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Report Description

This file is used to submit student results by course section. This report produces the Student Section Results extract for current school year in a comma-delimited format.

The report translates some of the letter grades to their CodeSet values. Some of the grades are not sufficiently standardized across PowerSchool to allow mapping, and will return the letter grade, which will need to be corrected before submission.
These grades will be output with their CodeSet value:
CODE - Letter Grade in PowerSchool

  • 10 - A+
  • 11 - A
  • 12 - A-
  • 13 - B+
  • 14 - B
  • 15 - B-
  • 16 - C+
  • 17 - C
  • 18 - C-
  • 19 - D+
  • 20 - D
  • 21 - D-
  • 22 - F
  • 23 - P (Pass)
  • 30 - W (Withdrawn)
  • 31 - WP (Withdrawn - Pass)
  • 32 - WF (Withdrawn - Fail)
  • 40 - I or INC (Incomplete)
  • 50 - EX or EXC (Excused)
  • 77 - AU or AUD (Audited)
    The following grades will not be mapped:
    CODE - Letter Grade in PowerSchool (not standardized)
  • 24 - Fail
  • 25 - Failing (Very Poor Performance)
  • 26 - Minimally Acceptable (Lowest passing grade)
  • 27 - Acceptable (Meets some of the basic standards for the course)
  • 28 - Good (Meets standards for the assignment or course)
  • 29 - Outstanding (Meets the highest standards for the assignment of course)
  • 55 - Mark is not required
  • 66 - Ungraded Course
  • 88 - Course in Progress
  • 99 - Numeric Mark (only) provided for this course

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office.

Select Students

Choose one of the following:

  • The Selected [x] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district.

File Path

Enter the file path. If applicable, select the associated checkbox to save as the default value.
Data Collection Name

Choose the applicable Data Collection from the pop-up menu.

  • 03_NightlyCollection_Unofficial
  • 04_YearEndCollection_Official
  • 07_SpringOfficial
SFTP ConnectionsChoose a selection from the pop-up menu. The default value is Disable.

Report Output

For courses that use standards-based grade scales, the color level (green, light green, yellow, orange, and red) of the proficiency grade will be output as the COURSELETTERMARK as follows:

  • Green outputs as 29
  • Light Green outputs as 28
  • Yellow outputs as 27
  • Orange outputs as 26
  • Red outputs as 25

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length

1ADMINIDThe district's SU/SD ID.


2PERMNUMBERThe student's state-assigned student ID.[Students]State_StudentNumberNumber10
3ENRORGIDThe student's enrolling org ID.[S_VT_Schools_X]EnrOrgIDString6
4LOCALCOURSEIDThe course ID used by the district or school to represent the unique course number.[StoredGrades]Course_NumberString55
5COURSESECTIONSection number used for the identification of a unique occurrence of a class/staff/location. [StoredGrades]SectionIDString30
6COURSELETTERMARKCode set for student grades.[StoredGrades]GradeNumber2
7COURSENUMERICMARKA numeric value indicating the course mark achieved on a 100-point scale.[StoredGrades]PercentNumber3,2

The number of credits awarded to the student upon completion of the course.

[StoredGradesEarnedCrHrsNumber 2,2
9SYThe school year.[S_VT_District_S]SYNumber4

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