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User Access and Roles Report

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This report will produce a PDF report of all users for the selected school. It is intended for Auditors reviewing a Choice School and those who desire a report of all users assigned to the selected school with their current Status and Role.

Selection Criteria

Records are selected and reported based on the following criteria:

  • Status is determined by Select a Staff member > Information > Active.
  • If both the staff member's Sign in to PowerTeacher and Sign in to Administrative Portion of PowerSchool (see below) settings have been removed, the staff member will be reported as No longer here.
  • Staff Type is determined by Select a Staff member > Information > Staff Type.
  • Admin Access and Teacher Access are determined by Select a Staff member > Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations > Sign in to PowerTeacher or Admin Access and Roles > Sign in to Administrative Portion of PowerSchool.
  • Security Group is from Select a Staff member > Security Settings > Default Group.
  • The User may select all Staff members (active and inactive), only active staff members or only inactive staff members.
  • As a school association may be removed from a user, the reporting of inactive staff members may not be entirely accurate.
  • Staff members may be reported more than once if they have access to BOTH the selected school and the district office - Select a Staff member > Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select School

If run at the district level, select the school to include in the report.

If run at the school level, select the current school.

Users to include

Select from the following:

  • All Users (Active and Inactive)
  • Active Only
  • Inactive Only

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


Date Element


Table[Field Name]


1IDID as reported on the staff Information page.


2User NameThe Last, First Name of the staff member as reported on the staff Information page.




The Active status as reported on the staff Information page.

  • 1 = Active
  • 2 = Inactive
4Staff Type

The Staff Type as report on the staff Information page.

  • 0 = Unassigned
  • 1 = Teacher
  • 2 = Admin
  • 3 = Lunch Staff
  • 4 = Substitute


5Admin Access

Indicates whether the staff member has access to the Admin Portal.

  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes


6Teacher Access

Indicates whether the staff member has access to the Teacher Portal.

  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes


7Security GroupThe Default Group of the staff member as report on the staff Security Settings page on the Admin Access and Roles tab.[Teachers]GroupValue10
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