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Discipline Incident Report



The Discipline Incident report provides aggregated discipline incidents data of the current school year from the Incident Management module for the WDE636 (Report of Disciplinary Actions and Crimes and Violence Incidents). The aggregate data generated by this report must be then entered into the WDE636 Excel Workbook provided by WDE on their Data Collection Suite - Forms Inventory website. 

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report includes records from the Incident Management module based on the following criteria:

  • All students must be enrolled at any given time in a school in the current school year.
  • All Incidents occurred in the current school year.

  • Incident type is WY State Reporting.

  • Incident participant is Offender.

Once the records are selected, they are aggregated in different categories as required by Wyoming Department of Education (WDE).

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Schools to Include

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

School Year

Select the applicable school year.

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Report Output

The report output is generated as Discipline_Incidents_WDE636_[DateTimestamp].zip file that contains the following CSV files:

  • Discipline Incidents (Discipline_Incidents_[DateTimestamp].csv)
  • Discipline Incidents Audit (Discipline_Incidents_Audit_[DateTimestamp].csv)

The individual CSV files are described below in more detail. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Discipline Incidents (Discipline_Incidents_[DateTimestamp].csv)

This file contains the aggregated counts of the discipline incidents data required for the WDE636 Excel Workbook.



1. Expulsions

Students NOT IDEA and Education Service were providedIDEA = N - No and Action Taken = S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
Students NOT IDEA and Education Service were NOT providedIDEA = N - No and Action Taken = E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)
Students that are IDEA and Education Service were providedIDEA = Y - Yes and Action Taken = S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
Students that are IDEA and Education Service were NOT providedIDEA = Y - Yes and Action Taken = E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)

2. Students Involved with Firearms - grouped by Grade Level and Weapon Type

HandgunObject Code = H - Handgun
Rifle/ShotgunObject Code = R - Rifle or Shotgun
Multiple Weapons

Object Code = H - Handgun / R - Rifle or Shotgun / F - Other Firearm

OtherObject Code = F - Other Firearm

3. Firearms Discipline NOT IDEA - grouped by Discipline Method

General Rule: Students IDEA = N - No

Expulsions with NO Educations Services providedAction Taken = E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)
Expulsions with Educations Services provided under IDEAAction Taken = S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
Expulsions Modified to less than one year with NO Education services provided

Action Taken = E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)

and Action Attribute = ShortenedExpulsion

Expulsions Modified to less than one year with Education services under IDEA

Action Taken = S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)

and Action Attribute = ShortenedExpulsion

Other removal - other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarcerationAction Taken = R - Removal for Other Reasons
Other discipline action

Action Taken are other than the following:

  • E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)
  • S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
  • R - Removal for Other Reasons
  • N - No Action Taken

No action taken

Action Taken = N - No Action Taken

4. Firearms Discipline IDEA - grouped by Discipline Method

General Rule: Students IDEA = Y - Yes

Expulsions with Educations Services provided under IDEAAction Taken = S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
Expulsions Modified to less than one year with Education services under IDEAAction Taken = S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)

and Action Attribute = ShortenedExpulsion

Other removal - other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarcerationAction Taken = R - Removal for Other Reasons
Other discipline action

Action Taken are other than the following:

  • E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)
  • S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
  • R - Removal for Other Reasons
  • N - No Action Taken

No action taken

Action Taken = N - No Action Taken

5. IDEA Total Discipline Removals - grouped by Disability Category, Race Ethnicity, Sex and LEP Status.  This is the number of times a student was removed for each category.

General Rule: Students IDEA = Y - Yes and Action Taken other than N - No Action Taken and Duration is greater than 0.5 days

Disability Category

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Developmental Delay (age 3-10 only)
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment

Primary Disability of the student.

  • AT - Autism
  • DB - Deaf-Blindness
  • DD - Developmental Delay
  • ED - Emotional Disability
  • HI - Hearing Impairment (including Deafness)
  • CD - Cognitive Disability
  • MU - Multiple Disabilities
  • OI - Orthopedic Impairment
  • LD - Specific Learning Disability
  • SL - Speech/Language Impairment
  • BI - Traumatic Brain Injury
  • VI - Visual Impairment (including Blindness)
  • HL - Other Health Impairment


  • American Indian or Alaska
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Two or more races

Federal Ethnicity and Race of the student.

  • I = American Indian or Alaska
  • A = Asian
  • B = Black or African American
  • H = Hispanic/Latino
  • P = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • W = White
  • M = Two or more races


  • Female
  • Male

Gender or the student.

  • F = Female
  • M = Male

LEP Status

  • LEP
  • Not LEP

ELL Status of the student.

  • ELL = Yes
  • ELL other than Yes

6. IDEA Disciplinary Removal Length - grouped by Disability Category, Race Ethnicity, Sex and LEP Status as described in item 5.  This is the number of students that were removed based on Item 5.

General Rule: Students IDEA = Y - Yes and Action Taken other than N - No Action Taken and Duration is greater than 0.5 days

6.1 - Removal 1 Day or Less

Duration less than or equal to 1 day.

If Actual Duration is blank then Assigned Duration is processed.

6.2 - Removal 2-10 days

Duration greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 10 days.

If Actual Duration is blank then Assigned Duration is processed.

6.3 - Removal greater than 10 days

Duration greater than 10 days.

If Actual Duration is blank then Assigned Duration is processed.

7. IDEA Suspensions/Expulsions - grouped by Disability Category, Race Ethnicity, Sex and LEP Status as described in item 5.

General Rule: Students IDEA = Y - Yes

7.1 - Out of School Suspensions/Expulsions

Action Taken is one of the following:

  • O - Out of School Suspension
  • E - Expulsion (No Educational Service Provided)
  • S - Expulsion (Educational Services Provided)
7.1.1 - Removed for 10 days or less

Duration less than or equal to 10 days.

If Actual Duration is blank, then Assigned Duration is processed.

7.1.2 - Removed for more than 10 days

Duration greater than 10 days.

If Actual Duration is blank, then Assigned Duration is processed.

7.2 - In School SuspensionsAction Taken = I - In School Suspension
7.2.1 - Removed for 10 days or less

Duration less than or equal to 10 days.

If Actual Duration is blank, then Assigned Duration is processed.

7.2.2 - Removed for more than 10 days

Duration greater than 10 days.

If Actual Duration is blank, then Assigned Duration is processed.

8. IDEA Removal to Interim Alternative Setting - grouped by Disability Category, Race Ethnicity, Sex and LEP Status as described in item 5.

General Rule: Students IDEA = Y - Yes

8.1 - Unilateral removed by School PersonnelAction Taken = A - Alternative Placement by School Personnel
8.2 - Removed based on a Hearing OfficerAction Taken = H - Alternative Placement by Hearing Officer

9. IDEA Reasons for Unilateral Removal - grouped by Disability Category, Race Ethnicity, Sex, and LEP Status as described in item 5.

General Rule: Students IDEA = Y - Yes

9.1 - Removed for DrugsIncident Attribute = Drugs-related
9.2 - Removed for WeaponsAny object other than No Weapon
9.3 - Removed for Bodily InjuryParticipant Attribute is S = Serious Bodily Injury

10. Seclusion and Restraints

10.1 - Seclusion and Restraint Interventions
10.1.1 - Students that were IDEA seclusion

IDEA = Y - Yes and Action Attribute is one of the following:

  • PS - Physical Seclusion
  • MS - Mechanical Seclusion
  • OS - Other Seclusion
10.1.2 - Students that were NOT IDEA seclusion

IDEA = N - No and Action Attribute is one of the following:

  • PS - Physical Seclusion
  • MS - Mechanical Seclusion
  • OS - Other Seclusion
10.1.3 - Students that were IDEA restraint

IDEA = Y - Yes and Action Attribute is one of the following:

  • PR - Physical Restraint
  • MR - Mechanical Restraint
  • OR - Other Restraint
10.1.4 - Students that were NOT IDEA restraintIDEA = N - No and Action Attribute is one of the following:
10.2 - Restraint Serious Bodily Injury
10.2.1 - Restraint with Serious Bodily Injury

Participation Attribute Code = RI - Inflicted Injury and Action Attribute is one of the following:

  • PS - Physical Seclusion
  • MS - Mechanical Seclusion
  • OS - Other Seclusion
  • PR - Physical Restraint
  • MR - Mechanical Restraint
  • OR - Other Restraint

The number of students restrained with a serious bodily injury.

Discipline Incidents Audit (Discipline_Incidents_Audit_[DateTimestamp].csv)

This file contains the list of students with certain data elements that provide districts the ability to troubleshoot the aggregated counts processed by the report.

Item #

Data Element



1Student NameStudents Name includes Last, First, and Middle.[Students]Last_Name, First_Name, Middle_Name
2StudentNumberStudent number for use of search, export, or import.[Students]StudentNumber
3Student IdStudent ID for use of search and direct data export.[Students]StudentID
4Grade_LevelCurrent grade level of the student.



5School IdSchool ID of the school attended by the student.



6IdeaIndicates if the student was IDEA. 0 = N:No, 1 = Y:Yes.



7Disability Category

Indicates the primary disability of the student if is IDEA.

  • AT - Autism
  • DB - Deaf-Blindness
  • DD - Developmental Delay
  • ED - Emotional Disability
  • HI - Hearing Impairment (including Deafness)
  • CD - Cognitive Disability
  • MU - Multiple Disabilities
  • OI - Orthopedic Impairment
  • LD - Specific Learning Disability
  • SL - Speech/Language Impairment
  • BI - Traumatic Brain Injury
  • VI - Visual Impairment (including Blindness)
  • HL - Other Health Impairment


8GenderIndicates the sex of the student. M = Male, F = Female.[Students]Gender

Indicates the Ethnicity and Race of the student.

  • I = American Indian or Alaska
  • A = Asian
  • B = Black or African American
  • H = Hispanic/Latino
  • P = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • W = White
  • M = Two or more races




10LEPIndicates if the student was LEP.
1 = Y: Yes, any other value is 0.
11Incident IdIdentifier (ID) of the incident being reported.[PSRW_INCIDENT]IncidentID
12Incident DateDate of the incident being reported.[PSRW_INCIDENT]Incident_TS (date portion)
13Incident CategoryThe category of the incident reported for which action was taken.[PSRW_INCIDENTACTION]INCIDENT_CATEGORY of the Action

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