File Names: queries\StaffAssignment.txt
Base Table Alias: SchoolStaff
Value | Description |
%SCHOOLDCID% | This is a list of the schools that are part of the zone. |
/*OR_DISTRICT_AS_SCHOOL*/ | Option to include the District Office when filtering by schools.
/*AND_STAFFSTATUS_FILTER*/ | This is configured in the SIF Agent settings and is for limiting the type of staff. |
/*AND_STATUS_FILTER*/ | This is configured in the SIF Agent settings and is for limiting the type of staff. |
/*AND_CONDITION*/ | This is the condition that is used by the SIF Agent to filter data based on the request. This should always be included at the bottom of the query. This is different than StaffPersonal because there are other WHERE conditions that are hard coded. |