Course Inventory Report
The Course Inventory Report provides a comprehensive listing of all courses provided by a school district required for the WISE Course Inventory data collection (WDE638). This report includes content area, duration, and delivery information for courses taught in Wyoming public schools and virtual education courses. Districts are required to have their WDE638 completed prior to the opening date of the WDE684. The submission consists of two files that include the regular education and virtual education courses with additional data for virtual education courses.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Course Selection
The report selects records from the [Courses] and [Sections] tables based on the following criteria:
- The course must be available in the current school.
- The course must be active in the current school year.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Include Courses Without Sections | Select the checkbox to include courses without sections in the report output. |
The report runs for the current school and the school year that the user is logged into.
Report Output
The report output is generated as Course_Inventory_[DateTimestamp].zip file that contains the following CSV files:
- Course Inventory (Course_Inventory.csv)
- Virtual Course Inventory (Virtual_Course_Inventory.csv)
The individual extract files are described below in more detail. Each field displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
1 | DistrictID | The WDE 7-digit ID for the district. | [Prefs]Value where Name = districtnumber |
2 | SchoolID | The WDE 7-digit ID for the school. | [Schools]SIF_StatePrId If the SIF_StatePrId is blank then extract [Schools]school_number. |
3 | LocalCourseId | Course ID. For example: "M101" | [Courses]Course_Number |
4 | LocalCourseName | Course Name. For example "Math 101" | [Courses]Course_Name |
5 | SCEDcode | SCED code as identified via use of the NCES document, Secondary School Course Classification System: School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED). SCED codes are required for all Secondary (grades 9-12) courses and are optional for all Prior-to-Secondary (grades PK-8) courses. | [Courses]alt_course_number |
6 | ContentArea | Subject matter for this course.
This field is required if SCED Code is not present. | Extract first two characters of [Courses]Credit_Type if no SCED code. If SCED code is present then leave it blank |
7 | NumberOfCredits | Number of Carnegie credits offered for this course; This field is required if SCED Code is not present. | Extract [Courses]credit_hours if no SCED code. If SCED code is present then leave it blank |
8 | GradePK | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = -1 lies between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
9 | GradeKG | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 0 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
10 | Grade01 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 1 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
11 | Grade02 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 2 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
12 | Grade03 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 3 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
13 | Grade04 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 4 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
14 | Grade05 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 5 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
15 | Grade06 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 6 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
16 | Grade07 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 7 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
17 | Grade08 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 8 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
18 | Grade09 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 9 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
19 | Grade10 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 10 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
20 | Grade11 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 11 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
21 | Grade12 | Indicates if this course serves this grade. | Yes when grade level = 12 between [Schools]Low_Grade and High_Grade. |
22 | HathawayIndicator | Indicates if this course approved for the Hathaway program | [S_WY_CRS_X]ScholarshipCourse |
23 | StateStandards | Indicates if this course meets the Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics | Leave it blank |
24 | Description | Course description; this field is required if SCED Code is not present. | Extract [Courses] course_name if no SCED code. If SCED code is present then leave it blank |
25 | SchoolYear | Year for the reported school session of the course (in YYYY format). | [Terms]Calculated based on YearID in YYYY format. |
26 | Virtual Education | Indicates if this course is a virtual education course | [S_WY_CRS_X]VirtualEducation |
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
1 | SchoolYear | Year for the reported school session of the course (in YYYY format). | [Terms]Calculated based on YearID in YYYY format |
2 | DistrictID | The WDE 7-digit ID for the district. | [Prefs] Value where Name = districtnumber |
3 | LocalCourseID | Course ID. For example: "M101" | [Courses] Course_Number |
4 | ProgramName | Course Name. For example "Math 101" | [Courses] Course_Name |
5 | LMSActive | Indicates if LMS logged "student active time in course" is used to document student participation. | |
6 | LMSSubmissions | Indicates if LMS recorded coursework submissions are used to document student participation. | |
7 | LMSOther | Description of other LMS recorded data that is used to document student participation. | |
8 | VETActive | Indicates if course participation, as verified by the virtual education teacher, was recorded in an attendance log for group project participation and/or offline work. | |
9 | VETCommunication | Indicates if academic based, and not attendance based, communications between the student and teacher or between the learning coach and teacher was logged by the teacher to document student participation. | |
10 | VETOther | Describes all other elements that must be documented by the virtual education teacher to accurately capture student participation . | |
11 | Synchronous | Indicates if synchronous class time or one-on-one class time was recorded by the LMS/Teacher to document student participation. | |
12 | F2FAttendance | Indicates if attendance taken at a physical school building is used to document student participation. | |
13 | ParticipationFrequency | Indicates the frequency that virtual education teachers verify student participation. Valid values:
| |
14 | ParticipationDescription | Description of participation requirements and additional explanations including but not limited to:
| |
15 | StartDate | The course start date. Format: YYYYMMDD | [Courses]StartDate |
16 | EndDate | The course end date. Format: YYYYMMDD | [Courses]EndDate |
17 | VEDeliveryMethod | Predominant delivery method for this course.
| [S_WY_CRS_X]DeliveryMethod |
18 | DaysTimes | Indicates if there are predetermined synchronous days and times that students are required to attend the course. | |
19 | CareerTechnicalEducation | Indicates if this course is a CTE course | [S_WY_CRS_X]CareerTechnicalEducation |
20 | CollegeConcurrent | Indicates if this course is a College Concurrent course | [S_WY_CRS_X]CollegeConcurrent |
21 | CreditRecovery | Indicates if this course is a Credit Recovery course | [S_WY_CRS_X]CreditRecovery |
22 | CoursePrerequisites | Description of prerequisites that must be met before the course can be taken. | |
23 | RequiredMaterials | Description of required materials for the course. | |
24 | SingleCourseFee | Indicates the cost of the course. If the course isn't available for purchase a blank is extracted. | |
25 | CourseCapacity | Indicates the maximum number of students allowed in the course. | |
26 | LMSPlatform | Description of the LMS platform used for the course. Valid values:
| |
27 | LMSPlatformOther | Indicates the LMS platform when OT (Other) has been reported for LMSPlatform. | |
28 | StateLMS | Indicates if the LMS platform is used statewide when CA (Canvas) has been reported for LMSPlatform. | |
29 | CurriculumType | The name(s) of the virtual curriculum libraries used in the course. For example: Acellus, Apex Learning, Connections Academy If more than one curriculum is used, names are extracted in a comma delimited list. | |
30 | CourseAccesibility | Description of LMSPlatform's accessibility and usability. |