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Additional Setup Information



This information is required to finalize the Ethnicity Decline to Specify and Race Decline to Specify fields.

On the Federal and Ethnicity Race Settings page do not allow:

  • Ethnicity Decline to Specify
  • Race Decline to Specify

Important: The legacy ethnicity field used in scheduling and preconfigured system reports is relabeled as Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity for students and Reporting Ethnicity for staff. Continue to fill out this field for preconfigured (non state-specific) system reports and use with the Scheduler, as these will continue to use the Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity field.
Your setup is now complete. You are now ready to start collecting data based on the new federal ethnicity and race reporting requirements for the students in your district. We recommend that you once again verify that the setup is correct by going to Start Page > District Setup > Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings. You should not have to modify anything there.

Migrating Ethnicity and Race Data (optional)

You may choose to copy the existing ethnicity and race data in a batch process to the new ethnicity and race fields. We recommend that you do this one school at a time. Ensure that you have a good database backup before you proceed.

Copying Student's Race Information from the Current Ethnicity Field

  1. Create an Export from the Students table using Student_number and Ethnicity fields of all the Non-Hispanic students. Student Selection criteria: Ethnicity # H
  2. Change the column heading from Ethnicity to RaceCd. Ensure that the column contains W, B, A, I, P codes only. Any other value must be removed and will need to be entered manually.
  3. Import this into the StudentRace table.

Copying Student's Ethnicity Information from the Current Ethnicity Field

  1. Select all the Hispanic students. Student Selection criteria: Ethnicity = H
  2. Using the Student Field Value function set FedEthnicity = 1 for this student selection.
  3. Select all the Non-Hispanic students. Student Selection criteria: Ethnicity # H
  4. Using the Student Field Value function set FedEthnicity = 0 for this student selection.

Follow similar steps for copying staff ethnicity and race data to the new ethnicity and race fields.

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