (Near) both

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Best corrected visual acuity - Near

Best corrected visual activity (Near) both

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Was refraction performed with dilation?

Was refraction performed with dilation?



External exam (lids, lashes, cornea, etc.)

External exam (lids, lashes, cornea, etc.)

Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

External Exam Comments



Internal exam (vitreous, lens, fundus, etc.) 

Internal exam (vitreous, lens, fundus, etc.) 

Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

Internal Exam Comments



Pupillary reflex (pupils) 

Pupillary reflex (pupils) 

Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

Pupillary reflex Comments



Accomodation and Vergence

Accommodation and Vergence 

Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

Accommodation and Vergence Comments



Glaucoma evaluation 

Glaucoma evaluation 

Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

Glaucoma evaluation Comments



Oculomotor assessment 

Oculomotor assessment 

Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

Oculomotor assessment Comments





Dropdown with values - Normal, Abnormal & Not Able to Access

Details on any other examination taken



Ocular history

Ocular history


Normal and Positive for details



Medical history

Medical history


Normal and Positive for details



Drug allergies

Drug allergies


Normal and Positive for details



Other information

Other information

Text Box


Muscle Balance

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Examination - Color vision

Color Blind Test Result

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:


Vision Aid

Text box with details of corrective lenses if recommended



Outcome & Comment

Screening Outcome

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element, such as LeftEyeTestCode)





Preferential seating recommended

Preferential seating recommended


Textbox - Details



Corrective lenses

Corrective lenses


Textbox - Details



Recommend re-examination

Recommend re-examination


Textbox - Details



Oral Health Screening

IL Examination Report Element

Data Element

Additional Information


Screening Details

Date of Most Recent Examination

Screening Date


Screening Provider Name


Screening Provider Type

See the Appendix for valid values for this field

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)


Grade Level



Check Services provided at Examination Date 

Services provided at Screening Date

Checkbox for following (Multiple checkbox can be checked)

Dental Clleaning


Flouride Treatment

Restoration of teeth due to Caries

Value stored in each field is 1 or 0





Oral Health Status


Dental Sealants Present on Permanent Molars

Dental Sealant Present

Dropdown with value - Yes, No



Dropdown with value - Yes, No


Caries Experience / Restoration History

History of  Caries Present

Dropdown with value - Yes, No


Untreated Caries 

Untreated Caries Present

Dropdown with value - Yes, No


Urgent Treatment

Treatment Urgency

See the Appendix for valid values for this field

Dropdown with value - Yes, No

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Outcome & Comments

Screening Outcome

See the Appendix for valid values for this field




Additional comments



Treatment Needs

Treatment Needs

check all that apply. For Head Start Agencies, please also list appointment date or date of most recent treatment completion date.

Restorative Care - Checkbox & Date

Restorative Care - Checkbox & Date

For amalgams, composites, crowns, etc

Checkbox checked if treatment needed

Date to be updated when the treatment is needed



Preventive Care - Checkbox & Date

Preventive Care - Checkbox & Date

For sealants, fluoride treatment, prophyl

Checkbox checked if treatment needed

Date to be updated when the treatment is needed



 Pediatric Dentist Referral Recommended - Checkbox & Date

 Pediatric Dentist Referral Recommended - Checkbox & Date

Checkbox checked if treatment needed

Date to be updated when the treatment is needed



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