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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


CRDC 2021-2022 Report Updates

Additional References: PSSR-340986, PSSR-286890

2021-2022 CRDC Report: Version 1.5

The following updates have been made to the 21-22 CRDC report:

  • The report has been updated and will now complete successfully when multiple schools have identical SCH IDs and one of the schools is marked as Primary.

  • The report has been updated and complete successfully when Sub-District functionality is enabled.

  • DISC-22: Instances of Out-of-School Suspension has been fixed to report a student when the student has both IDEA and section504 Special Programs enrollments and has an OSS, in the Students with Disabilities(IDEA) column.


Ed-Fi Framework: Improve Dependency Processor

Improvements have been made to the Ed-Fi Dependency Processor to adjust timing, performance and to reduce Oracle Archive Logging.


Ed-Fi Framework: Improve Dependency Processor

Enhancements have been implemented to improve the performance of the dependency processor. Optimizations have been made to the processing of key tables. Adjustments have also been made to prevent unnecessary logging of records, resulting in improved overall performance.


Ed-Fi: Request WISEid Button, Error: Cannot Auto Assign Student Unique ID

An error has been found when using the Request WISEid Button in a multiple district setup. This has been corrected to ensure that WISEid’s can be requested as needed.

JavaScript errors detected

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