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Birth to 3 Information

Enter Birth to 3 Information

Navigation: State/Province – IL, Birth to 3 tab

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

State Student ID

The state student ID from the ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page (Demo tab).


Birth to 3

Local SAS ID

The student number.


Birth to 3

Last Name

The legal last name of the student to whom the student ID belongs. If the legal last name is blank, the last name is reported.



[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Last_Name

Birth to 3

First Name

The legal first name of the student to whom the student ID belongs. If the legal first name is blank, the first name is reported.



[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_First_Name

Birth to 3

Birth Date

The birth date of the student.


Birth to 3

RCDTS Home School

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school.

If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the extract.



Birth to 3

RCDTS Serving School Number

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s serving school.

If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the extract.



Birth to 3

EI Number

Enter the student's early intervention identification number.


Birth to 3

Program Model

Select the applicable program.


Birth to 3

Service Location (Modality) for Prevention Initiative Programs

Select the applicable service location.


Birth to 3

Screening for Eligibility tool

Select the screening for eligibility tool.


Birth to 3

Total Number of Home Visits During the year

Enter the total number of visits for the year.


Birth to 3

Total Number of Parent Groups/Sessions Attended During the Year

Enter the total number of parent groups/sessions the student's parent(s) attended during the year.


Birth to 3

Total Number of Hours Student Spent in DCFS Licensed Child Care Center

If applicable, enter the total number of hours the student spent in a DCFS licensed child care center.


Birth to 3

Student Born with Low Birth Weight

Select if the student was born with low birth weight.


Birth to 3

Was Parent Married at the time of Student's Birth

Select if the parent was married when the student was born.


Birth to 3

Biological Mother's Birth Date

Enter the birth date of the student's biological mother.


Birth to 3

Student's Family is Receiving Child Support

If the student's family is receiving child support, select this checkbox.


Birth to 3

Screening for Social and Emotional Development

Select the screening that was used to determine the student's social and emotional development.



Birth to 3

Child of Teen Parents

Select Yes or No.

Mandatory when Family Structure is NOT “Youth in Care”.


Birth to 3

Number of Months Child was Breastfed during Enrollment

Enter the number of months child was breastfed during Enrollment


This field accepts whole numbers only. The number of months provided cannot exceed the number of months the child has been enrolled. If the child has been enrolled for a partial month, round up to a full month (Ex: if the child was enrolled on 1/1/2022 and was exited on 1/14/2022, enter 1 for the number of months). This field is mandatory when Family Structure is NOT “Youth in Care”.


Birth to 3

Preterm Birth (before 37 weeks)

Select Yes if the birth was Preterm or No if the birth of the child was after 37 weeks.


Birth to 3

Total Number of Hours Student spent in DCFS Licensed Family Child Care Home During the Fiscal Year (PI hours only)

Enter the Total Number of Hours Student Spent in DCFS Licensed Child Care Center


Birth to 3

Birth to 3 Programs


Choose the early childhood program where children provided education services

01-Early Head Start - provide family -centered services for low income families with very young

02-Prevention Initiative -provides intensive, research-based, and comprehensive child development and family support services for expectant parents and families

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Program

Early Childhood Programs

Service Location

Choose the service location the child receives the program

09-DCFS Licensed Day Care/Center Based

10-DCFS Licensed Family Child Care Home


[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Service_location

Early Childhood Programs

Program Model

Choose a program model as defined list

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] program_model

Early Childhood Programs

Program Start Date

Enter the date the student started the program.

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Program_Start_Date

Early Childhood Programs

Program End Date

Enter the date the student ended the program.

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Program_End_Date

Early Childhood Programs

Reason for Ending Program

Choose the reason that the student ended the program.

01-Service Ended

02-Program Transition Plan


[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Reason_Ending_Program

Early Childhood Programs

Provider Type

Choose the sepcific role of provider.

HMV - Home Visitor

TCH - Teacher

TCA - Teacher Assistant

FSS-Family Support Specialist

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Provider_Type

Early Childhood Programs


Enter the Illinois Educator Identifying Number (IEIN).

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] IEIN

Early Childhood Programs

Gateways Registry
Member ID

Membership tracks education, credentials, and all Registry
trainings attended in the Registry database.


Provider has a
Gateways Credential

Symbols of an individual's professional
achievement that show their knowledge, skills, and experience in caring
for and educating children.

Reports as




Provider Start Date

Enter the date the provider started working with the student in the program.

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Provider_Start_Date

Early Childhood Programs

Provider End Date

Enter the date the provider stopped working with the student in the program.

[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Provider_End_Date

Early Childhood Programs

Reason for Ending Provider

Choose the reason the student is no longer using the provider.

01 - Career Change

02 - Classroom Management

03- Community based Organization to local Education Agency

04- Dismissed

05-Leavig the field

06-Program Ended


08-Salary Increase

09-School Ended



[S_IL_STU_BirthTo3_C] Reason_Ending_Provider

Early Childhood Programs

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