School Setup
Start Page > School Setup. The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
- On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
- Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
- Click School. The School Setup page appears.
- For more information on code values, see the Appendix.
- When enrolling a new student on the Special Functions > Enroll New Student page, select the Use Enrollment Date as New District Entry Date check box to use the enrollment date as the student's new district entry date. If not checked, the new district entry date is left blank.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Used in these Reports |
Adding Attendance Codes InformationNote: All attendance codes with a Presence Status of Absent must be set to Excused or Unexcused for absences to be correctly categorized. | |||
Code | Enter the attendance code abbreviation. | [Attendance_Code]Att_Code | SIF WDE600 |
Description | Enter the attendance code description. | [Attendance_Code]Description | SIF WDE600 |
Presence Status | Select Present or Absent as the presence status. | [Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD | SIF WDE600 |
Points | Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades. | [Attendance_Code]Course_Credit_Points |
Teacher can assign | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to determine whether the teacher can assign the attendance code. | [Attendance_Code]Assignment_Filter_YN |
Earns ADA credit | Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADA_YN | SIF WDE600 |
Counts toward membership | Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADM_YN | SIF WDE600 |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the code displays on the page. | [Attendance_Code]SortOrder |
Setting Up Attendance Code CategoriesNote: Confirm that Excused and Unexcused Attendance Code Categories are set up and spelled as “Excused” and “Unexcused”. These terms are case sensitive. Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year. | |||
Code | Enter the attendance code category abbreviation. | [Code_Entity]CE_Code | SIF WDE600 |
Name | Enter the name of the attendance code category. | [Code_Entity]External_Name | SIF WDE600 |
Description | Enter a description for the attendance code category. | [Code_Entity]Description |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page. | [Code_Entity]SortOrder |
Entering Attendance Conversion | |||
Name | Enter the attendance conversion name. | [Attendance_Conversion]Name |
Setting up Period-To-Day Attendance ConversionNote: Period-To-Day is the only attendance conversion mode supported in Wyoming. | |||
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. Note: Districts must use Period to Day conversion only. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=periodday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | SIF WDE600 |
Adding Full-Time Equivalencies | |||
Name | Enter the FTE name. | [FTE]Name | SIF WDE600 |
Default Attendance Mode | Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE from the pop-up menu. | [FTE]Dflt_Att_Mode_Code |
Default Attendance Conversion | Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE from the pop-up menu. | [FTE]Dflt_Conversion_Mode_Code |
Setting Up Attendance Preferences | |||
Attendance Recording Methods | Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance. Note: As per state requirements districts have to use Meeting attendance only. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeMeeting | SIF WDE600 |
Count these codes for period conversion | Choose Absences or Presents from the count these codes for period conversion pop-up menu. Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=ATT_CalcCntPresentsAbsences |
Adding Bell Schedules | |||
Name | Enter the bell schedule name. | [Bell_Schedule]Name | SIF WDE600 |
Attendance Conversion Method | Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule from the pop-up menu. | [Bell_Schedule]Attendance_Conversion_ID | SIF WDE600 |
Configuring the School Calendar | |||
Date | The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date ofcurrentschool year. | [Calendar_Day]Date | SIF WDE600 |
Day | Choose the appropriate cycle day from the pop-up menu. | [Calendar_Day]Cycle_Day_ID |
Schedule | Choose the appropriate bell schedule from the pop-up menu. | [Calendar_Day]Bell_Schedule_ID | SIF WDE600 |
Tracks | Check the appropriate tracks. | [Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, F |
In Sess | Check the checkbox to count the calendar day in attendance calculation. | [Calendar_Day]InSession | SIF WDE600 |
MembValue | Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership. Note: The value is normally 1 for each day. | [Calendar_Day]MembershipValue | SIF WDE600 |
Type | Choose the appropriate calendar membership type from the pop-up menu. | [Calendar_Day]Type | SIF WDE600 |
Note | Enter a note to describe the calendar day. | [Calendar_Day]Note |
Defining Periods | |||
Period Number | The period number is view-only on this page. To edit the number of periods associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year. | [Period]Period_Number | SIF WDE600 |
Period Abbreviation | Enter the period abbreviation. | [Period]Abbreviation |
Period Name | Enter the period name. | [Period]Name |
Defining Course SectionsSections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section | |||
Course Number | Enter the course number for the section. | [Sections]Course_Number |
Term | Choose the term for the section from the pop-up menu. | [Sections]TermID |
Schedule | Select the meeting schedule for the section. | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID |
Teacher | Choose the teacher for the section from the pop-up menu. | [Sections]Teacher |
Section Number | Enter the section number. | [Sections]Section_Number |
Adding Wyoming-specific Sections Information | |||
Instruction Level (Section Override) | Choose a valid value from the list to indicate the general nature and difficulty of instruction provided for this section. This overrides the value from the Course. By default, this is set to the Course Value. | [S_WY_SEC_X]Instruction_Level | Transcript Collection |
Medium of Instruction (Section Override) | Choose a valid value from the list to indicate the media through which teachers provide instruction to students, and students and teachers communicate about instructional matters. This overrides the value from the Course. By default, this is set to the Course Value. | [S_WY_SEC_X]Medium_Of_Inst | WDE684 |
Milestones (Section Override) | Enter the number of Milestones for this section. This is required only if the Medium of Instruction of the section is Distance Education or Correspondence Instruction. This overrides the value from the Course. By default, this is set to the Course Value. | [S_WY_SEC_X]Milestones | WDE684 |
Provider ID (Section Override) | Enter the WDE ID of the School of Institution that is the service provider of the course. This is required only if the service provider is not the current school. This overrides the value from the Course. By default, this is set to the Course Value. | [S_WY_SEC_X]Provider_ID | WDE684 |
Defining Years & Terms | |||
Years & Terms > Edit Terms | |||
Name | Enter the name of the term. | [Terms]Name |
Abbreviation | Enter an abbreviation for the term. | [Terms]Abbreviation |
First Day of Term | Enter the first day of the term. | [Terms]FirstDay |
Last Day of Term | Enter the last day of the term. | [Terms]LastDay |