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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - HTML Output Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-320593

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.7

The Attendance Profile report has been updated and will the result file will be in HTML (rather than PDF). This change allows for a dynamic presentation of the data which will make the report results more user friendly.


All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update for Student Date Fields

The Immunization Rules Engine and rules can now be written that compare dose dates to a student’s entry date (into school).

Note: Immunization compliance rules must be updated to take advantage of this new functionality.


Adding a New Field for 'Parent Contacted/Notified' Option

A new field is added which indicates if the parent is contacted or not on Common Seclusion & Restraint Page


Enable "Export Historical Grades" Report

The Historical Grades Export Report is now available on the System Reports State tab under the Legacy section.


SBAR Extract: Include Logic for Reporting C and D Records for Incidents Prior to Student Enrollment (Summer)

Student Behavior and Administrative Response (SBAR) Collection: Version 2.4

The report logic is updated to include a new query segment that supports the inclusion of C AND D records (student data) for incidents that have a date that is outside of the student’s enrollment.


VA - Expose Common Student Field: Student Health Record Number

  1. The student health number field is now available for entry on the core Emergency/Medical Page at the bottom of the page. [Common-S_STU_X]Health_Identification_Number Label: Health Identification Number

  2. The label 'Health Identification Number' and the stored value is also displayed on Start Page, Student Selection, Health, Immunization page, next to the student details and the header Immunization (refer to the image attached).

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