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WISEid Person Upload

This report creates the required file for the WISEid Upload for Students Process.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection Criteria

Students are selected for this report by the following:

  • The student must not be excluded from WISE Reporting.
  • The student's entry date must be on or before the Student Enrollment End Date Specified.
  • The student's exit date must be after the Student Enrollment Start Date Specified.

School Selection Criteria

  • The school must not be excluded from State Reporting.
  • The school must indicate its WISEdata Reporting Option:
    • Public School All Students reported
    • Private School Only Choice Students reported
    • Private School All Students reported.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Report Parameters

Select the checkbox next to the filter fields to save the settings as defaults. To select all checkboxes, choose Set All from the pop-up menu. To clear all checkboxes, choose Reset All.

Select Schools

If you run the report at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click, and select each school to be included. Select schools to include in the report
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If you run the report at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Who to Include (Choice only or All)

Select the appropriate option for your school:

  • Choice Students only
  • All Students
Include Student EmailSelect Yes or No to include student emails.
Student Enrollment Start DateEnter the student enrollment start date. The student’s exit date must be after the Student Enrollment Start Date specified.
Student Enrollment End DateEnter the student enrollment end date. The student’s entry date must be on or before the Student Enrollment End Date specified.
Current Selection of Students

Choose to use the current selection of students or All Students.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The WISEid Upload for Students is a comma separated variable (.csv) file.


Data Element



Field Length



The student’s WISEid.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Local Person ID

The PowerSchool student number.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > Demographics.




Last Name

The student’s legal last name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information or Demographics.

Note: The last name can be populated by one of three fields, the order of the field used is: WISEdata Reported Last Name, if WISEdata Reported Last Name is blank than Legal Last Name, if Legal Last Name is blank then Preferred Last Name. 








First Name

The student’s legal first name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information or Demographics.

Note: The first name can be populated by one of three fields, the order of the field used is: WISEdata Reported First Name, if WISEdata Reported First Name is blank than Legal First Name, if Legal First Name is blank then Preferred First Name. 








Middle Name

The student’s legal middle name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information or Demographics.

Note: The middle name can be populated by one of three fields, the order of the field used is: WISEdata Reported Middle Name, if WISEdata Reported Middle Name is blank than Legal Middle Name, if Legal Middle Name is blank then Preferred Middle Name. 









The student’s legal suffix.

(I, II, III, IV, Sr, Jr, SJ.)

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.





The student’s date of birth.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > Demographics.




Gender ID

The student’s gender.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information or Demographics.

Valid values:

  • M = Male
  • F = Female
  • X = Non-Binary




Race Key

The student's Race/Ethnicity Code or Race Key: A code corresponding to the racial/ethnic group or groups with which the student identifies.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information or Demographics.


and [StudentRace]Racecd(s)




Other Name Last Name

Former and/or other last names that the student may have had.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Other Name First Name

Former and/or other first names that the student may have had.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Other Name Middle Name

Former and/or other middle names that the student may have had.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Other Name Suffix

Former and/or other name suffixes the student may have had. (I, II, III, IV, Sr, Jr, SJ.)

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Birth City

Optional, but recommended the student was born in the United States or Puerto Rico.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Birth State

Optional, but recommended the student was born in the United States or Puerto Rico.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Birth County

Optional, but recommended the student was born in the United States or Puerto Rico.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Birth Country

Optional, but recommended the student was born outside the United States or Puerto Rico.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Entity ID

Not reported.



Local Person ID Key Type

“Student” is submitted



20EmailThe student's email. Optional.[PSM_StudentContact]Email50


Parent 1 Type

The type of parent/guardian.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.

Valid values:

  • F = Father
  • M = Mother
  • G = Guardian
  • O = Other




Parent 1 Last Name

The parent's last name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Parent 1 First Name

The parent's first name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Parent 1 Middle Name

The parent's middle name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.

[StudentCoreFields] Guardian_MN



Parent 1 Name Suffix

The parent's name suffix. (I, II, III, IV, Sr, Jr, SJ.)

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.



Parent 2 Type

The type of parent/guardian.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.

Valid values:

  • F = Father
  • M = Mother
  • G = Guardian
  • O = Other




Parent 2 Last Name

The parent's last name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Parent 2 First Name

The parent's first name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Parent 2 Middle Name

The parent's middle name.

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.




Parent 2 Name Suffix

The parent's name suffix. (I, II, III, IV, Sr, Jr, SJ.)

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.


30Multiple Birth Indicator

Indicates if a person was part of a set from the same birth (twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, septuplets, octuplets). This field is highly recommended as it will block auto-matching and prevent incorrect auto-matching of siblings with the same birth date and same or similar names.

Valid values:

  • Y = Yes
  • N = No

This value is extracted from the start page > select a student > State/Province - WI > Choice Students or WISEdata Student Information.

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