Assessment Correction Information
Enter Assessment Correction Information
Navigation: State/Province – IL > Correct tab
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Used in these Reports |
Assessment Correction Information | |||
| Choose the assessment action. If blank, this record is not output in the report. | [Students]IL_Assessment_Action | IL Assessment Correction |
| Choose a Non-Participation Reason, if the student did not test. Required if Assessment Action is 02-Not Tested. | [S_IL_STU_PreID_X] Non_Participation_Reason | IL Assessment Correction |
| The state student ID from the ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page (Demo tab). | [Students]State_StudentNumber | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students |
| The student number. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student number. | [Students]Student_Number | IL Assessment Pre-ID IL End of Year |
| The student’s legal last name. Special characters, other than spaces and hyphens, are not allowed. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's last name. If blank, [Students]Last_Name is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Last_Name | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students |
| The student’s legal first name. Special characters, other than spaces and hyphens, are not allowed. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's first name. If blank, [Students]First_Name is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_First_Name | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students |
| The student’s legal middle name. Special characters, other than spaces and hyphens, are not allowed. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's middle name. If blank, [Students]Middle_Name is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Middle_Name | IL Assessment Correction |
| Enter the student’s date of birth. Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the Birth Date | [Students]DOB | IL Exiting Students IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Assessment Correction |
| The values selected in the Federal Race and Ethnicity fields on the General Demographics page. | [Students]Ethnicity | IL Assessment Correction |
10. Gender Code | Indicates whether the student is female or male. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the Gender Code. | [Students]Gender | IL Assessment Correction IL End of Year |
11. Homeless Indicator | Identifies a student as homeless. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the Homeless Indicator | [S_IL_STU_Homeless_X]Homeless | IL Assessment Correction |
12. Migrant Indicator | Identifies a student as migrant. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the Migrant Indicator | [S_IL_STU_X]Migrant | IL Assessment Correction |
13. Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Indicator | Identifies a student as a participant in LEP. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the LEP indicator. | [S_IL_STU_X]LEP | IL Assessment Correction |
14. IDEA Eligible (Formerly IEP Indicator) | Identifies a student as a participant in IDEA. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the IDEA Eligible status. | [S_IL_STU_X]IEP | IL Assessment Correction GSA Validation SRC Validation |
15. Free or Reduced Meal Benefits (Low Income Family) Indicator | Identifies a student as a participant in free or reduced meal benefits. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's meal status | [S_IL_STU_X]LII | IL Assessment Correction |
16. Century 21 Indicator | Identifies a student as participating in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (After School Program). Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's Century 21 status. | [S_IL_STU_X]Century_21 | IL Assessment Correction |
17. RCDTS Home School Number (Student Level) | The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student-level RCDTS Home School Number. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in report. | [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students |
18. RCDTS Serving School Number | The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the RCDTS Serving School Number. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School or [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in report. | [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Serving_School [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students |
19. RCDTS Testing School Number | The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code where a student who is in a tested grade will be taking a state assessment during the current school year. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the RCDTS Testing School Number. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School or [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in report. | [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Testing_School [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
20. Grade Level at Time of Testing | The student’s grade classification at the time of testing on a state assessment during the current school year. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's grade level at the time of testing If blank, [Students]Grade_Level is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_X]Testing_Grade_Level [Students]Grade_Level | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
21. First Year in U.S. School | Identifies the amount of time a student has been in the United States. Valid values:
Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the student's grade level at time of testing. | [S_IL_STU_ELL_X]New_To_US | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
22. Year in Any Illinois-Approved TBE/TPI Program (excluding Pre-K and K) | The year a student has been enrolled in a state-approved Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) program or Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI), counting this school year as the most recent year (excluding Pre-K and K). Any change made here is system-wide. If this field is blank, 07 is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_PreID_X]TBE_TPI_Year | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
23. Year Since Exited TBE/TPI Program | The year a student has been exited from a state-approved TBE or TPI program. Any change made here is system-wide. If this field is blank, 03 is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_PreID_X]TBE_TPI_Exit_Year | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
24. Enrolled in Home School On or Before May 1st | This field is calculated automatically by PowerSchool state reports. If the Moved by Parent Within District field equals Yes, a value of 02 is extracted. You can override the calculated value for this field by selecting a value. | Field for overriding PowerSchool calculations: [S_IL_STU_PreID_X] Enrolled_Home_School | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
25. Enrolled in Home District On or Before May 1st | This field is calculated automatically by PowerSchool state reports. If the Moved by Parent Within District field equals Yes on the ISBE SIS Assessment Pre-ID Information page, a value of 02 is extracted. You can override the calculated value for this field by selecting a value. | Field for overriding PowerSchool calculations: [S_IL_STU_PreID_X] Enrolled_Home_District | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
26. Test To Be Taken | Choose the state assessment a student in a tested grade is scheduled to take. Any change made here is system-wide and will change all instances of the test to be taken. | [S_IL_STU_PreID_X]Test_Taken | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |
27. Moved by Parent Within District | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student was moved to another school within the district at a parent’s or guardian’s request. If Yes, the student is not counted in AYP. Any change made here is system-wide. | [S_IL_STU_PreID_X]Moved_by_Parent | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID |