Creating Incidents: Incident Builder: Incident Elements
Use the steps below to add behaviors, actions and attributes to the incident. See the Appendix for code values.
- On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you'd like to edit.
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.
- Choose Add Behavior from the pop-up menu.
- Choose the appropriate behavior from the pop-up menu.
- Based on the behavior code, a behavior subcode pop-up menu may appear. If so, choose the appropriate subcode from the pop-up menu.
- Mark the Primary Behavior box for a single behavior per incident. Only behaviors identified as the Primary Behavior are reported in the Incidents of Crime or Violence Extract.
- Click Add Behavior. The behavior appears under the Incident Elements heading.
- Click and drag the behavior to the appropriate offender. The behavior appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under the Incident Elements heading.
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.
- Choose Add Action from the pop-up menu.
- Choose the appropriate action from the pop-up menu.
- Based on the action code, an action subcode pop-up menu may appear. If so, choose the appropriate subcode from the pop-up menu.
- Choose the appropriate Duration Code for the duration of the disciplinary action from the pop-up menu.
- Based on your selection, the Duration Code Comment box appears. If appropriate, enter a comment regarding the duration of the disciplinary action.
- Populate the Assigned Duration and Actual Duration fields.
Only Actual Duration values equal to .5 days or greater will be considered in the Disciplinary Action Extract, with the exception of the actions 'Law Enforcement Involved' or 'Juvenile Justice Involved'. - If the Actual Duration does not equal the Assigned Duration for any reason, the Action Change Code must be populated.
- Select Action Attributes as appropriate.
- Action Rank: Select the appropriate from the Pop-up menu. NOTE: Only actions assigned a rank of Primary are reported in the Incidents of Crime or Violence Extract.
- Related to Zero Tolerance: Select this option of the action was the result of a Zero Tolerance policy at the school or district.
- IDEA Interim Removal Reason: Select a value for any student with an IEP who is assigned an action code indicating that they have been removed.
- Click Add Action. The action appears under the Incident Elements heading.
- Click and drag the action to the appropriate behavior, which should be listed under the name of an offender. The action appears under the behavior and is no longer listed under the Incident Elements heading.
- Repeat steps 8-18 to add additional actions as appropriate. (e.g. – Juvenile Justice Involved, Law Enforcement Involved)
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.
- Choose Add Object from the pop-up menu where appropriate.
- Choose the appropriate Object Code from the pop-up menu.
- Based on the object code, an action subcode pop-up menu may appear. If so, choose the appropriate subcode from the pop-up menu. Enter a description if desired.
- Click and drag the object to the appropriate offender. The object appears under the name of the offender and also remains listed under the Incident Elements heading.
- Click the Plus (+) button next to Incident Elements.
- Choose Add Attribute from the pop-up menu.
- Do one or more of the following:
- If the incident involved a violent behavior, but did not result in physical injury, select the checkbox: Violent Incident without Physical Injury. Populate the comments box as desired.
- If the incident involved a violent behavior that resulted in physical injury, select the checkbox: Violent Incident with Physical Injury. Populate the comments box as desired.
- If the student received educational services after being removed, select the checkbox: Educational Services After Removal. This will populate a Y in the ??? column of the Incidents of Crime and Violence Extract. Populate the comments box as desired.
- If the incident involved any branch of the Justice System, select the checkbox: Justice System Involved. This will populate a Y in the ??? column of the Incidents of Crime and Violence Extract.
- Click Add Attributes.
- Click Submit Incident to save the changes.