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Student Setup



The following data elements are required for state reporting.

To perform student-specific tasks:

  • To add a new student, on the Start Page, in the left panel, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.


  • To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general student setup, see Help > System Help.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Current Enrollment Information

Navigation: Student, State/Province - VT,  Current Enrollment

Exclude Student from State ReportingSelect the checkbox to exclude the student from state reporting.[Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting
Admission Status

Choose the student's admission status from the pop-up menu.


Edit Course Enrollment Record

Navigation: Student,  All Enrollments, Edit Enrollment

Course Enrollment StatusSelect the override status.[S_VT_STU_X]CourseEnrollmentStatus
Exclude from PublishingSelect this option to exclude the course enrollment from Ed-fi publishing.[S_CC_X]ExcludeFromEdFi Ed-Fi Publishing

Enter Student's Legal Name and Gender

Navigation: Student Selection, Demographics

Name (Last, First Middle)

Enter the student’s first, middle, and last name. Choose the suffix from the pop-up menu.

See the Appendix for suffix codes.





All Reports
Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix)

This field overrides student names on state reports. This field is only required if the legal name does not match the preferred name.

If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name.





All Reports

Choose the student's preferred gender from the pop-up menu:

  • (M) Male
  • (F) Female
  • (X) Non-Binary
[Students]GenderAll Reports
Legal Gender

This field overrides student gender on state reports. This field is only required if the legal gender does not match the preferred gender.

If the student's legal gender matches the student's preferred gender, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. If the student's legal gender does not match the student's preferred gender, choose the student's legal gender from the pop-up menu.


AOE Census Data

Student > State/Province - VT > AOE Census Data Summary > Edit Without Adding to History/New AOE Census Record

Click Edit Without Adding to History to edit the current record without creating a new record. Click New AOE Census Record to add a new record and save the current record to the history. To view previous records, click AOE Census History.

Funding Source

Choose the student's funding source from the pop-up menu.

Town District ResidenceEnter the town district residence.[S_VT_STU_X]ADMTDist6_PS_ADM
Full/Part Time Status

Choose the student's status from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • F - Full Time
  • P - Part Time
Number of Hours Expected in SchoolEnter the number of hours expected in the school.[S_VT_STU_X]ADMHours6_PS_ADM
ADM Type

Choose the student's ADM Type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • R - Resident Student
  • S - State Placed Student
ADM Start DateEnter the starting date for ADM.[S_VT_STU_X]ADMBeg6_PS_ADM

Home Study Town District of Residence

Enter the home study town.[S_VT_STU_X]HS_ActivtDistID6_PS_ADM
Home Study Activity ADMEnter the home study activity ADM.[S_VT_STU_X]HS_ActivADM6_PS_ADM

Define Support Services

Student > State/Province - VT > Support Services 

Limited English Proficiency

Choose whether or not the student qualifies for Limited English Proficiency services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Family Receiving Food Stamps

Choose whether or not the student's family receives food stamps from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes

Section 504 Services

Choose whether or not the student receives Section 504 Services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Educational Support Services (ACT 117)

Choose whether or not the student receives Educational Support Services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
National School Lunch Program

Choose the student's Lunch Program eligibility status from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • 96 - Not Eligible
  • 01 - Free Breakfast or Lunch
  • 02 - Reduced-Price Breakfast or Lunch
  • 09 - Declined
Received services under McKinney -Vento

Choose whether or not the student receives services under McKinney-Vento from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - Not served by McKinney-Vento
  • Y - Served by McKinney-Vento
Homeless at any time during school year

Choose whether or not the student was homeless during the school year from the pop-up menu.

 Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Homeless Unaccompanied Youth

Choose whether or not the student is a Homeless Unaccompanied Youth from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Homeless Primary Night Time Residence

Choose the homeless student's Primary Night Time Residence from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Homeless
  • 01 - Shelters
  • 02 - Doubled Up
  • 03 - Unsheltered (cars, parks, campgrounds)
  • 04 - Hotels/Motels
Dual Enrollment Program

Choose whether or not the student participates in a Dual Enrollment Program from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes

Enter the Student's IEP Status.

Valid values:

  • " " - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes

Define Title 1 Eligibility

Student > State/Province - VT > Title 1

Targeted Assistance Services

Choose whether or not the student receives Targeted Assistance Services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes

Instructional Services in Reading/Language Arts

Choose whether or not the student receives Instructional Services in Reading/Language Arts from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes


Instructional Services in Mathematics

Choose whether or not the student receives Instructional Services in Mathematics from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Instructional Services in Science

Choose whether or not the student receives Instructional Services in Science from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Instructional Services in Social Sciences

Choose whether or not the student receives Instructional Services in Social Sciences from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Instructional Services in Vocational/Career

Choose whether or not the student receives Instructional Services in Vocational/Career from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Other Instructional Services

Choose whether or not the student receives Other Instructional Services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Support Services (health, dental, eye care)

Choose whether or not the student receives Support Services (health, dental, eye care) from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Guidance/Advocacy Support Services

Choose whether or not the student receives Guidance/Advocacy Support Services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes
Other Support Services

Choose whether or not the student receives Other Support Services from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • [Blank] - Not Set
  • N - No
  • Y - Yes

Define Out-of-State Educational Organization Information

Student > State/Province - VT > Out of State Ed Org

Name of Out of State Ed Org (If applies)

Enter the full, legally accepted or popular name of an out-of-state education organization. 

Out of State Ed Org Street AddressEnter the first line of the street/city/state/zip portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization. In North American addresses, this is usually the street address.[S_VT_STU_X]OOSOrgAddr12_TS_Stu_ADMByEnrollingOrg
Out of State Ed Org City/TownEnter the city/town portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization.[S_VT_STU_X]OOSOrgCity2_TS_Stu_ADMByEnrollingOrg
Out of State Ed Org StateEnter the state portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization.[S_VT_STU_X]OOSOrgState2_TS_Stu_ADMByEnrollingOrg
Out of State Ed Org Zip CodeEnter the zip code portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization.[S_VT_STU_X]OOSOrgZip2_TS_Stu_ADMByEnrollingOrg

Student > Transfer Info > Select Current Enrollment


Choose the appropriate track from the pop-up menu. Note that track B is the Kindergarten AM setup and track C is the Kindergarten PM setup.

[Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, F
New Enrolling OrgChoose the exiting student's next educational organization from the drop down.[S_VT_STU_X]NEWENRORGID4_PS_Enroll

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