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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Health Report Issue Fix

Health Report Version: 1.7

The Health report has been updated to populate data for Scoliosis and Tuberculosis Screenings in the report output.


All States/Provinces: Meningococcal (MenACWY) Compliance Update

The Meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccine compliance for KG students has been adjusted to align with specific criteria where two doses are required. The first dose is required at entry to 7th grade (11-12 years) and the second dose at 11th grade (16-18 years). For children aged 16-18 years without a previous MenACWY vaccine, only one dose is required.


All States: Term Submission Issue Fix in CRDC Final Grade Store Codes Page

An issue where users could submit Final Grade Store Codes without specifying a term has been resolved. Users will now receive the appropriate error message, preventing such submissions.


Ed-Fi: Update in Contacts resource to Publish for Private Choice Schools

When a school is a private choice school and contacts are published, the parentUniqueID contains the actual district number from the district info page instead of the number from the school info page.


Updates to the DEX Dashboard

Additional Reference: PSSR-329570
With this State Reporting Release, the below-mentioned updates are now available for the Data Exchange Dashboard:

  • The Clear Cache button has been removed as the page will get refreshed itself.

  • The handling of error messages has been improved for better usability.


Updates to the Student and Staff Publishing Page

With this State Reporting Release, the below-mentioned updates are now available for the student and staff publishing page

  • The Publish All option has been renamed to Republish All, as the button republishes the already published data for the student and staff. The information gets displayed once hovered over the button.

  • A Collapse All option has been provided on the top of the publishing selection beside the Category Column. Clicking on the arrow will collapse all the resources published on the page.


Updated Logic for 403 Errors

The update to the Ed-Fi Framework changes the handling of 403 errors from the ODS. When a 403 error occurs for student, staff, or parent resources, the record is marked as successfully published and moved to the published section. For other resource types, a 403 error is turned into an error and added to the record to address performance and archive log issues caused by records going into dependency and being retried later.


WI - Publishing Error 400 Preventing Publishing Of Student Program

Publishing Error 400 Preventing Publishing Of Student Program resource due to bad data in the ESL_BILINGUAL field ( 5 ) that has been fixed to exclude that record.


WI: CRDC 2021-22 Report Fail Issue Fix

2021-2022 CRDC Report: Version 1.6.3

The 2021-2022 CRDC report has been updated and will now complete successfully.

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