School Sponsored Community Activities Report
Report Setup Requirements
- This report MUST be run prior to your End of Year Process.
Report Setup Requirements for Schools
- School Sponsored activities must be setup for each school or district wide.
- Activities should be flagged with an Activity Type of Community.
- Activities should be flagged with Required if the Activity was required by the school. For voluntary activities, this field will be left blank.
Report Setup Requirements for Students
- Student must be active in Activities for the current school year.
Report Input
Each of the available run options and required and optional data fields for the report are described below. For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
For Current School Only | Accept the default. |
Use Current Selection | Accept the default. |
Destination | Accept the default. |
International Characters Option | Accept the default. |
Processing Options | Use the pull-down menu to select a processing option. The default option is In Background Now. The option to override is available for this report. Use the options to indicate when you want the report to generate. Execute Now In Background Now ASAP At Night On Weekend On Specific Time |
Submit | Click Submit to run the report. |