Biliteracy Information
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Navigation: State/Province – IL > Biliteracy, [New/Edit]
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Used in these Reports |
Seal or Commendation | Choose if the student earned/is working towards a biliteracy seal or commendation. | [S_STU_SEAL_BILITERACY_C]Seal | Seal of Biliteracy Report |
Status | Choose the status of the student's Seal of Biliteracy. If the student is a prior-year graduate, the Status of the student's Seal or Commendation must be Awarded. If the student is in grade 12, the Status must be Applied. | [S_STU_SEAL_BILITERACY_C]Status | Seal of Biliteracy Report |
Language of Award | Choose the language other than English the student is working towards to earn the Seal of Biliteracy. | [S_STU_SEAL_BILITERACY_C]LanguageOfAward | Seal of Biliteracy Report |
Method of Demonstrating English Proficiency | Choose the method by which the student demonstrates proficiency in English. | [S_STU_SEAL_BILITERACY_C]MethodDemoEngProf | Seal of Biliteracy Report |
Method of Demonstrating Proficiency in Language Other than English | Choose the method by which the student demonstrates proficiency in a language other than English. | [S_STU_SEAL_BILITERACY_C]MethodDemoProfLangOther | Seal of Biliteracy Report |