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Health and Immunization

On this Page:

Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup

Classic Navigation: Start Page > District Setup > District Information > IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup

Select the IL Health and Immunization Codes and Subcodes Setup

  • Click Load Codes/Subcodes checkbox.

  • Click Submit when the following message appears. "This will insert the health and immunization codes. Do you want to proceed?"
    The health codes and subcodes are now loaded.

  • If needed, click Reset to make changes to the IL Health and Immunization Code and Subcodes.


Load Health CodeSet

Navigation: Start Page > District Setup > District Information > Load Health CodeSet

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

Load Health CodeSet

Click Load Health CodeSet to select the Health Codesets and click Submit.



Once you have successfully set up the health codesets, and when you go back to the same page, the Reset option is visible to reset the health codesets. 



Enter Vaccine Information

The Immunizations and Exemptions setup in the  PowerSchool Health module helps you to capture student's immunization data.

You may need to specify the vaccine dosage given to each student.

Navigation: Start Page  > District Setup >Health Setup > Immunization > Vaccines

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Vaccine Name (Code) (Dose)

Enter the name of the vaccine.

The following vaccines must be set up

  • Polio (IPV, OPV)


  • MMR

  • Hepatitis B 

  • Haemophilus Influenza Type B 

  • Invasive Pneumococcal Disease

  • Varicella (Chickenpox) 

  • Invasive Meningococcal Disease 


  • The following vaccines should also be seeded but with the optional flag set ON:

      • Hepatitis A 

      • Influenza 

      • HPV

      • PolioOPV

      • Tdap/Td

      • Td

      • DT

      • Measles

      • Rubella

      • Mumps

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for a complete list of vaccine values.




Vaccine Code

Enter the vaccine code or abbreviation.

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codesfor valid values.




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codesfor valid values.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this vaccine, if applicable. 

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codesfor valid values.

Note:  Do not populate this field with a value other than what is specified in Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes. If you add a vaccine that is not listed there, leave the State Report Code blank.




Number of Doses

Enter the number of doses required for this vaccine. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codesfor valid values.

Note:   If your district requires more doses than what was set up by PowerSchool, you can increase the number of doses manually.





Enter a description of the vaccine.




This vaccine is optional

Select if the vaccine is not required.



Required Setup

Rules Engine

The rules engine is available to automatically determine whether a student is compliant with a vaccine.

Each vaccine can only be bound to one rule. Once a vaccine is bound to a rule, the Unbind rule checkbox is available in the Edit Vaccine dialog box.




Enter Exemption Types

Health Setup > Immunizations > Exemption Types

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the PowerSchool installer. Currently, deleting these codes also deletes the immunization rules attached to the code. Until further notice, it is recommended that you do not delete seeded data elements; instead, enter any additional values manually. 

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Exemption Name

Enter the name of the exemption type.

The following exemption types must set up:

  • Medical Schedule

  • Medical Constrain Indicated

  • Religious

  • Compliance under the McKinney-Vento Act.

See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Codes for a complete list of immunization exemption type values.




Exemption Code

Enter the exemption type code or abbreviation.

  • MedSch

  • Med

  • Rel

  • CMcAct




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this exemption type, if applicable.





Navigation: District Setup > Health: Health Setup > Screenings

Note: Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See the Appendixfor documentation of valid values.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Screening Outcome

  • Lead Waiver Reason

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Not Required


Click Hearing to add or edit hearing screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Left Ear Test Result

  • Right Ear Test Result

  • Test Type

  • Screening Outcome

  • Hearing Waiver Reason

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element, such as LeftEarTestCode)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)


Not Required

Oral Health

Click Oral Health to add or edit oral health screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

    • Screening Provider Type

    • Treatment Urgency

    • Screening Outcome

    • Oral Health Waiver Reason

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)



Oral Screen


Click Tuberculosis to add or edit tuberculosis screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Chest X-ray Impression

  • Skin Test Result

  • Skin Test Type

  • Blood Test Result

  • Blood Test Type

  • Screening Outcome

  • Tuberculosis Waiver Reason


(Screening Element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)



Vision and Color

Click Vision and Color to add or edit vision and color screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Color Blind Test Result

  • Left Eye Test Result

  • Right Eye Test Result

  • Screening Outcome

  • Wavier Reason

  • Left Eye Test Result - With Correction

  • Right Eye Test Result - With Correction

  • Both Eyes Test Result

  • Both Eyes Test Result - With Correction

  • Muscle Balance

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element, such as LeftEyeTestCode)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)




Not Required

Vital Signs/Biometrics

Click Vital Signs/Biometrics to add or edit vital signs/biometrics screening elements.

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:

  • Screening Provider Type

  • Weight Status

  • Screening Outcome

  • Vital Signs/Biometrics Waiver Reason

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType (Screening element)

[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory (user-defined display value)



Not Required

Grade Level Entry Certification

The student must meet all the requirements for entry-level (first time Kindergarten or 1st grade, prior to entering grade 6 or grade 9)- Physical examination and Certificate of Religious Objection (if applicable) must be provided. You need to create a record for every student entering these levels and set the certification status to be used by the reports to indicate if the student is compliant or not compliant.

Grade Level Entry Certification

Navigation: Start Page  > District Setup > Health Setup > Grade Level Entry Certification

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Grade Level

Click Add and choose a grade level from the menu. The grade level appears in a menu on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page as available for certification.

  • Kindergarten: KG Grade - Certification

  • 1st Grade: 1st Grade - Certification

  • 6th Grade:  6th Grade - Certification

  • 9th Grade: 9th Grade - Certification

See the Appendix for a complete list of certification status values.

Note: If your District requires additional grade certifications, you can add additional certifications beyond those that were seeded.



Enter a description for the grade level entry certification.


Certification Status Values

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Display Value

Enter the display value for this data element. The value will display as a Certification Status on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page.

  • All Requirements Met

  • Currently up-to-date, but more doses due later

  • Missing Certificate of Religious Objection   

  • Missing Physical Examination

  • Out of compliance  (Other reason)

  • Compliance due to Religious Objection

  • Compliance under the McKinney-Vento Act

See the Appendix for a complete list of certification status values.


State Report Name

Enter the name of the report


State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this grade level certification status, if applicable.


Code Sets

The IL Code Sets setup seeded into the PowerSchool Health module provides the standardized setup for the implementation of the IL Health Examination

Navigation: Start Page  > District Setup > Health Setup > Code Sets

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports


Choose the Concern from the list:

  • Allergies

  • Dietary Restrictions

  • Mental Health




Not Required


Choose the medication prescribed:

  • Antibiotics

  • Asthma Inhalers

    • Asthma Quick-relief medication

    • Asthma Controlled Medication

  • Insulin

  • Other







Not Required

Alternative Proof of Immunity

The IL Alternate Proof of Immunity setup seeded into the PowerSchool Health module provides the standardized setup for the implementation of the IL Health Examination

Navigation: Start Page  > District Setup > Health Setup > CodeSets > Immunity Proof

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:



[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports


Clinical Diagnosis 


Not Required


Clinical Diagnosis and Laboratory Evidence

[Codeset]ClinicalDiagnosisLaboratory Evidence

Not Required


Laboratory Evidence of Immunity 


Not Required


History - Parent/Guardian


Not Required

Lab Tests

The IL Lab Tests setup seeded into the PowerSchool Health module provides the standardized setup for the implementation of the IL Health Examination

Navigation: Start Page  > District Setup > Health Setup > CodeSets > Lab Tests

See the Appendix for valid values for the following elements:



[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports


Hemoglobin or Hematocrit


Not Required




Not Required


Sickle Cell (when indicated)


Not Required


Developmental Screening Tool


Not Required

Lab Tests

Add Lab Test

As part of the child health examination, you can record the lab tests for students in your school.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Health > Lab Tests

Field Name


[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

Add Lab Test

Click Add and choose a Test from the dropdown list.

  • Hemoglobin or Hematocrit

  • Urinalysis

  • Sickle Cell (when indicated)

  • Developmental Screening Tool


Test Date

Enter the lab test date.



Enter the lab test result.


Health History

The Health History page helps you collect data about the student's health history.  You can capture one record per student.

Navigation:  Start Page > Student Selection > Health > Health History.

Enhanced UI Navigation: Student >Health > Health Profile > IL Health History and Lab Test Page.


Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Field Type

Field Length

Diagnosis of Asthma? 

Select this option if the student is diagnosed with Asthma.

Add a comment if needed.




Child wakes up during the night coughing?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Birth defects?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Development delay?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.





Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Blood disorders? Hemophilia, Sickle Cell, Other?  Explain

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Head injury/Concussion/Passed out?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Seizures?  What are they like?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Heart problem/Shortness of breath?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Heart murmur/High blood pressure?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Dizziness or chest pain with exercise?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Loss of function of one of the paired organs? (eye/ear/kidney/testicle)

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Hospitalizations?  When?  What for?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Surgery?  (List all.)  When?  What for?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Serious injury or illness?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




TB skin test positive (past/present)?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




TB disease (past or present)?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Tobacco use (type, frequency)?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Alcohol/Drug use?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Family history of sudden death before age 50?  (Cause?)

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Ear/Hearing problems?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Bone/Joint problem/injury/scoliosis?

Select this option if this applies to the student.

Add a comment if needed.




Eye/Vision problems? 

Select the options that apply to the student.

  • Glasses

  • Contacts

  • Eye Examination

  • Eye Concerns Other (crossed eye, drooping lids, squinting, difficulty reading)  







Select the options that apply to the student.

  • Braces

  • Bridge

  • Plate

  • Other








Add Diabetic Screening

As part of the child health examination, you can perform diabetes screening for students in your school.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Health  > Monitoring > Diabetic Screening.

Data Element



Used in these Reports


Click Add to add diabetic screening for the selected student.

Enter details for:

  • BMI

  • Age

  • Sex 


Family History

Select if the student has a family history of Diabetics.


Ethnic Minority

 Select if the student belongs to an ethnic minority.


Signs of Insulin Resistance

Select if the student has insulin resistance



Select if the student is at risk for diabetics.


PE Waiver

Add Program Waiver

As part of the child health examination, you can capture data if a student is excused/waived from participation in Physical Education or Interscholastic Sports or may have a modified program.

Navigation: Navigation: Start > Student > Student Selection > Health > PE Waiver

Data Element



Used in these Reports

Modified Program

Click Add to add PE waiver for the selected student

  • Select Modified Program

  • Enter the Start Date and End Date for the waiver.

  • Enter Modified By

  • Add Comments if any.


Interscholastic Sports

  • Select Interscholastic Sports

  • Enter the Start Date and End Date for the waiver.

  • Enter Modified By

  • Add Comments if any.


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