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IL Student Attendance Audit Report



The IL Student Attendance Audit Report provides two views of the attendance data submitted to the DOE: Aggregate and Detailed. Both formats include attendance totals for students in the current year who are either enrolled in a single school, have concurrent enrollments, or who transferred mid-year. The attendance counts reflect the reported value on the IL Student Attendance Report V2 as submitted to ISBE (that is, without the PDA value applied to the calculation). The report does, however, display Percent Day Attendance (PDA) in a separate column for each student for the present or absent day calculations.

In the Aggregate report, attendance totals are displayed by student, for each RCDTS Home school. The Aggregate report is output in .csv format, sorted by RCDTS Home School.

In the Detail report, attendance totals are displayed by student, per day, for each RCDTS Home School. The Detailed report is output in .csv format, sorted by student, and then by RCDTS Home School.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

School Selection

The report selects which school records to use based on the following criteria:

  • School must be associated with a student included in the report.
  • School must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • School must not be excluded from IL attendance reporting.

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • Student must have at least one day of attendance in the selected reporting date range, regardless of whether their enrollment is still active.
  • No Show students are not included.
  • Student must not be excluded from state reporting.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Attendance Mode

Choose an attendance mode:

  • Use Defaults - the report uses the Attendance Mode set up for Attendance Tracking and Notification
  • Daily / Time to Day - the report uses the daily time to day attendance conversion
  • Meeting / Time to Day - the report uses the meeting time to day attendance conversion
  • Meeting / Period to Day - the report uses the meeting period to day attendance conversion

Schools to Include

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • Selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

    If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

RCDTS Number (Override)

To generate the report for a specific RCDTS school, enter the school's RCDTS number.

Select District


(Optional) If this option appears, select the District for which you want to run the report.

Report Start Date

Enter the start date for the reporting period.

If a month is selected above, ensure the start and end dates are the days within that one month. If no month is selected, start and end dates can span several months.

Report End Date

Enter the end date for the reporting period.

If a month is selected above, ensure the start and end dates are the days within that one month. If no month is selected, start and end dates can span several months.

Report Option

Select one of the options:

Aggregate - Totals are displayed by student per RCDTS home school, sorted by RCDTS Home school.

Detailed - Totals are displayed by student per day, for each RCDTS Home School, sorted by student and then by RCDTS Home School.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Student ID

The student identification code assigned to each student in your district by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This field should be blank for a student upon first submission. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page; State/Provincial Reporting - IL > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.






The PowerSchool student identification code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Legal Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is left blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is reported.


If blank, [Students]Last_Name




Legal First Name

The legal first name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is left blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is reported.


If blank, [Students]First_Name




Birth Date

The student’s birth date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





RCDTS for Home School

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




RCDTS for Serving School

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

Students who are dual enrolled may have multiple months with different serving schools.


If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Serving_School



8Enrollment DateThe student's school enrollment start date for the current year.[Students]EntryDateAlpha-numeric15
9Attendance Date
The date of the student's attendance record.

10Total Days Present

The number of days or partial days the student was present. The number is represented as a decimal. The precision is 3 decimal points.

Attendance days are not divided between different enrollments. For example, if a student is present for .5 of the day at the home school and is present for .5 of the day at a concurrent enrollment, both the regular enrollment and the concurrent enrollment would have a value of 1.000 reported in the present days calculation, regardless of the percentage of time the student spent at each enrollment. The same is true for the absent days calculation.

Calculated using the following PowerSchool Core tables:







11Excused Absences

The number of days or partial days that the student was absent with cause, by month. The number is represented as a decimal. The precision is 3 decimal points.

See Present and Absent Day Calculations for details on how absent days are calculated.

Calculated using the following PowerSchool Core tables:







12Unexcused Absences

The number of days or partial days that the student was absent without cause, by month. The number is represented as a decimal. The precision is 3 decimal points.

Calculated using the following PowerSchool Core tables:







13Days Medically Homebound

The number of days or partial days that the student was considered absent and did not complete any schoolwork due to being medically homebound. The number is represented as a decimal. The precision is 3 decimal points.

Note: A student is counted in this field only if the student is not receiving any district services on that particular day due to being too ill to complete schoolwork, having a conflicting medical appointment, etc. For example, a student who works with a district tutor at home would be marked as Present and factor into Total Days Present, not Days Medically Homebound.

Calculated using the following PowerSchool Core tables:







14Days Hospitalized

The number of days or partial days that the student was absent due to hospitalization. The number is represented as a decimal. The precision is 3 decimal points.

Calculated using the following PowerSchool Core tables:







15PDAPercent of Day Attended. The percent of the day that the student attended school for the date range specified in the report input.

Calculated using fields in [S_IL_ENR_AddFTE_S]

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