Disciplinary Actions
The Disciplinary Actions extract reports incident data pertaining to incidents entered within PowerSchool with state reportable actions. This is a district-level report, but it can be run at the school level for auditing purposes.
Only the action codes ISS, OSS, URI, RHO, EXP, EXM, or PLT with duration of more than 1/2 day are required to be reported unless the juvenile justice or law enforcement was involved. The incidents reported by either a school or a district are pulled if any of these action codes are used.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Incident Selection
The report selects Incident Management records based on the following criteria:
- The incident must be tied to a school the report is being run for.
- The incident cannot be tied to the District Office.
- The incident action dates must fall between the user-defined report start and end dates.
- The incident actions must be using one of the following Duration Codes:
- Days^
- Weeks^
- Expelled Full Year^
Incidents with an action with Hours^ as the Duration Code will not be extracted.
- The incident behavior must be a state reportable
- If there are multiple behaviors for a given offender, the most severe should be marked as the primary behavior.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools* | Choose one of the following:
Report Start Date | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy for the first day of the report date range. |
Report End Date | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy for the last day of the report date range. |
Include Audit Fields* | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. The default option is No. Choosing Yes includes additional fields used for troubleshooting to identify data that may need to be modified prior to submitting the report to the state. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Reqd |
1 | idStuId | The state assigned EDU identifier for the student. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Varchar | 9 | Yes |
2 | incidentID | A unique school or district assigned number for this particular incident. | [Incident]Incident_ID | Integer | 6 | Yes |
3 | localStuId | The ID assigned to the student by the reporting school district. | [Students]Student_Number | Varchar | 30 | No |
4 | actionDate | Date the disciplinary action was imposed. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]Action_Plan_Begin_DT | Date | 10 | Yes |
5 | actionId | A locally assigned unique identifier (within the school or the district) to identify each specific disciplinary action for this student. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]Incident_ID | Int | 4 | Yes |
6 | primaryAction | The type of disciplinary action taken. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]State_Detail_Report_Code [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 3 | Yes |
7 | secondAction | An optional secondary type of disciplinary action taken. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]State_Detail_Report_Code [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 3 | No |
8 | thirdAction | The optional third type of disciplinary action taken. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]State_Detail_Report_Code [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 3 | No |
9 | origDuration | The original length in school days, rounded to the nearest half day, of the disciplinary action. | [PSRW_IncidentAction]Duration_Assigned | Numeric | 5 | Yes |
10 | reportingDistrictId | The state assigned LEA number. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Option Set | 3 | Yes |
11 | responsibleDistrictId | For students with an IEP, the SDE assigned district number for the district responsible for the IEP. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Option Set | 3 | Con |
12 | schoolId | The SDE assigned school number for the school providing educational services to the student. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | Option Set | 4 | Yes |
13 | IEP | Does the student have an active IEP under IDEA at the time of the disciplinary action? This element is derived from any special program enrollments the student may have. | [Gen]Cat=specprog [Gen]Name contains SPE [SPEnrollments]Enter_Date [SPEnrollments]Exit_Date [Incident]Incident_TS | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
14 | interimReason | The reason children with disabilities were unilaterally removed to an interim alternative education setting. This is required when action is URI or RHO. | [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 3 | Con |
15 | weapon | Indicates whether an incident triggering this disciplinary action involved a weapon. | [PSRW_IncidentParticipantObject]State_Detail_Report_Code is not NULL then Y | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
16 | weaponType | If a weapon was involved, the code for the type of weapon. | [PSRW_IncidentParticipantObject]State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 2 | Con |
17 | justiceSystem | Indicates whether juvenile justice or law enforcement was involved. | [PSRW_IncidentAttribute] State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
18 | modDuration | If the originally imposed duration was modified, the final modified length imposed. This is only reported if the value is different than the Assigned Duration. | [PSRW_IncidentAction]Duration_Actual [PSRW_IncidentAction]Duration_Assigned | Numeric | 5 | Yes |
19 | modDurationReason | If the originally imposed duration was modified, the reason the duration was modified. If the origDuration equals the modDuration, a 1 will be reported for modDurationReason. | [PSRW_ParticipantActionChange]State_Detail_Report_Code | Option Set | 2 | Cond |
20 | zeroTolerance | Indicates whether the action taken was imposed as a consequence of state or local zero tolerance policies. | [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
21 | services | Indicates whether educational services were provided while the student was removed from his/her regular setting for disciplinary reasons. | [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]state_detail_report_code [PSRW_IncidentActionAttribute]sub_category | Option Set | 1 | Yes |
22 | notes | Notes. | [PSRW_IncidentAction]Action_Resolved_Desc | Varchar | 250 | No |
23 | lastName Audit mode only | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | Varchar | 30 | N/A |
24 | firstName Audit mode only | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | Varchar | 30 | N/A |
25 | gender Audit mode only | The student’s gender. | [Students]Gender | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
26 | hispanic Audit mode only | Indicates whether the student is of Hispanic descent. | [Students]FedEthnicity | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
27 | asian Audit mode only | Indicates whether the student is of Asian descent. | [StudentRace]RaceCD | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
28 | indian Audit mode only | Indicates whether the student is of Indian descent. | [StudentRace]RaceCD | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
29 | black Audit mode only | Indicates whether the student is of African American descent. | [StudentRace]RaceCD | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
30 | islander Audit mode only | Indicates whether the student is of Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander descent. | [StudentRace]RaceCD | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
31 | white Audit mode only | Indicates whether the student is of Caucasian descent. | [StudentRace]RaceCD | Option Set | 1 | N/A |
32 | incidentID Audit mode only | The unique identifier of the incident. | [Incident]Incident_ID | Numeric | 10 | N/A |
33 | primaryActionDesc Audit mode only | The description of the primary action taken. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]Long_Desc [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Varchar | 30 | N/A |
34 | secondaryActionDesc Audit mode only | The description of the secondary action taken. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]Long_Desc [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Varchar | 30 | N/A |
35 | tertiaryActionDesc Audit mode only | The description of the secondary action taken. | [PSRW_ParticipantBehaviorAction]Long_Desc [PSRW_ParticipantActionAttr]State_Detail_Report_Code | Varchar | 30 | N/A |