Staff Demographics
The Staff Demographics report generates a comma separated (.csv) file containing one record for each staff member at the primary location ([S_ID_SSF_X]IsPrimaryStaff) where they are active at any time during the collection period. This report is processed at the district-level for state reporting submission. The option to process for selected staff or for a single school is provided for troubleshooting purposes only.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Staff Selection
The report selects records from the [Users] table based on the following criteria:
- The staff must be active within the report start and end date range. This is determined by the HireDate and TerminationDate field values on the Staff Demographics and Employment page.
- The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The staff must have an Idaho Staff ID.
- Staff with assignments at multiple schools must have a designated Primary Staff Record.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
Staff List Option | Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
Select Staff | Select the staff name(s) to run the report for selected staff. |
Report Start Date | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy for the first day of the report date range. |
Report End Date | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy for the last day of the report date range. |
Include Audit Fields | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. The default option is No. Choosing Yes includes additional fields used for troubleshooting to identify data that may need to be modified prior to submitting the report to the state. |
Validate Data | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. The default option is Yes. Choosing No requires PowerSchool to validate whether the records meet the selection criteria listed above. The report returns a validation error if any of the selection criteria are not met. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Reqd |
1 | IDStaffId | The teacher’s Idaho staff ID. | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoStaffID | Varchar | 9 | Yes |
2 | lastName | The staff member’s last name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalLastName [Users]Last_Name | Varchar | 35 | Yes |
3 | firstName | The staff member’s first name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalFirstName [Users]First_Name | Varchar | 35 | Yes |
4 | middleName | The staff member’s middle name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalMiddleName [Users]Middle_Name | Varchar | 30 | No |
5 | suffix | The suffix for the staff member’s name. Always reported as blank. | N/A | Varchar | 8 | No |
6 | formerName | The former name(s) of the staff member. | [S_ID_USR_X]FormerNames | Varchar | 50 | No |
7 | birthDate | The staff member’s date of birth. | [UsersCoreFields]DOB | Date | 10 | Yes |
8 | gender | The staff member’s gender. | [UsersCoreFields]Gender | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
9 | hispanic | Indicates if the staff member is Hispanic or Latino. Valid values:
| [Users]Fedethnicity | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
10 | asian | Indicates if the staff member is Asian. | [TeacherRace]Racecd | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
11 | indian | Indicates if the staff member is American Indian or Alaska Native. | [TeacherRace]Racecd | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
12 | black | Indicates if the staff member is Black or African American. | [TeacherRace]Racecd | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
13 | islander | Indicates if the staff member is Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. | [TeacherRace]Racecd | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
14 | white | Indicates if the staff member is White or Caucasian. | [TeacherRace]Racecd | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
15 | language | The language other than English for which the staff member is proficient. This will always report as blank. | N/A | Option Set | 3 | No |
16 | isCertified | Indicates if the staff member is a certified staff member. | [S_ID_USR_X]IsCertified | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
17 | isParaPro | Indicates this staff member is a paraprofessional working with students. Valid values:
Note: If the saved value is Y (valid option for 2015-16), the report should return a value of R – regular paraprofessional. | [S_ID_USR_X]IsParaPro | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
18 | certificationYear | The year the staff member’s certification was first received. | [S_ID_USR_X]CertificationYear | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
19 | CertificationState | The state where the initial teaching certification was granted. | [S_ID_USR_X]CertificationState | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
20 | highestDegree | The staff member’s highest degree to be claimed for reporting purposes. | [S_ID_USR_X]HighestDegree | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
21 | degreeYear | The year of the staff member’s highest degree claimed for reporting purposes. | [S_ID_USR_X]DegreeYear | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
22 | claimedDegreeInst | The name of the institution that granted the staff member’s highest degree claimed for reporting purposes. | [S_ID_USR_X]ClaimDegreeInst | Option Set | 3 | Cond |
23 | claimDegreeState | The state where the institution for the staff member’s highest degree is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]ClaimDegreeState | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
24 | majorClaimed | The major of the highest degree claimed for the staff member for reporting purposes. | [S_ID_USR_X]ClaimedMajor | Option Set | 7 | Cond |
25 | claimedMinor | The minor of the highest degree claimed for the staff member for reporting purposes. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Option Set | 7 | No |
26 | addlCredits | The number of college transcript credits the staff member earned beyond the highest degree claimed. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Number | 6 | Cond |
27 | addlDegree1 | The first additional degree the staff member earned other than highest degree claimed. | [S_ID_USR_X]Addldegree1 | Option Set | 2 | No |
28 | degree1Year | The year the first additional degree was earned. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1Year | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
29 | degree1Institution | The name of the institution that granted the first additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1Institution | Option Set | 3 | Cond |
30 | degree1State | The state where the institution of the first additional degree is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1State | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
31 | degree1Major | The major area of study for the first additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1Major | Option Set | 7 | Cond |
32 | degree1Minor | The minor area of study for the first additional degree. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Option Set | 7 | No |
33 | addlDegree2 | The second additional degree earned by this staff member other than highest degree claimed. | [S_ID_USR_X]AddlDegree2 | Option Set | 2 | No |
34 | degree2Year | The year the second additional degree was earned. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2Year | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
35 | degree2Institution | The name of the institution that granted the second additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2Institution | Option Set | 3 | Cond |
36 | degree2State | The state where the institution of the second additional degree is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2State | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
37 | degree2Major | The major area of study for the second additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2Major | Option Set | 7 | Cond |
38 | degree2Minor | The minor area of study for the second additional degree. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Option Set | 7 | No |
39 | addlDegree3 | The third additional degree earned other than highest degree claimed. | [S_ID_USR_X]AddlDegree3 | Option Set | 2 | No |
40 | degree3Year | The year the third additional degree was earned. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3Year | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
41 | degree3Institution | The name of the institution that granted the third additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3Institution | Option Set | 3 | No |
42 | degree3State | The state where the institution of the third additional degree is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3State | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
43 | degree3Major | The major area of study for the third additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3Major | Option Set | 7 | No |
44 | degree3Minor | The minor area of study for the third additional degree. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Option Set | 7 | No |
45 | addlDegree4 | The fourth additional degree earned other than highest degree claimed. | [S_ID_USR_X]AddlDegree4 | Option Set | 2 | No |
46 | degree4Year | The year the fourth additional degree was earned. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4Year | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
47 | degree4Institution | The name of the institution that granted the fourth additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4Institution | Option Set | 3 | Cond |
48 | degree4State | The state where the institution of the fourth additional degree is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4State | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
49 | degree4Major | The major area of study for the fourth additional degree. | [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4Major | Option Set | 7 | Cond |
50 | degree4Minor | The minor area of study for the fourth additional degree. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Option Set | 7 | No |
51 | Not Collected | Formerly evalDate | Filler | N/A | N/A | N/A |
52 | Not Collected | Formerly profPractRating | Filler | N/A | N/A | N/A |
53 | Not Collected | Formerly profperfCriteriaMet | Filler | N/A | N/A | N/A |
54 | Not Collected | Formerly profEndorseDate | Filler | N/A | N/A | N/A |
55 | minCreditsDate | The date the NCLB minimum credits were completed. | [S_ID_USR_X]MinCreditsDate | Date | 10 | Cond |
56 | minCreditsIHE | The institution granting the credits. | [S_ID_USR_X]MinCreditsIHE | Option Set | 3 | Cond |
57 | minCreditsIHEState | The state where the institution granting the credits is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]MinCreditsIHEState | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
58 | paraHSDiplomaType | The diploma type earned by non-certified paraprofessional. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaHSDiplomaType | Option Set | 1 | Cond |
59 | paraExamDate | The date ETS parapro exam was passed. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaExamDate | Date | 10 | Cond |
60 | paraExamScore | The score from the ETS parapro exam. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaExamScore | Number | 3 | Cond |
61 | paraPraxis | Indicates if the Praxis was taken. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaPraxis | Option Set | 1 | Cond |
62 | paraExamOS | Indicates if the ETS parapro exam was taken in another state. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaExamOS | Option Set | 1 | Cond |
63 | schoolID | The School ID. The service location ID is reported, if populated, otherwise, alternate school number is reported. If neither the service school ID nor alternative school number are populated, then the school number is reported. | [S_ID_SSF_X]Location [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [SchoolStaff]SchoolID [Prefs]ID_BuildingNumber | Option Set | 4 | Yes |
64 | transcriptYear | The year of the most recent transcript for the staff. | [S_ID_USR_X]TranscriptYear | Varchar | 4 | Cond |
65 | idahoK12Experience | The number of years of prior teaching experience in an Idaho public pre-K-12 school. | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoK12Experience | Number | 4 | Cond |
66 | k12PublicExperience | The number of years of prior teaching experience in any public pre-K-12 school in any state. | [S_ID_USR_X]K12PublicExperience | Number | 4 | Cond |
67 | k12PrivateExperience | The number of years of prior teaching experience in any non-public pre-K-12 school in any state. | [S_ID_USR_X]K12PrivateExperience | Number | 4 | Cond |
68 | idahoHEExperience | The number of years of prior teaching experience in an Idaho institution of higher ed. | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoHEExperience | Number | 4 | Cond |
69 | HEExperience | The number of years of prior teaching experience in any institution of higher ed in any state. | [S_ID_USR_X]HEExperience | Number | 4 | Cond |
70 | hireDate | The date the employee was first hired by school district. | [S_ID_USR_X]HireDate | Date | 10 | Yes |
71 | yearsInDistrict | The number of years the employee was employed by school district. | [S_ID_USR_X]YearsInDistrict | Integer | 2 | Cond |
72 | employmentStatus | The employment status type for the staff member. | [S_ID_USR_X]EmploymentStatus | Option Set | 2 | Yes |
73 | contractType1 | The type of contract signed for the current school year for certified staff. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractType Where Contract Number = 1 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
74 | baseSalary1 | The base salary on contract 1 rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]BaseSalary | Number | 6 | Cond |
75 | contractDays1 | The number of days based on a five-day work week in contract 1. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractDays | Number | 3 | Cond |
76 | contractHours1 | The number of hours in contract 1. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractHours | Number | 4 | Cond |
77 | contractFTE1 | The FTE for contract 1. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractFTE | Number | 4 | Cond |
78 | c1fundSource1 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 1 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource1 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
79 | c1percentSource1 | The percentage of funding from source 1 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource1 | Number | 6 | Cond |
80 | c1fundSource2 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 2 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource2 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
81 | c1percentSource2 | The percentage of funding from source 2 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource2 | Number | 6 | Cond |
82 | c1fundSource3 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 3 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource3 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
83 | c1percentSource3 | The percentage of funding from source 3 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource3 | Number | 6 | Cond |
84 | c1fundSource4 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 4 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource4 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
85 | c1percentSource4 | The percentage of funding from source 4 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource4 | Number | 6 | Cond |
86 | contractType2 | The type of additional contract signed for the current school year for certified staff. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractType Where Contract Number = 2 | Option Set | 2 | No |
87 | baseSalary2 | The base salary on contract 2 rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]BaseSalary | Number | 6 | Cond |
88 | contractDays2 | The number of days based on a five-day work week in contract 2. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractDays | Number | 3 | Cond |
89 | contractHours2 | The number of hours in contract 2. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractHours | Number | 4 | Cond |
90 | contractFTE2 | The FTE for contract 2. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractFTE | Number | 4 | Cond |
91 | c2fundSource1 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 1 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource1 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
92 | c2percentSource1 | The percentage of funding from source 1 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource1 | Number | 6 | Cond |
93 | c2fundSource2 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 2 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource2 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
94 | c2percentSource2 | The percentage of funding from source 2 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource2 | Number | 6 | Cond |
95 | c2fundSource3 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 3 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource3 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
96 | c2percentSource3 | The percentage of funding from source 3 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource3 | Number | 6 | Cond |
97 | c2fundSource4 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 4 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource4 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
98 | c2percentSource4 | The percentage of funding from source 4 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource4 | Number | 6 | Cond |
99 | contractType3 | The type of the second additional contract signed for the current school year for certified staff. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContracyType Where Contract Number = 3 | Option Set | 2 | No |
100 | baseSalary3 | The base salary on contract 3 rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]BaseSalary | Number | 6 | Cond |
101 | contractDays3 | The number of days based on a five-day work week in contract 3. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractDays | Number | 3 | Cond |
102 | contractHours3 | The number of hours in contract 3. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractHours | Number | 4 | Cond |
103 | contractFTE3 | The FTE for contract 3. | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]ContractFTE | Number | 4 | Cond |
104 | c3fundSource1 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 1 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource1 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
105 | c3percentSource1 | The percentage of funding from source 1 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource1 | Number | 5 | Cond |
106 | c3fundSource2 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 2 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource2 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
107 | c3percentSource2 | The percentage of funding from source 2 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource2 | Number | 5 | Cond |
108 | c3fundSource3 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 3 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource3 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
109 | c3percentSource3 | The percentage of funding from source 3 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource3 | Number | 5 | Cond |
110 | c3fundSource4 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 4 - if any | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]FundSource4 | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
111 | c3percentSource4 | The percentage of funding from source 4 | [S_ID_USR_Contracts_C]PercentSource4 | Number | 5 | Cond |
112 | extraPay1 | The code for special or supplemental duties not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay1 | Option Set | 2 | No |
113 | extraPayAmount1 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount1 | Number | 6 | Cond |
114 | extraPay2 | The code for special or supplemental duties not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay2 | Option Set | 2 | No |
115 | extraPayAmount2 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount2 | Number | 6 | Cond |
116 | extraPay3 | The code for special or supplemental duties not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay3 | Option Set | 2 | No |
117 | extraPayAmount3 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount3 | Number | 6 | Cond |
118 | extraPay4 | The code for special or supplemental duties not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay4 | Option Set | 2 | No |
119 | extraPayAmount4 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount4 | Number | 6 | Cond |
120 | ncFundSource1 | The code for the staff funding from source 1. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource1 | Option Set | 2 | Yes |
121 | ncPercentSource1 | The FTE for the staff’s time funded from source 1. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource1 | Number | 5 | Yes |
122 | ncFundSource2 | The code for the staff funding from source 2. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource2 | Option Set | 2 | No |
123 | ncPercentSource2 | The FTE for the staff’s time funded from source 2. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource2 | Number | 5 | Cond |
124 | ncFundSource3 | The code for the staff funding from source 3. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource3 | Option Set | 2 | No |
125 | ncPercentSource3 | The FTE for the staff’s time funded from source 3. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource3 | Number | 5 | Cond |
126 | ncFundSource4 | The code for the staff funding from source 4. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource4 | Option Set | 2 | No |
127 | ncPercentSource4 | The FTE for the staff’s time funded from source 4. | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource4 | Number | 5 | Cond |
128 | terminationDate | The date the staff became or will become inactive or terminated. | [S_ID_USR_X]TerminationDate | Date | 10 | No |
129 | terminationreason | The reason the staff that was reported last year is not reported this year. | [S_ID_USR_X]TerminationReason | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
130 | notes | Comments or notes. This is always reported as blank. | N/A | Varchar | 250 | No |
131 | LegalTeacherName* Audit mode only | The teacher’s legal name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalFirstName [S_ID_USR_X]LegalMiddleName [S_ID_USR_X]LegalLastName | N/A | N/A | N/A |
132 | TeacherName* Audit mode only | The teacher’s name. | [Users]LastFirst | N/A | N/A | N/A |