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School Setup



The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of the navigation are omitted for brevity: Start Page > School Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering Attendance Codes

Attendance Codes


Enter the attendance code abbreviation.



Fall/Spring Submission

Presence Status

Select Present or Absent as the presence status.

Note: For the Attendance and Tracking Notification function, you must set up attendance codes to track unexcused absences. The presence status for unexcused absences is Absent.



Fall/Spring Submission

Code Categories

Select one or more checkbox to associate the attendance code with attendance code categories.

Note: Attendance codes associated with the Unexcused Attendance Code Category are included in the Unexcused Absence calculation for the Fall/Spring Submission report.

[Attendance_Code]ID = [Att_Code_Code_Entity]Attendance_CodeID

[Att_Code_Code_Entity]Code_EntityID = [Code_Entity]ID

[Code_Entity]CE_Code = Unexcused (Present, Excused, etc.)


Fall/Spring Submission

Earns ADA credit

Select the checkbox to include the attendance code in the attendance calculation.



Fall/Spring Submission

Counts toward membership

Select the checkbox to include the attendance code in the membership calculation.



Fall/Spring Submission

Adding Attendance Code Categories

Attendance Code Categories

Note: Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year.


Enter the attendance code category abbreviation.

For the Attendance Tracking and Notification function, you must set up one attendance code category to track unexcused absences.



Required Setup


Enter the name of the attendance code category.

Note: Verify that an attendance code category of Unexcused is set up for each school calculating unexcused absences.



Fall/Spring Submission

Setting up Attendance Conversion

Attendance Conversions > New/Edit > Attendance Conversion


Enter the attendance conversion name.



Fall/Spring Submission

Configuring Attendance Conversions

Setting up Period-To-Day Attendance Conversions

Attendance Conversions > None/Defined > Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion

Note: Attendance conversions must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance for the Fall/Spring Submission report.

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=periodday



Fall/Spring Submission

Setting up Code-To-Day Attendance Conversions

Attendance Conversions > None/Defined > Code-To-Day Attendance Conversion

Note: Attendance conversions must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance.


Enter the code for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday


Note: The value in the Input_Value field is the ID of an attendance code in the [Attendance_Code] table.


Fall/Spring Submission

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday



Fall/Spring Submission

Configuring Attendance Mode and Unexcused Tracking Setup

Setting up Attendance Modes

Attendance Tracking and Notification > Attendance Mode Setup > Edit/New

Attendance Mode Value

Choose the attendance mode used as the default for your school:

  • (MPTD) Meeting Period to Day
  • (MTTD) Meeting Time to Day
  • (DCTD) Daily Code to Day
  • (DTTD) Daily Time to Day

[Gen]Value=MPTD, MTTD, DCTD, or DTTD




Required Setup

Setting up Unexcused Tracking

Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Setup > Edit/New

Tracking Category

The page displays Unexcused to indicate that the attendance code category selected will be used to track unexcused absences.



Required Setup

Attendance Category

Choose the attendance code category dedicated to tracking unexcused absences from the pop-up menu.

Attendance code categories can only be used once, so the pop-up menu displays all attendance code categories set up for your school, except for those already associated with an unexcused reporting category.





Required Setup


Select the radio button for one of the following:

  • Absent – Indicates that this unexcused tracking category is used to track absences.





Required Setup

Entering Full-Time Equivalencies

Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE)

Note: An FTE must be set up and assigned to each student in order to calculate attendance.


Enter the FTE name.



Fall/Spring Submission

Default Attendance Mode

Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission

Default Attendance Conversion

Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission

Setting Attendance Preferences

Attendance Preferences

Note: Attendance preference must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance.

Attendance Recording Methods

Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance.

Select the Daily checkbox to enable daily attendance.


where [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeMeeting


where [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeDaily


[Fall/Spring Submission

Count these codes for period conversion

Choose Absences or Presents from the pop-up menu.

Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions.


where [Prefs]Name=ATT_CalcCntPresentsAbsences


Fall/Spring Submission

Defining Bell Schedules

School Setup > Bell Schedules

Note: Bell schedules must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance.


Enter the bell schedule name.



Fall/Spring Submission

Attendance Conversion Method

Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission

Setting up the School Calendar

Calendar Setup

Note: The calendar must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance and membership.


The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of the current school year set up. To edit the number of days in the school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms.



Fall/Spring Submission


Choose the appropriate cycle day from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission


Choose the appropriate bell schedule from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission

In Sess

Select the checkbox to include the calendar day in attendance calculations.



Fall/Spring Submission


Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership.

Note: The value is normally 1 for each day.



Fall/Spring Submission

Defining Cycle Days

Cycle Days

Note: Cycle days must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance.

Day Letter

The day letter is view-only. To edit the number of days associated with this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.



Required Setup

Day Abbreviation

Enter the day abbreviation.



Fall/Spring Submission

Day Name

Enter the day name.



Required Setup

Defining Schedule Periods


Note: Periods must be set up correctly in order to accurately calculate attendance.

Period Number

The period number is view-only. To edit the number of periods associated with this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.



Required Setup

Period Abbreviation

Enter the period abbreviation.



Fall/Spring Submission

Period Name

Enter the period name.



Required Setup

Defining Course Sections

Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section

Course Number

Enter the course number for the section.



Fall/Spring Submission


Choose the term for the section from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission


Select the meeting schedule for the section.


[Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID


Required Setup


Choose the teacher for the section from the pop-up menu.



Fall/Spring Submission

Section Number

Enter the section number.



Fall/Spring Submission

Iowa State Report Information


Section Delivery Method

Choose the delivery method of the section of the course from the pop-up menu.

The default value is 1.

Valid values are:

  • Blank
  • 1 – Face to Face
  • 2 – Internet/Online
  • 3 – ICN
  • 4 – IPTV (Not applicable for school year 2021-22)
  • 5 – Satellite
  • 6 – Other
  • 7 – Face to Face on college site
  • 8 - Blended



Fall/Spring Submission

Preschool Program 1 Type

Choose the Preschool Program 1 Type from the pop-up menu.

The default value is 99 - Not Applicable

See the Appendix for valid values.

[S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_1_Type2Fall/Spring Submission
Preschool Program 1 Hours

Enter the number of hours per week a student attends Preschool Program 1.

[S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_1_Hours3Fall/Spring Submission
Preschool Program 1 Type Session

Entertheuserdefinedcodefor this preschool session.

Notes: If a value is entered into this field, then Preschool Program 1 Type and Preschool Program 1 Hours at either the section or course level must also contain non-blank values.

[S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_1_Session20Fall/Spring Submission
Preschool Program 2 Type

Choose the Preschool Program 2 Type from the pop-up menu.

The default value is 99 - Not Applicable

See the Appendix for valid values..

[S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_2_Type2Fall/Spring Submission
Preschool Program 2 Hours

Enter the number of hours per week a student attends Preschool Program 2.

This field must be between 0 and 99.9 or blank.

[S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_2_Hours3Fall/Spring Submission
Preschool Program 2 Type Session

Entertheuserdefinedcodefor this preschool session.

Notes: If a value is entered into this field, then Preschool Program 2 Type and Preschool Program 2 Hours at either the section or course level must also contain non-blank values.

[S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_2_Session20Fall/Spring Submission


Institution Providing Section

Choose the institution providing the section of the course from the pop-up menu, or enter the district number.

The reports will show the district number plus 0000, or a 6-digit IPEDS code.



8Fall/Spring Submission


Section Origination

Choose the type of course from the pop-up menu.

See the Appendix for valid values.


  • If a value is entered into this field, the SCED Course Code cannot be blank or 0. See the District Setup Coursessectionformoreinfomration on SCED Course Codes.
  • If this field is 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, or 81, FTE must be blank or 0.000.



Fall/Spring Submission


Section FTE for Supplementary Weighting

Enter the course section FTE for supplementary weighting


  • This field must be blank or less than 1.000.
  • Section FTE must equal 0.000 or blank if Section Origination is 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, or 81.



Fall/Spring Submission

Setting up Years & Terms

Years & Terms > New/Edit Terms


Enter the name of the term.



Required Setup


Enter an abbreviation for the term.



Required Setup

First Day of Term

Enter the first day of the term.



All reports

Last Day of Term

Enter the last day of the term.



All reports

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