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Incident Rules

Use the following rules when creating incidents.

Incident Type

State reportable incidents can be associated with any incident type.


At least one student must be assigned the role of offender for each incident.

To generate a record in the Incidents of Crime and Violence Extract, at least one state-reportable behavior must be assigned to at least one offender associated with a particular incident.


After you add a behavior at the incident level, you must drag the behavior to the offender to associate the two elements.


To generate a record in the Disciplinary extract, an offender must have at least one of the following actions associated with an assigned behavior:

  • In School Suspension (duration of .5 days or longer)
  • Out of School Suspension (duration of .5 days or longer)
  • Unilateral Removal (duration of .5 days or longer)
  • Removal by Hearing Officer (duration of .5 days or longer)
  • Expulsion (duration of .5 days or longer)
  • Juvenile Justice Involved (any duration)
  • Law Enforcement Involved (any duration)


  • After adding an action at the incident level, you must drag the action to the behavior to associate the two elements.
  • After the action is associated with the behavior, it no longer appears under the Incident Elements heading.


Victims are not required for incidents.

Victims must not have any associated state-reportable actions or behaviors.


Witnesses are not required for incidents.

Witnesses must not have any associated state-reportable actions or behaviors.


A reporter is not required for incidents.

Reporters must not have any state-reportable associated actions or behaviors.

Object Codes

An object is not required for incidents.


Attributes can be assigned at the Incident or Action level as appropriate. See Creating Incident: Incident Builder: Incident Elements for additional details.

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