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District Setup



The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.
  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.
  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Entering Attendance Preferences



Set attendance preferences for all schools on this server.



Enter the calendar membership type code.




Enter the calendar membership type meaning.



Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.


WDE638, WDE684

Course Number

Enter the course number.


WDE638, WDE684

Alternate Course Number

Enter the School Codes for Exchange of Data (SCED) course code. For details see the NCES SCED codes.



CRDC Report

Credit Type

The type of credit awarded to this course.



Credit Hours

The number of credit hours awarded to this course.




Enter the course department.


Scholarship Course Indicator

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if this course is eligible forscholarship.


WDE638, WDE950

Instruction Level

Choose a valid value from the list to indicate the general nature and difficulty of instruction provided throughout a course. The valid values are:

RM - Remedial

SE - Special Education Course

BA - Basic

GE - General

HL - Honors Level

GT - Gifted & talented level

IB - International Baccalaureate program

AP - Advanced placement

CL - College level

EL - English Language Learner

HS - Accepted as a high school equivalent


WDE638, WDE684

CRDC Report

Medium of Instruction

Choose a valid value from the list to indicate the media through which teachers provide instruction to students, and students and teachers communicate about instructional matters. The valid values are:

TB - Technology-based instruction in classroom

CI - Correspondence instruction

FF - Face-to-face instruction

DE - Distance Education

CB - Center-based instruction

IS - Independent Study

IN - Internship

RM - Remote Education

AS - From Another School



Provider ID

Enter the WDE ID of the School of Institution that is the service provider of the course. This is required only if the service provider is not the current school.




Enter the number of Milestones for this course. This is required only if the Medium of Instruction of the course is Distance Education or Correspondence Instruction.



Virtual EducationChoose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if this course is a virtual education course. [S_WY_CRS_X] VirtualEducationWDE638
Career Technical EducationChoose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if this course is a CTE course. [S_WY_CRS_X] CareerTechnicalEducationWDE638
College ConcurrentChoose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if this course can be taken by students receiving both college and high school credit. [S_WY_CRS_X] CollegeConcurrentWDE638
Credit Recovery

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if this course is a credit recovery course.

Note: A credit recovery course is a course designed for students, who have failed a course, to have the opportunity to retake a course and earn academic credit.

[S_WY_CRS_X] CreditRecoveryWDE638
Delivery Method

Choose a valid value from the list to indicate the course delivery method.

Valid values:

  • OA - Online Asynchronous
  • OS - Online Synchronous
  • IV - Interactive Video
  • VS - Video Streaming
  • CO - Correspondence
[S_WY_CRS_X] DeliveryMethodWDE638

Name of District

Enter the district name.



District Number

Enter the district number.




Load Codes/Subcodes

This link appears if the WY Incident Management configuration file has not been loaded.



Load is complete

This message appears if the WY Incident Management configuration file has been loaded.



District ID

Enter the district ID.



District Name

Enter the district name.



Code setSelect the Code set type.[CODESET]CODETYPE=EntryCode


Enter the entry code.


Display ValueEnter the code display value.[CODESET]DisplayValue


Enter the entry code description.


Sort OrderEnter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder
Start DateEnter a start date to activate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveStartDate
End DateEnter an end date to inactivate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveEndDate
Code setSelect the Code set type.[CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode


Enter the exit code.


Display ValueEnter the code display value.[CODESET]DisplayValue


Enter the exit code meaning.


Sort OrderEnter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder
Start DateEnter a start date to activate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveStartDate
End DateEnter an end date to inactivate this code.[CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8

Configuring Federal Race and Ethnicity Information

Defining Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Ethnicity Decline to Specify

The “decline to specify” setting is not required for Wyoming.


Not Required

Race Decline to Specify

The “decline to specify” setting is not required for Wyoming.


Not Required

Note: See article 57847 on PowerSource for import templates and instructions for the initial setup of the ethnicity/race code.


Enter the federal race category code.




Enter the federal race category description.



Sort Order

When you click Submit, the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings pageappears. Enter a sort order for the federal race category.



Note: See article 57847 on PowerSource for import templates and instructions for the initial setup of the ethnicity/race code.


Enter the district race code.




Enter the district race description.



Federal Category

Choose the associated federal race category from the pop-up menu.




Alt Race Code

Enter an alternate, equivalent race code.

Note: This field can be used for SIF.



Note: Incident codes and subcodes can be loaded automatically using the Wyoming configuration file on the District Info page. See the Appendix for Wyoming Incident Management codes.

For more information about Wyoming discipline incidents, see  Incident Management Quick Entry. 

Action Codes

Verify that Wyoming specific Action codes exist.




Attribute Codes

There are Wyoming specific Attribute codes.




Behavior Codes

Verify that Wyoming specific Behavior codes exist.




Participant Attribute Codes

There are Wyoming specific Participant Attribute codes.




Location Codes

There are Wyoming specific Location codes.




Object Codes

Verify that Wyoming specific Object codes exist.




Object Subcodes

Verify that Wyoming specific Object subcodes exist.




Participant Role Codes

There are Wyoming specific subcodes. The following codes are available by default: Offender, Victim, Witness, Reporter.




Time Codes

There are Wyoming specificTime codes.




Duration Codes

Verify that Wyoming specific Duration codes exist.




Action Change Codes

There are no Wyoming specific Action Change codes.


Not Required

Action Attributes

Verify that Wyoming specific Action Attribute codes exist. For Wyoming, the Action Attribute codes are used to set up Instructional Support Indicator and Action Authority Codes.





Verify that the incident type WY State Reporting is set up. This incident type must not be removed.

For more information about Wyoming discipline incidents, see the Incident Management Quick Entry.

Note: The Local Use Only incident type can be modified for non-WY reporting.





Enter the ethnicity code.



No longer used


Enter the ethnicity description.



No longer used

School Name

Enter the school name.



School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.


School Address

Enter the school address.


School City

Enter the school city.


School State/Province

Enter the school state/province.


School Postal/Zip Code

Enter the school postal/zip code.


School Phone Number

Enter the school phone number.


School Number

Enter the 3-digit school number, including any leading zeros.



Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.



Enter the state ID.


WDE638, WDE684

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




CRDC Report

Principal’s Name

Enter the principal’s name.


Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.



Enter the name of the school year term. For example, 2012-2013.



Enter an abbreviation for the term. For example, 12-13.


First Day of Term

Enter the first day of the term.


Last Day of Term

Enter the last day of the term.



What portion of the school year does this term represent?




Enter the home language code in lower-case.




Enter the description for the home language.


Configuring CRDC District Setup

CRDC District Setup

District Setup > School/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Refer to CRDC District Setup (2020-2021)

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