Immigrant Information
View Immigrant Information
Navigation: State/Province – IL, Immigrant tab
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Used in these Reports |
| The state student ID from the ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page (Demo tab). | [Students]State_StudentNumber | IL Immigrant |
| The student number. | [Students]Student_Number | IL Immigrant |
| The legal last name of the student to whom the student ID belongs. If the legal last name is blank, the last name is reported. | [Students]Last_Name or [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Last_Name | IL Immigrant |
| The legal first name of the student to whom the student ID belongs. If the legal first name is blank, the first name is reported. | [Students]First_Name or [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_First_Name | IL Immigrant |
| The birth date of the student. | [Students]DOB | IL Immigrant |
| The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the extract. | [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School | IL Immigrant |
| The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the extract. | [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Serving_School [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School | IL Immigrant |
| The code for the country in which the student was born. Click the (codes) link to view the codes and their corresponding countries. | [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Birth_Place | IL Immigrant |
| The student's first date of entry into a U.S. school. | [S_IL_STU_X] First_Date_Into_US_School | IL Immigrant |