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Ed-Fi Reporting Page - Details Publish Data

This section includes the Ed-Fi resources that are published from PowerSchool to the Ed-Fi Endpoint. The Publish Data section of the Ed-Fi Reporting page allows you to view the status of the published resources; data views provide the ability to drill down to the details within each data set.

You can verify the current state of publishing, including any dependencies or errors that may prevent data from being successfully published. To supplement the automatic transactional publishing that occurs because of data updates in PowerSchool, you can also upload data on an as-needed basis using the "Run Now" button. For additional information about the options and functionality available, refer to the Publish Data section of the Getting Started with Ed-Fi documentation.

Each row under the Publish Data and On Demand headers provides one or more data views corresponding to the Ed-Fi resources contained within that area. To access the records published for any area, click on the Review or Errors button:

  • For categories containing a single Ed-Fi resource such as Student Demographics, choose Published from the Choose data view pop-up menu to access a list of records and the key data elements that have been published.
  • For categories with multiple resources such as Student Enrollments, choose the Published item from the Choose view category pop-up menu, and then select the desired data view from the Choose data view pop-up menu.

Note: Data views including Statistical Summary, Dependencies, and Publishing Errors are provided on the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Reporting Page to assist districts in ascertaining and troubleshooting the status of their Ed-Fi data. Additional information about these views can be found in the Getting Started with Ed-Fi documentation.

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