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HTTPS may be used in two modes:

  • Server Authentication
  • Client & Server Authentication

When Server Authentication is used, the Zone Integration Server presents its security credentials to the PowerSchool Agent for verification each time the Agent sends a message to the ZIS. If the Agent does not trust that the ZIS is who it claims to be, the connection is not established. With Server Authentication, the Agent knows that it is transmitting SIF information to the Zone Integration Server instead of to a third-party claiming to be the Zone Integration Server.

When Client Authentication is used, both sides of the communication present their security credentials for verification. Client Authentication ensures that the Zone Integration Server sends SIF messages to the PowerSchool Agent at a specified server address, so that another party cannot act as an impostor by registering its own PowerSchool Agent with the server.

With both Server Authentication and Client Authentication, the entity asking for a certificate must trust that certificate for the communication to proceed. This trust is established when both parties have one another's digital certificate on file.

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