Suspension and Expulsions Report
The Suspensions and Expulsions extract reports student in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, and expulsions for the school year.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
Student suspension or expulsion takes place within the reporting date range.
Student is enrolled in the school for which the report is run.
If run for the entire district, all discipline log records, including those with a schoolid of 0, are extracted.
Note: If a district has no suspensions and expulsions, the completed file will contain the header row and a “0” in the first column (AKSID).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student or a group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Start Date | Enter the start date for the reporting period. |
End Date | Enter the end date for the reporting period. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
1 | AKSID | The Alaska Student Identification Number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 10 |
2 | LocalID | The locally assigned student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 15 |
3 | LastName | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | 35 |
4 | FirstName | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | 35 |
5 | MiddleName | The student’s middle name. | [Students]Middle_Name | 35 |
6 | Suffix | The student’s suffix. | [S_AK_STU_X]Suffix | 8 |
7 | BirthDate | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB | 10 |
8 | Gender | The student’s gender. | [Students]Gender | 1 |
9 | EthnicityID | The student’s race or ethnicity. | [Students]Sched_Ethnicity | 1 |
10 | SchoolNumber | The student’s school ID. | {Prefs}Value where [Prefs]Name = DistrictNumber [Students]SchoolID | 6 |
11 | Grade | Student’s grade level. For valid values, see the Appendix. | [Log]Grade_Level | 2 |
12 | DisabilityID | Student’s primary disability at the time of the incident. For valid values, see the Appendix. Notes:
| [S_AK_Log_X]Disability_Code | 2 |
13 | EL_Status | Indicates whether the student was an EL student at the time of the incident. For valid values, see the Appendix. | [S_AK_Log_X]LEPCode | 1 |
14 | IncidentDate | The date of the incident. | [S_AK_Log_X]Incident_Date | 10 |
15 | IncidentNumber | The unique ID number of the incident. | [S_AK_Log_X]Incident_Number | 10 |
16 | WeaponID | Indicates what, if any, weapon was involved in the incident. Note: Code 29 indicates the incident did not involve a weapon. | [S_AK_Log_X]Weapon_ID | 2 |
17 | OtherWeaponsDesc | If codes 24, 26 or 28 were reported for the Weapons ID, this output provides a description of the weapon. | [S_AK_Log_X]Other_Weapon_Description | 35 |
18 | NonWeaponID | Indicates the reason for the disciplinary action if a weapon was not involved. Note: Code 62, Threat of Physical Attack, reports as 10 in this field. | [S_AK_Log_X]NonWeapon_ID | 2 |
19 | OtherNonWeaponsDesc | If code 12 was reported for the Non-Weapons ID, provides a brief description of the incident. | [S_AK_Log_X]Other_NonWeapon_Description | 75 |
20 | OriginalActionID | Indicates the disciplinary action given to the student for this incident. Valid values:
| [Log]Consequence | 3 |
21 | OriginalLength | Indicates the number of days the student was removed from their regular education setting for the disciplinary action. Reported in 0.5 increments with 0.5 equaling ½ day, 1.0 equaling a full day, and so on. Note: An incident coded as an expulsion must have an Original Length lasting through the end of the school year. | [Log]Discipline_DurationAssigned | 5 |
22 | DiscModified | Indicates if the expulsion or suspension, with or without services, was altered from the initial disciplinary action. Note: If DiscModified = Y, Modified Action and Actual Length must contain a value. Valid values:
| [S_AK_Log_X]Discipline_Mod | 1 |
23 | ModifiedActionID | Indicates the final actual action if the Original Action (element number 20) was modified. Note: An incident coded as an Expulsion in Modified Action must have an Actual Length lasting through the end of the school year. If the number of days of an expulsion is reduced below this point, the Modified Action must be ISS or S. Valid values:
| [S_AK_Log_X]Discipline_Mod_Consequence | 3 |
24 | ActualLength | Indicates the final actual length of time the student was removed from their regular educational setting if Y was entered in the Discipline Modified field . Reported in 0.5 increments with 0.5 equaling ½ day, 1.0 equaling a full day and so on. Note: This field is blank unless Discipline Modified field = Y. | [S_AK_Log_X]Discipline_Mod_Length | 5 |
25 | NumberOfVictims | Indicates the number of student victims who were injured or harmed as a direct result of the incident. | Count of S_AK_LOG_VICTIM_C records where: [S_AK_LOG_VICTIM_C]VictimType = Student [S_AK_LOG_VICTIM_C]Injured = 1 | 2 |
26 | TransferRequests | Indicates the number of student victims who requested to be transferred to a new educational setting as a direct result of the incident. | [S_AK_Log_X]TransferRequest | 1 |
27 | TransferRequestsCompleted | Indicates the number of student victims who were transferred to a new educational setting as a direct result of the transfer request. | [S_AK_Log_X]TransferRequestCompleted | 1 |
28 | LawEnforcement | Indicates whether the incident was referred to off-site Law Enforcement personnel. Valid values:
| [Log]Discipline_PoliceInvolvedFlag | 1 |
29 | PhysicalInjury | Indicates if one or more students, school personnel, or other persons on school grounds required professional medical attention as a result of the incident. Valid values:
| [S_AK_Log_X]Physical_Injury | 1 |
30 | EducationalServices | Indicates whether an expelled student received educational services during the expulsion. Note: This element must be reported for any expelled student, regardless of disability status. Students with disabilities (IDEA) must receive educational services during any removal of more than 10 school days. Valid values:
| [S_AK_Log_X]Educational_Services | 1 |
31 | HearingOfficerRemoval | Indicates whether a student with a disability was removed from his/her current education placement to an appropriate alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days by an impartial Special Education Due Process Hearing Officer. Note: Applies only to students with disabilities. Valid values
| [S_AK_Log_X]Hearing_Officer_Removal | 1 |
32 | UnilateralRemoval | Indicates whether a student with a disability was removed from his/her current educational placement to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days by school personnel (not by a hearing officer or the IEP team). Note: Applies only to students with disabilities. Valid values:
| [S_AK_Log_X]Unilateral_Removal | 1 |
33 | AltEduSettingName | If either Hearing Officer Removal or Unilateral Removal = Y, indicates the name of the Interim Alternative Educational Setting that the student was removed to by the IEP team or the hearing officer. | [S_AK_Log_X]Interim_Setting | 50 |
34 | Notes | Notes that explain any special circumstances that should receive consideration. | N/A | 35 |