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Enhanced User Interface


PowerSchool launched the PowerSchool SIS Enhanced User Interface features in version! This feature greatly simplifies the navigation and use of the PowerSchool SIS administrator portal. This is enabled using Security Groups or User Access Roles.

Refer to the Enhanced User Interface for more information. 

Vermont State-specific Navigation on Enhanced User Interface

Classic Page Name

Classic Location

Enhanced User Interface Page Name

Enhanced User Interface Location


Current Enrollment

Start Page, Student Selection, Vermont Current Enrollment

 Current Enrollment

Select Student, Compliance, Vermont Current Enrollment

Support Services

Start Page,  Student Selection, Vermont Support Services

 Support Services

Select Student, Compliance, Vermont Support Services

AOE ADM Census Data

Start Page, Student Selection, AOE ADM Data

 AOE ADM  Data

Select Student, Compliance,  AOE ADM Data

Title 1 Eligibility

Start Page, Student Selection, Vermont Title 1

 Vermont Title 1

Select Student, Compliance, Vermont Title 1

Out of State Education Organization Info

Start Page, Student Selection, Vermont Out of State Educational Organization

 Vermont Out-of-State Education Organization Info 

Select Student, Compliance, Vermont Out-of-State Education Organization Info 


Start Page, Student Selection, VT State Information, Civil Rights Data Collection


Select Student, Compliance, CRDC

Student's Legal Name and Gender

Start Page , Student Selection, Demographics

Name, LegalName, Gender, Legal Gender fields

Select Student, Compliance, Student Details -, Student Info

Transfer Info

Start Page , Student Selection , Transfer Info, Select Current Enrollment

Transfer Info

 Start Page , Student Selection , Transfer Info, Select Current Enrollment





Vermont State Information - Staff Name

Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, VT State Information - Staff Name,ID

 Staff Name

Select Staff, Compliance, Staff Name

VT Staff POS [ Link in the page]

Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, VT State Information, VT Place of Service - Staff Name,ID

 Staff Position

Select Staff, Compliance, Staff Position

VT Position Roles[ Link from VT Staff POS]

Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, VT State Information, VT Place of Service, VT Position Roles - Role ID 

Removed: navigational page

Removed: navigational page

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)[Link in the page]

Start Page, Staff, Select A Staff Member, Information - Staff Name,ID, Civil Rights Data Collection


Select Staff, Compliance , CRDC





State Information

Start Page, District Setup , District Information

 District Setup

 Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup.

Vermont State Reporting Configuration Add [ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District, District Information, Vermont State Reporting Configuration

 Vermont State Reporting Configuration

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Vermont State Reporting Configuration

Vermont State Reporting Configuration Edits [ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District, District Information, Vermont State Reporting Configuration

Vermont State Reporting Configuration

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Vermont State Reporting Configuration

Load Codes/Subcodes[ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District Setup, District Information, Load Incident Management Codes

Load Incident Management Codes

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Load Incident Management Codes

Incident Management Code Mapping[ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District Setup, District Info, Incident Management Mapping Setup

Incident Management Mapping Setup

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Incident Management Mapping Setup

CRDC[ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District Setup, District Information, Civil Rights Data Collection


Go to District Management, Compliance, CRDC

SubDistrict[ Link inside District Info]

 Start Page, District, District Information, Vermont State Reporting Configuration

 Sub-District Configuration

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, Sub-District Configuration

SubDistrict Lookup list[ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District Setup, List Sub-Districts, School/Sub-District Lookup List

 School/ Sub District Lookup

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, [Sub-District Configuration], School/ Sub District Lookup

New SubDistrict[ Link inside District Info]

Start Page, District Setup, List Sub-Districts, New Sub-District

 New Sub District

Go to District Management, Compliance, District Setup, [ Sub-District Configuration], New Sub District


VT State Information

Start Page, District Setup, Schools/School Info, Edit School, VT State Information

VT State Information

Start Page, District Setup, Schools/School Info, Edit School, VT State Information

Vermont Final Grade Store Code Mapping

Start Page, District Setup, Schools/School Info, Edit School, Vermont Final Grade Store Code Mapping

Vermont Final Grade Store Code Mapping

Start Page, District Setup, Schools/School Info, Edit School, Vermont Final Grade Store Code Mapping

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Start Page, District Setup, Schools/School Info, Edit School


Go to Schools, Compliance, CRDC



Go to System, [state specific link]


Go to System Management, Category, [state specific link]

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