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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282157All States/Provinces: Health Info Report - Student Contacts Update

Health Info Report: Version 1.1

The report is now updated to pull the data from Student Contacts.

PSSR-300101All States/Provinces: New - Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search

A new “Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search” link is added to the special functions page and will allow users to search for Digital Equity & Learning Preference records using configurable filters.

PSSR-274766All States/Provinces: Report Works Startup Updates

The config files have been modified and are now only called through the re-initialization cycle. This will improve SRP startup times and avoid previously reported failures.

PSSR-275058All States/Provinces: Sub Teachers Portal Honors the Pref "Prevent Attendance Page Submit If Blank"

When the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" pref is checked on the Attendance Preferences page on the admin portal, the Sub Teacher is not able to submit attendance if blank attendance is used for Single day attendance and Seating Chart.

PSSR-300674Incident Management Code/Sub-Code Script Update

The Load Codes/Subcodes script is updated. After running the Load Codes/Sub-Codes Script, the changes identified below are visible.

Behavior Codes:

BSO4 displays as "Do Not Use(BSO4) Failure To Be In Assigned Place^"
STS2 displays as  "Do Not Use(STS2) Short-Trm Susp w/o Instr Service^"

LTS2 displays as "Do Not Use(LTS2) Long-Trm w/o Instr Services^"

PD15 displays in accordance to state description of “Illegal Possession of Other Firearms^”

• New - (BSO15) Student is not going to class as assigned^
• New - (BSO16) Student in an unauthorized area of campus^
• New - (BESO14) Threat/instig/injury to others-writing^

Action Codes
• New - (12) Administrative Conference with student^

Location Codes:

Location Code "(5) Other District School^" updated to now allows comment; To be used to indicate offsite division-school number

Action Codes:

• STS1 displays as "(STS1) Short-Term Susp w/Instrcl Support^"
• LTS1 displays as "(LTS1) Long-Term w/Instrcl Support^"
• EX1 displays as "(EX1) Expulsion w/Instrcl Support^"
• EX2 displays as "(EX2) Expulsion w/out Instrcl Support^"

PSSR-299148Master Schedule Collection: 2022-2023 Report Updates

Master Schedule Collection: Version 2.13

The Master Schedule Collection report has been updated to include Interdisciplinary Course Title column in the K record.  The value is extracted from Course Name.

PSSR-302316SOL Student Registration Import Report 2022-2023 Updates

SOL Student Registration Import Report: Version 2.9
The identified report is updated to add a new column PNP Calculator.  The value is extracted from the student assessment PNP Calculator accommodation.

PSSR-302315SOL Test ASGMT Page: Additional Field/Column

The SOL/SRI Registration tab is updated to have a new field on the New assessment data entry page and the Edit assessment data entry page to allow users to indicate the PNP Calculator accommodation.

PSSR-292405Updated Values of the Formerly EL Field: 2022

The state field, Formerly EL is updated to reflect the annual increment of the year values. The school year in the drop-down list is incremented by one, VA page SRI-Data Entry tab reflect the years 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019.

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