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Choice Identifier Report


This creates a PDF report of all Students at a school who are Choice Program Participants.

It is intended for Auditors reviewing a Choice School and who desire a report of all students who are Choice Program Participants and who were enrolled on either the September or January Count Dates

Student Selection

The report selects records based on the following criteria:

  • A student is identified as a Choice Student from Select a student > Information > State/Province - WI > Choice Students > WISEdata Elements.
  • Count Date Status is also entered from Select a student > Information > State/Province - WI > Choice Students > WISEdata Elements.
  • This information can be seen for previous enrollments from Select a student > Enrollment > Transfer Information > Edit Previous Enrollment

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.  


Select Schools

When you run the report from the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select the schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click the school name. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click, and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

When you run the report from the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

September Count DateSelect the September Count Date.
January Count DateSelect the January Count Date - Choice Students Only.

Trace (Internal Option)

Check the enabled button of you would like Trace Enabled. Do not need to Enable.

Include Query Output in Trace (Internal Option)

If Trace is enabled, you can enable the Query Output Row Number Limit. Do not need to set.

Query Output Row Number Limit (Internal Option)

If Trace is enabled, you can enable the Query Output Row Number Limit. Do not need to set.

Sample Dataset Mode (Internal Option)

You do not need to check this box.

Run Now

Click the Run Now button to run this report.


Click the submit button. You will be taken to the Report Queue. Once your file is complete, click on the complete button and you will have a PDF file to assist you in compiling your spreadsheet for the State.

Report Output

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
School NameSchool[Schools]Abbreviation

September Count Date

The date of the 3rd Friday of September Count Date from the report parameter input.


January Count DateThe date of the 2nd Friday of January Count Date (Choice Students Only) from the report parameter input.


Student NameStudent's Name.[Students]LastFirst
GradeStudent's Grade level.

[Students]Grade_Level or


Student NumberThe student number.[Students]Student_Number
WISE IDStudent's WISEid[Students]State_StudentNumber
Entry DateThe student's entry date.[Students]EntryDate
Exit DateThe student's exit date.[Students]ExitDate
3rd Friday of Sep. Status

This indicates the student's status on the 3rd Friday of September Count date.

  • P = Receiving Educational Services - Present on Count Date
  • A = Receiving Educational Services - Absent on Count Date
  • N =Not Receiving Educational Services and No Exit Date Prior to Count Date

[S_WI_STU_X]Count_Date_Status or 


2nd Friday of Jan. Status

This indicates the student's status on the the 2nd Friday of January Count date (Choice Students Only).

  • P = Receiving Educational Services - Present on Count Date
  • A = Receiving Educational Services - Absent on Count Date
  • N =Not Receiving Educational Services and No Exit Date Prior to Count Date

[S_WI_STU_X]Count_Date_Status_Jan or 


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