The StaffAssignment SIF Object is a record of each assignment that a staff member has for each school in the zone.
Assignments are based on the following.
- Being assigned to a school on the Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations page. Any active school will produce a StaffAssignment record with a JobFunction/Code = 9999.
- Being assigned an MTSS/FAST role on the Security Settings > Admin Access and Roles. A staff can be assigned an MTSS/FAST role to any school and this will published a StaffAssignment record with a JobFunction/Code based on the table below.
See the document "Adding MTSS/FAST/IDEA Roles" for additional information on mapping the MTSS roles.
Add, Change and Delete events are reported for StaffAssignment.
Element Mappings for StaffAssingment
PS Field Mapping | SIF Element/Attribute | Req. | IA Field | Business Rules |
SchoolStaff.DCID | @RefId | M | Auto Generated. | |
Users.DCID | @StaffPersonalRefId | M | Auto Generated. | |
Schools.DCID | @SchoolInfoRefId | M | A020A | Auto Generated. |
@SchoolYear | M | MTSS | Auto Generated. | |
JobStartDate | O | MTSS | Not published by the IA SMP. | |
JobEndDate | O | MTSS | Not published by the IA SMP. | |
Roles and Assignments | JobFunction/Code | M | MTSS | Defaults to '9999' for the main School Assignments. MTSS Roles See "Adding MTSS/FAST/IDEA Roles" for setup and additional information. |