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This report returns immunization records by grade for kindergarten, first grade, seventh-grade, and 12th-grade students, based on the selected term.

Students are categorized in the report as follows:

  • Adequately Immunized - All required doses are recorded and the student is compliant

  • Conditionally Admitted - The applicable Conditional Admitted fields are selected.

  • Exempt - Student is not incomplete or conditional and exempt for any vaccine.

    • An exempt student who has a medical exemption counts toward medical exemptions.

    • An exempt student with no medical exemptions who has a religious exemption counts toward religious exemptions.

    • An exempt student with no medical or religious exemptions who has a philosophical/personal exemption counts toward philosophical/personal exemptions.

  • An undocumented varicella disease history exemption is included in the total for philosophical/personal exemptions.

  • Incomplete - Student has at least one dose of the specific vaccine but does not have the required number of doses. This is determined based on the age of the student.

  • No Record - The student has no vaccination dose dates for all vaccines or a specific vaccine.

  • A student who is not incomplete and is conditional for any vaccine is conditional.

Rules Engine

The Rules Engine is an automatic process that runs nightly (or when an individual student’s immunization data is updated) and updates the compliance status visually on the District Setup > Health page for display purposes only. The only values stored by the rules evaluation process are the overall compliance status for each immunization. Note the following:

  • The Immunization report is not dependent on the Rules Engine for compliance calculations.

  • The compliance status displayed on the Student Information page is updated automatically.

  • The automatically calculated status shown on the Student Immunization Information page does not take into account the Idaho-specific fields used to indicate a conditional enrollment – these students will show as non-compliant, both on the Health page and in the compliance search.

  • The status values shown on the Student Immunization Information page does not translate directly to the report, regardless of whether it is calculated by the rules engine or manually set.

  • All compliance rules are calculated and aggregated as part of the report logic. This includes date of birth rules, grade level rules, exemptions, disease history, and conditional enrollment.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must have a current or previous school enrollment at the appropriate school within the selected school year.

  • The student must be active on the user-defined report date.

  • The student’s grade level on the report date must be 0 (kindergarten), 1, or 7.

To display the count of students that have taken a vaccine, the following criteria must be met:

  • The Student conditionally admitted checkbox must be selected

  • One or more of the vaccines must be selected

  • At least one dose of the selected vaccine must be recorded on the Immunizations page.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Name of Person Completing Report

Enter the name of the person responsible for completing the report.

Title of Person Completing Report

Enter the title of the person responsible for completing the report.

E-mail of Person Completing Report

Enter the e-mail address of the person responsible for completing the report.

Report Date

Enter the report date.

Report Period

Choose the report period. The school term that appears in the menu is populated dynamically by the Term selected at the top of the page.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element




Report Period

The school year for which data is reported. This value is manually selected at report runtime.



Name of School

The name of the school for which the report is run.



School District #

The name of the school district.




Type of School

The type of school.





Date of Report (MM/DD/YYYY)

The date for which a snapshot of data is collected for the report. This value is entered at report runtime.



Name and Title of Person Completing Report

The name and title of the person responsible for completing the report. This value is manually entered at report runtime.



E-mail Address

The e-mail address of the person responsible for completing the report. This value is manually entered at report runtime.



School Address

The address of the school.



City State

The city and state of the school.




The zip code of the school.




The county in which the school is located.




The phone number of the school.


A. Total number of ADEQUATELY IMMUNIZED students


Total number of children with an immunization record on file at the school documenting that all school required immunizations have been received

The total number of students per grade level who completed all immunizations required by the School Immunization Law (IC 39-4801), will be reported as Adequately Immunized.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus= 0 (Compliant)

B. Total number of CONDITIONALLY ADMITTED students


Total number of students that were Conditionally Admitted and are currently on schedule for subsequent immunizations.

The total number of students per grade level who were conditionally admitted.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12




Note: Students must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.

C. Total number of students with an EXEMPTION on file at the school


  1. Total number of students with MEDICAL exemptions

The total number of students per grade level with a medical exemption for their overall immunization status.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx


2. Of those students with a MEDICAL exemption, how many are exempt from ALL immunizations

The number of students per grade level with a medical exemption who are exempt from all immunizations.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx (Exemption must exist for all vaccines)


3. Total number of students with RELIGIOUS/OTHER exemptions

The total number of students per grade level with a religious or other exemption (such as philosophical or personal exemption) for their overall immunization status.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = RelEx


4. Of those students with a RELIGIOUS/OTHER exemption, how many are exempt from ALL immunizations

The number of students per grade level with a religious/other exemption who are exempt from all immunizations

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = RelEx (Exemption must exist for all vaccines)

D. Total number of INCOMPLETE students


Total number of students missing 1+ valid doses of a required vaccine and doesn’t have the still-needed doses scheduled or has failed to follow the Schedule of Intended Immunizations form

The total number of students per grade level with an incomplete immunization status.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.

E. Total number of students with NO RECORD on file at the school


Total number of students who have no immunization record on file at the school

The total number of students per grade level with no immunization records on file.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



Total number of students enrolled in each of the following grades (Sum of Sections A+B+C+D+E)

The sum total number of students per grade level for sections A, B, C, D, and E of this report.

Sum of Sections A+B+C+D+E



Adequately Immunized

The total number of students per grade level adequately immunized with DTaP or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = DTaP

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students per grade level conditionally admitted for DTaP.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = DTaP



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



The total number of students per grade level exempted from DTaP.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = DTaP

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



The total number of students per grade level missing 1+ doses of DTaP.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = DTaP



Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of students per grade level with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = DTaP


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category


For the compliance calculation. 1 month is 28 days with an additional four grace days.

For example: 6 months is 164 days

6*28=168 - 4 grace days.


Adequately Immunized

The total number of students per grade level adequately immunized with Polio or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Polio

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students per grade level conditionally admitted for Polio.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Polio



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



The total number of students per grade level exempted from Polio.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Polio

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



The total number of students per grade level missing 1+ doses of Polio.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Polio


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of students per grade level with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Polio


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



Adequately Immunized

The total number of students per grade level adequately immunized with MMR or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = MMR

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students per grade level conditionally admitted for MMR.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = MMR



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



The total number of students per grade level exempted from MMR.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = MMR

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



The total number of students per grade level missing 1+ doses of MMR.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = MMR


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of students per grade level with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = MMR


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



Adequately Immunized

The total number of students per grade level adequately immunized with Hep B or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepB

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students per grade level conditionally admitted for Hep B.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepB



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



The total number of students per grade level exempted from Hep B.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepB

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



The total number of students per grade level missing 1+ doses of Hep B.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepB


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of students per grade level with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7, 12, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepB


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



Adequately Immunized

The total number of students adequately immunized with Varicella or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Var

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students conditionally admitted for Varicella.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Var



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



(medical, religious, or other)

The total number of students with an exemption claimed for medical, religious, or other reasons.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Var

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



(history not documented)

The total number of students with an exemption claimed for chickenpox disease history not documented by a physician.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Var

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = DH



The total number of students missing 1+ doses of Varicella.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Var


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of students with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Var


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



Adequately Immunized

The total number of students adequately immunized with Hep A or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepA

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students conditionally admitted for Hep A.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepA



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



The total number of students exempted from Hep A.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepA

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



The total number of students missing 1+ doses of Hep A.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepA


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of students with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 0, 1, 7

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = HepA


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



Adequately Immunized

The total number of seventh grade and 12th grade students is adequately immunized with Tdap or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Tdap

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)



The total number of seventh grade and 12th grade students exempted from Tdap.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Tdap

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx

N. MENINGOCOCCAL (Menacra (MCV4), Menomune (MPSV4))


Adequately Immunized

The total number of 7th grade and 12th grade students adequately immunized with Meningococcal or have Age Out exemption.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Men

[HealthStudDoseRec]CompliancyStatus = 0 (Compliant)


Conditionally Admitted

The total number of students conditionally admitted for Men.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Men



Note: Student must have at least one vaccine dose to be counted as conditionally admitted.



The total number of 7th and 12th grade students exempted from Meningococcal.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Men

[HealthImmExempt]ImmunizationExemptionCode = MedEx, RelEx



The total number of 7th and 12th grade students missing the single dose of Meningococcal.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Men


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of 7th and 12th grade students with no immunization record.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Men


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category



The total number of 7th and 12th grade students missing the single dose of Tdap.

Note: This row pertains to Tdap but appears under the Meningococcal section because that's how it apepars in the state specifications/layout. This is presumably a mistake and if the state corrects it, this report (in PowerSchool) will be corrected as well.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Tdap


Note: Students must have at least 1 dose but not the required number of doses and not be exempt or conditionally admitted to count towards this number.


No Record

The total number of 7th and 12th grade students missing all doses of Tdap.

Note: This row pertains to Tdap but appears under the Meningococcal section because that's how it apepars in the state specifications/layout. This is presumably a mistake and if the state corrects it, this report (in PowerSchool) will be corrected as well.

[Students]Grade_Level = 7, 12

[HealthVaccine]VaccineName = Tdap


Note: Students must not have any vaccine doses to be counted in this category

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