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This category captures any contacts linked to the student including their defined relationship and includes the following data views and resources:

Student Contacts

This view captures the demographic record for each student contact as published in the parents resource within the Contacts category. It includes each contact associated with a student in PowerSchool who was included for publishing in the students resource. The layout includes School Name, Contact ID, Student Contact Name, Contact Unique ID, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID. 

Each contact must first have an assigned Unique Person Identifier (Unique ID) in order for the contact record to be published. At this time, a Unique ID is automatically assigned to each contact. In turn, the publishing of the related studentParentAssociation resource is dependent on the successful publishing of the contact record. Use the Publishing Errors data view, as needed, to identify and resolve any issues.

Automatic Creation of Student Contact Records

The Ed-Fi process automatically creates contact records for students that do not already have at least one contact record defined within PowerSchool. This functionality is invoked each time a school or district uses the Ed-Fi dashboard to publish student contacts.

If a student does not already have at least one student contact and relationship, the Ed-Fi process leverages the existing mother and father fields defined in the Students table, parses the fields to create separate contact records for each, and populates the PowerSchool student contacts table with the new records. If the mother and father fields cannot be successfully parsed, no contact record is created. Instead, the district/school must manually create the needed contact records.

Only first and last names are parsed. The relationship is assumed to be mother if data is derived from the mother column, or father when derived from the father column. Once the new student contact records are created, the district/school can then update any field on the contact record to adjust the relationship or name information, or to add other related data as appropriate.

The mother/father field parsing routine uses the following business logic:

  • A valid name may contain alphabetic characters, a comma, apostrophes, and hyphens. Any other characters or punctuation will cause the field to be unusable (skipped).
  • If a comma is found, everything before the comma is assumed to be the last name (and possible generation suffix). Everything after the comma is considered the first name.
  • If a comma is not found, then the field is not parsed.
  • If the mother and father fields both contain the same information, the father field is bypassed in order to prevent the creation of two identical contact records.
  • It is not an error if parsing fails on both the mother and father fields. This is only an indication that the software cannot automate the creation of contacts for a student, and the district/school must manually create the student contact record.

When a new Student Contact record is created, the following fields are populated:

  • Contacts table: S_CONTACTS_S
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Gender
  • Relationships table: S_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP_C
    • Relationship
    • Primary Contact (flag is populated for mother if mother exists; if not, then father)


Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • S_Contacts_S

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The contact must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The contact's Unique ID must be populated.
  • The contact is associated with a student who qualifies for publishing (based on having a valid school enrollment in the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI).
  • The contact's firstName and lastName must be populated.

Resource Output

  • A separate record is published for each Student Contact associated with a student in PowerSchool who was included for publishing in the Student Demographic data.
  • The parent resource is not dependent on the prior publishing any resources.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.                       

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in Table.Field



A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a parent.String


personalTitlePrefixA prefix used to denote the title, degree, position, or seniority of the person.StringS_Contacts_S.PrefixO
firstNameA name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.StringS_Contacts_S.First_NameR
middleNameA secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony.StringS_Contacts_S.Middle_NameO
lastSurnameThe name borne in common by members of a family.StringS_Contacts_S.Last_NameR
generationCodeSuffixAn appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III).StringS_Contacts_S.SuffixO
sexTypeA person's gender.String

S_Contacts_S.Gender, if populated

Otherwise: Published Value = 'Not Selected'



An unordered collection of parentAddresses. Parent's address, if different from the student address.



The type of address listed for an individual or organization.String

Published Value = 'Home'

Published Value = 'Mailing'



The street number and street name or post office box number of an address.String





The apartment, room, or suite number of an address.String





The number of the building on the site, if more than one building shares the same address.String





The name of the city in which an address is located.String





The abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located.String





The five- or nine-digit zip code or overseas postal code portion of an address.String





The name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in which an address is located.String





An unordered collection of parentElectronicMails. The numbers, letters and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs.



The type of email listed for an individual or organization.String

Published Value = 'Home/Personal'

Published Value = 'Work'



The electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for an individual or organization.String





An unordered collection of parentTelephones.



The type of communication number listed for an individual.String

Published Value = 'Home'

Published Value = 'Mobile'

Published Value = 'Work'



The 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person.Integer





Student Associations

This data view represents a detailed list of student contacts and their relationship to the student. The published view layout provides the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, State Identifier, Contact ID, Student Contact Name, Contact Unique ID, Relationship, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.


Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • S_Contact_Relationship_C

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student’s school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The contact's Unique ID must be populated.
  • The studentUniqueID must be populated in PowerSchool (Students.State_StudentNumber).

Resource Output

  • A separate Student Contact record is published for each unique Student/Contact combination.
  • The studentParentAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students, parents, studentSchoolAssociation.
  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.                       

Data Element


Data Type

Stored in Table.Field



A reference to the related parents resource.



A unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a parent.StringS_Contact_Relationship_C.S_Contacts_SIDR


A reference to the related students resource.



The student associated with the contact.StringStudents.State_StudentNumberR
relationTypeThe nature of an individual''s relationship to a student; for example, Father, Mother, Step Father, Step Mother, Foster Father, Foster Mother, Guardian.StringS_Contact_Relationship_C.RelationshipO
primaryContactStatusIndicator of whether the person is a primary parental contact for the Student.Boolean

S_Contact_Relationship_C.Primary_Contact, if populated

Otherwise: Published Value = '0'

livesWithIndicator of whether the Student lives with the associated parent.Boolean

S_Contact_Relationship_C.Lives_With, if populated

Otherwise: Published Value = '0'

emergencyContactStatusIndicator of whether the person is a designated emergency contact for the Student.Boolean

S_Contact_Relationship_C.Emergency_Contact, if populated

Otherwise: Published Value = '0'

contactPriorityThe numeric order of the preferred sequence or priority of contact.IntegerS_Contact_Relationship_C.Contact_OrderO
contactRestrictionsRestrictions for student and/or teacher contact with the individual (e.g., the student may not be picked up by the individual).StringS_Contact_Relationship_C.NotesO
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