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Service Location (Modality) for Prevention Initiative Programs Codes

CodeDescriptionDetails From the State of Ilinois
04Home Visiting Program Prevention Initiative Program

Receives the following services: Family receives services from an evidence-based Home Visiting program model (only).


05Center Based Prevention Initiative ProgramReceives the following services: Child receives services in a DCFS licensed child care center and Family receives services from an evidence-based Home Visiting Program model.
06Family Literacy Prevention Initiative ProgramReceives the following services: Child receives services in a DCFS licensed child care center. Family receives services from an evidence-based Home Visiting Program model. Caregiver receives services in an adult education program such as High School Credits, GED or Bilingual education.
07Early Head Start Home Visiting ProgramMany families receive Early Head Start services right in their own home! Home visitors come once a week and work with families and their children. Together, they watch and think about the child. They help the child learn using the families' interactions, daily routines, and household materials. Twice a month a small group of children, families, and their home visitors get together in groups for socializations.
08Early Head Start Center Based ProgramEarly Head Start Center-Based services provide early learning, care and enrichment experiences to children in an early care and education setting. Staff members also visit family homes at least twice per year. All Early Head Start programs serve families through a full day, full year program option that best meets the needs of their families.
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