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School Setup



The following data elements are required for school setup.

Start Page > School Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click School. The school list appears.
  2. Select a school. The school Start Page appears.
  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name


Used in these Reports


Enter the attendance code abbreviation.


Max 6

IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card


Enter the attendance code description.


Max 20

IL Attendance Audit

IL IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Presence Status

Select Present or Absent as the presence status.



IL Attendance Audit

IL IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card


Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades.


Max 4

IL Attendance Audit

IL End of YearIL IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Teacher can assign

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the teacher can assign the attendance code.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of YearIL IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

This attendance code is considered in ADA calculations

Select if the attendance code affects attendance calculation.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

This attendance code counts toward membership

Select if the attendance code affects membership calculation.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Sort order for display

Choose the sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

IL Attendance Code Mapping

Select an option:

  • N/A (default to blank)
  • DC (Detention Centre)
  • PR (Present)
  • EX (Excused Absence)
  • UX (Unexcused Absence)
  • MH (Medically Homebound)
  • HP (Hospitalized)
  • EL (E-Learning)
  • RL (Remote Learning)
  • EM (Mental Health)


  • All codes to be reported on the Student Attendance report must be mapped.
  • If needed, create additional attendance codes to manage Hospitalized and Medically Homebound and differentiate between the traditional Present (PR) and absent codes.
    • For instance, a student who is hospitalized but continues to receive services should be considered Present. It is suggested to create a code label Hospitalized, with Services, and map the code to the state code PR (attendance type = Present to have the code reflect as Present in your ADA/ADM counts). If a student is hospitalized and does NOT receive services, it is suggested to create a code labeled Hospitalized, no Services, and map it to the state code HP (attendance type = Absent).
    • The same is true for Medically Homebound. If a student is medically homebound and receives services, it is suggested to create a code label Homebound, with Services, and map it to the state code PR (attendance to = Present). If a student is medically homebound and does NOT receive services, it is suggested to create a code labeled Homebound, no Services and map it to the state code MH (attendance type = Absent).
  • All codes with the value "Present" should be mapped to the following (only for students in these environments)
    • EL (E-Learning)
    • RL (Remote Learning)

IL Exiting Students

IL Student Attendance

Note: Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year.


Enter the attendance code category abbreviation.




Enter the name of the attendance code category.




Enter a description for the attendance code category.



Sort Order

Choose the sort order to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page.



Note: The Default attendance conversion and subsequent full-time equivalencies and attendance conversion items are a suggested implementation of the ISBE 300 minute rule for school days of at least 5 hours. Use them as a guideline for setting up attendance for your district.


Enter the attendance conversion name.

See Time Attendance Conversion Items for valid values.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=periodday



Required for schools using period/meeting attendance

Enter Code-To-Day Attendance Conversions


The code for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday


Note: The value in the Input_Value field is the ID of an attendance code in the [Attendance_Code] table.


Required for schools using daily attendance

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday



Required for schools using daily attendance

Enter Time-To-Day Attendance Conversions

Minutes Present

Enter the minutes for the time attendance conversion item.

See Time Attendance Conversion Items for valid values.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=timeDay



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Day Attendance Value

Enter the attendance value for the time attendance conversion item.

See Time Attendance Conversion Items for valid values.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=timeDay



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) > [New/Edit] Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)


Enter the FTE name.

See Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) for valid values.


Max 80

IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Default Attendance Mode

Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE.

See Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) for valid values.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Default Attendance Conversion

Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE.

See Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE) for valid values.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Attendance Recording Methods

Select Meeting to enable meeting attendance.

Select Daily to enable daily attendance.






IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Count these codes for period conversion

Choose the absence or present codes that should count for period-to-day attendance conversions.

Note: This option determines whether to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions.




IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card


Enter the bell schedule name.



Required Setup

Attendance Conversion Method

Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule.



Required Setup


Choose the period associated with the bell schedule item.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Start Time

Enter the start time of the bell schedule item.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

End Time

Enter the end time of the bell schedule item.

Note: Bell schedule items/period times must not overlap in the bell schedule.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card

Counts for ADA

Select to include attendance recorded for the bell schedule item in attendance calculations.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card


The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of the current school year.



Not Applicable

Cycle Day

Choose the appropriate cycle day.



Required Setup

Bell Schedule

Choose the appropriate bell schedule.



Required Setup

School In Session

Select to count the calendar day in attendance calculation.



Required Setup

Membership Value

Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership.

Note: The value is normally 1 for each day.



Required Setup

Tracks In-Session

Select the appropriate tracks.

[Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, F


Required Setup


Choose the appropriate calendar membership type.



Required Setup


Enter a note to describe the calendar day.



Required Setup

Exclude from SCA/OCA/TCA

Select to exclude the course from the SCA/OCA/TCA reports.

The report looks first at [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting. If blank, this field is honored for the exclusion.



IL Course Assignment

IL Teacher Course Assignment

State Course Code

Enter the unique code assigned by the ISBE to identify a state course. This unique code consists of three parts:

  • Subject Area
  • Course Identifier within that Subject Area
  • State-generated alphanumeric identifier

For example the course State General Math I is coded as 02002A000, where 02 represents Subject Area Mathematics, 002 represents the Course Identifier, and A000 represents the State Identifier.



IL Course Assignment

IL Teacher Course Assignment

Course Level

Choose the code that identifies the course’s level of rigor.

See Course Level for valid values.



IL Course Assignment

Course Set

Choose the code that indicates the location of the course instruction.

See Course Setting for valid values.



IL Course Assignment

Articulated Credit

Select Yes if articulated college credit is awarded at the college to students who successfully complete a course/program while in high school and meet all college requirements outlined in the Articulation Agreement. College credit is available through a written agreement between the high school and the college.

Select No if students receive high school credit only.



IL Course Assignment

Dual Credit

Select Yes if the student receives both high school and college credit for completion of the course.

Select No if the student receives only high school credit for completion of the course.

[S_IL_CRS_X]Dual Credit


IL Course Assignment

Language Course Was Taught In

Indicates the language in which the course was taught.

 [S_IL_SGR_X]Language_Course_Taught 3 IL Course Assignment
Competency-Based Education

Indicates whether the course is considered competency-based education.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Yes
  • 02 - No
 [S_IL_SGR_X]Competency_Based_Ed 2IL Course Assignment

Course Number

Enter the course number for the section.


Max 11

SRC Validation


Select the period and cycle for this class section.


[Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID


SRC Validation

Add Lead Teacher/Additional Staff

Sections > [select course] > [select section/New] > Edit Section > Teacher - Section Lead and/or Teachers Staff - Additional

  1. Click Add to add a teacher.
  2. Under Actions, click the notes icon to enter additional teacher information.

Note: Information entered here overrides teacher and co-teacher information entered on the Teacher Course Assignment Tracking Records pages.

StaffSelect the teacher's name



IL Teacher Course Assignment
% Allocation

Enter the teacher's allocation for the section as a percentage.

Note: The only time % Allocation is not 100% for a lead teacher or co-teacher in a section is when that teacher is partially scheduled to teach that section (for example, 3 of 5 days a week) or when the teacher only comes in half-way through the section for pull-out student intervention on a regular basis.

IL Teacher Course Assignment

Define Staff Actions

Sections > [select course] > [select section/New] > Edit Section > Teacher - Section Lead and/or Teachers Staff - Additional > Actions

Under Actions, click the notes icon to enter further information about the teacher.

Note: Information entered here overrides teacher and co-teacher information entered on the Teacher Course Assignment Tracking Records pages.

NotesEnter any comments about the teacher.

Role of Professional

Choose the role of the teacher of the section.

Note: Use the current value on the Staff page. If the field on the Staff page is blank, the value 200 - Teacher extracts on reports.

See Role of Professional for valid values.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

Teacher Course Start Date

Enter the first date of attendance for this teacher.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

Teacher Course End DateIf applicable, enter the last date of attendance for this teacher.[S_IL_STC_X]Override_STC_Start_Date10IL Teacher Course Assignment

Exit Reason

If applicable, choose the reason the teacher stopped teaching the course.

See Reason for Exit for valid values.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

Section Number

Enter the section number.


Max 10

SRC Validation

IL Teacher Course Assignment

Grade Level

Enter the grade level for the section.



School Report Card

SRC Validation

Current Enrollment

The number of students currently enrolled in this course section.


Max 10

SRC Validation

Exclude from Attendance

Select to exclude the section from counting towards ADM/ADA for students.



School Report Card

Illinois State Information

Exclude from Reports

Select to exclude the section from the section or enrollment totals.



School Report Card

SRC Validation

Teacher Course Assignment


Select to identify the section as a core academic subject.

Note: Core academic subjects consist of English/language arts, mathematics, science, civics, government, economics, history, geography, foreign language and fine arts.



School Report Card

SRC Validation

Core Subject (if Core)

Choose the core subject for the section.

[S_IL_SEC_X]Core Subject


School Report Card

SRC Validation

Highly Qualified Teacher

Select to identify the section as being taught by a Highly Qualified Teacher.



School Report Card

SRC Validation

Average Minutes Per Week

Enter the average minutes per week.

Note: For grades 3, 6 and 8, the average minutes per week of instruction are calculated for English, Science, Mathematics, and Social Science.



School Report Card

SRC Validation

Course Classification
  • Prior to Secondary

  • Secondary 

[S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Classification2TCA Report

Course Level

Choose the code that identifies the course’s level of rigor.

See Course Level for valid values.



IL Course Assignment

Course Set

Choose the code that indicates the location of the course instruction.

See Course Setting for valid values.



IL Course Assignment

Articulated Credit

Select Yes if articulated college credit is awarded at the college to students who successfully complete a course/program while in high school and meet all college requirements outlined in the Articulation Agreement. College credit is available through a written agreement between the high school and the college.

Select No if students receive high school credit only.



IL Course Assignment

Dual Credit

Select Yes if the student receives both high school and college credit for completion of the course.

Select No if the student receives only high school credit for completion of the course.



IL Course Assignment

Serving Location RCDTS

Enter the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the school at which the teacher is teaching.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

IPEDS Number

Select the IPEDS number from the list provided.  IPEDS is the acronym for Integrated Postsecondary Education System.

The IPEDS list can be found at

Note: The IPEDS code for Dominican University (148496) is available in the IPEDS dropdown menu when creating or updating sections and Historical Grades for students.



IL Course Assignment

Language Course Was Taught In

Indicates the language in which the course was taught.

 [S_IL_SGR_X]Language_Course_Taught 3 IL Course Assignment
Competency Based Education

Indicates whether the course is considered competency-based education.

Valid values:

  • 01 - Yes
  • 02 - No
 [S_IL_SGR_X]Competency_Based_Ed 2IL Course Assignment

Start Date

Enter the first date of attendance for this teacher.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Note: Required only for year terms.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

End Date

Enter the first date of attendance for this teacher.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Note: Required only for year terms.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

Select a Teacher

Choose the teacher for the section.



IL Teacher Course Assignment

Teacher to Course Commitment

Enter the teacher’s course commitment during the duration of the course.

Valid values:

0.00 to 1.00

[S_IL_SEC_Teacher_Tracking_C] Teacher_Commitment


IL Teacher Course Assignment

Role of Professional

Choose the role of the teacher of the section.

Note: Use the current value on the Staff page. If the field on the Staff page is blank, the value 200 - Teacher extracts on reports.

See Role of Professional for valid values.

[S_IL_SEC_Teacher_Tracking_C] Role_of_Professional


IL Teacher Course Assignment

Reason for Exit

Choose the reason the teacher exited the course.

See Reason for Exit for valid values.

[S_IL_SEC_Teacher_Tracking_C] Reason_for_Exit


IL Teacher Course Assignment

Name of Term

Enter the name of the term.



IL Attendance Audit

IL End of Year

General State Aid Claim

School Report Card


Enter an abbreviation for the term.




First Day of Term

Enter the first day of the term.



Required Setup

Last Day of Term

Enter the last day of the term.



Required Setup

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