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Assessment Pre-ID Information

Enter Assessment Pre-ID Information

Navigation: State/Province – IL, Pre-ID tab

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Used in these Reports

Assessment Pre-ID Information

  1. State Student Identifier (ISBE SIS Assigned Student ID#)

The state student ID from the ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page (Demo tab).


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

IL Exiting Students

  1. PowerSchool Student Number / SAP ID

Enter the student number.

This is a shortcut to the student’s Demographic page. Changes made here are system-wide.


IL Assessment Pre-ID

IL End of Year

  1. Legal Last Name

Enter the student’s legal last name. Special characters, other than spaces and hyphens, are not allowed.

If blank, [Students]Last_Name is output in the report.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Last_Name


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

IL Exiting Students

  1. Legal First Name

Enter the student’s legal first name. Special characters, other than spaces and hyphens, are not allowed.

If blank, [Students]First_Name is output in the report.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_First_Name


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

IL Exiting Students

  1. Birth Date

Enter the student’s date of birth.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY

This is a shortcut to the student’s Demographic page. Changes made here are system-wide.


IL Exiting Students

IL Assessment Pre-ID

  1. RCDTS Home School Number (Student Level)

Enter the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s home school.

If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the report.



IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

IL Exiting Students

  1. RCDTS Serving School Number

Enter the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s serving school.

If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School or [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the report.




IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

IL Exiting Students

  1. RCDTS Testing School Number

Enter the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code where a student who is in a tested grade will be taking a state assessment during the current school year.

If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School or [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the report.




IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

  1. Grade Level at Time of Testing

Choose the student’s grade classification at the time of testing on a state assessment during the current school year.

[Students]Grade_Level is output in the report.



IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

10. First Year in U.S. School

The amount of time a student has been in the United States.

Valid values:

  • 01 – Yes—Student in US less than a year

  • 02 – No—Student in the US for more than a year


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

11. Year in Any Illinois-Approved TBE/TPI Program (excluding Pre-K and K)

Choose the year a student has been enrolled in a state-approved Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) program or Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI), counting this school year as the most recent year (excluding Pre-K and K).

If this field is blank, 07 is output in the report.


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

12. Year Since Exited TBE/TPI Program

Choose the year a student has been exited from a state-approved TBE or TPI program.

If this field is blank, 03 is output in the report.


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

13. Enrolled in Home School On or Before May 1st

This field is calculated automatically by PowerSchool state reports. If the Moved by Parent Within District field equals Yes, a value of 02 is extracted.

You can override the calculated value for this field by entering a pre-defined value in the Enrolled in Home School On or Before May 1st field.

Field for overriding PowerSchool calculations:

[S_IL_STU_PreID_X] Enrolled_Home_School

IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

14. Enrolled in Home District On or Before May 1st

This field is calculated automatically by PowerSchool state reports. If the Moved by Parent Within District field equals Yes on the ISBE SIS Assessment Pre-ID Information page, a value of 02 is extracted.

You can override the calculated value for this field by entering a pre-defined value in the Enrolled in Home District On or Before May 1st field.

Field for overriding PowerSchool calculations:

[S_IL_STU_PreID_X] Enrolled_Home_District

IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

15. Test To Be Taken

Choose the state assessment a student in a tested grade is scheduled to take.

  • ACCESS (05)

  • Alternative ACCESS (06)

  • ISAT (01) Obsolete

  • PSAE (02) Obsolete

  • IAA (04) Obsolete


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID

16. Moved by Parent Within District

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student was moved to another school within the district at a parent’s or guardian’s request.

If Yes, the student is not counted in AYP.


IL Assessment Correction

IL Assessment Pre-ID


Select to include the student on the DLM-AA Pre-ID report.


ESOL Participation Code

If the student is taking the DLM-AA assessment, choose the ESOL participation code.

[S_IL_STU_PreID_X] ESOL_Participation_Code

Sort Group

This field is optional. For students taking the SAT assessment, enter the test session to be used for the Sort Group.


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