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Regional Safe School Program (RSSP) Information

Enter Regional Safe School Program (RSSP) Information

Navigation: State/Province – IL, RSSP

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

Student Information

State Student ID

The state student ID from the ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page (Demo tab).


Local SAS ID

The local SAS ID of the student to whom the student ID belongs.


Last Name

The student's legal last name. If the legal first name is blank, the first name is reported.



First name

The student's legal last name. If the legal first name is blank, the first name is reported.



Birth Date

The student's birth date.


RCDTS Home School Number (School Level)

The school-level home school RCDTS number.

If applicable, a home school override number can be entered for individual RSSP records.


RCDTS Serving School Number

The school-level serving school RCDTS number.

If applicable, a serving school override number can be entered for individual RSSP records.


Regional Safe School Program

RSSP Start Date

Enter the date the student began the Regional Safe School Program


RCDTS Home School Override

If applicable, enter the student-level RCDTS home school override.


RCDTS Serving School Override

If applicable, enter the student-level RCDTS serving school override.


Reason for Referral

Choose the reason the student was referred to the Regional Safe Schools Program.


Eligibility Status

Choose the student's RSSP eligibility status.


GED Tutoring

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in an instructional program to obtain a GED certificate.



Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student receives additional instructional services to supplement regular instruction.


GED Test Successfully Completed

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student successfully completed a GED test.


Curriculum Related Employment

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is employed or working in a position that is related to the curriculum.


Date of Alternate Education Plan

Enter the start date of the student's alternate education plan.


Behavior Modification

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is involved in behavior management/conflict resolution training that helps students improve their behavior, manage stress, control anger, and make better choices.


Community Service

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student participates in community service.


Individual/Group Counseling

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student receives individual or group counseling that relates to social, emotional, or health problems.


Life Skills Training

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student receives life skills training, which may include decision-making, social skills, cultural awareness, financial management, or other skills.



Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student receives coaching and guidance to help achieve career or education goals. A mentor can be a peer, an older student, a staff member, or a community member employed in the career field in which the student is interested.


Parenting Classes for Parents

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student's parents/guardians take parenting classes provided by the RSSP or by referral to another agency.


Referral to Social Services

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student has been referred to social services provided by government agencies, public or private social service agencies, or community-based organizations.


School to Work

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is involved in career development training, skills training, or activities offered by the school to prepare students for employment.


RSSP End Date

Enter the date the student exited the Regional Safe School Program.


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