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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282067All States/Provinces: CRDC 2020-2021 Report - Common School PDF, CRDC School 1 and CRDC School 2 Template Updates

CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Version 1.2

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report school PDF and school submission CSV files are updated with the following changes:

  • The Retention Yes/No questions (RETN-1) default to N/A in the PDF and null in the submission files for grade levels not applicable to the school.
  • Retention counts (RETN-2) (for each grade) are modified to return the value of N/A if the corresponding RETN-1 value is N/A instead of defaulting to 0's for all grades.
  • Corporal Punishment counts (DISC-7a) provide a value of N/A if DISC-6 is also reported as N/A.
  • School Staff FTE Counts (STAF-1 to STAF-3 and SECR-1) now report as a blank value in the school PDF and submission file if the fields are blank on the School CRDC PowerSchool screens. Prior to this change, blank values were reported as 0’s in the school PDF and submission file.


SOL Test ASGMT Page: Additional Field/Column

A new checkbox is added to each test assignment Add/Edit dialog box for the Virtual Virginia field in the SRI reports. If the box is selected and saved, a '1' value is stored and a Y is displayed in the new column added to the test assignment page. Enable the checkbox to indicate that the course registration was Initiated via Virtual Virginia as indicated in the current SRI Manual.


Updated Drop-down List for VA Extended Description Field

The drop-down list for the VA Extended Description field on the Courses page is updated to match the MSC - VA Extended Description codes 2021-22.

Navigation: Start Page > School Setup > Courses 

PSSR-283162VAAP SRI Report: File Updates for Spring 2021-2022

VAAP and VSEP Student Registration Import Report: Version 1.6

  • Student Last Name, Student First Name, Student Middle Name - Update to include Legal Name Option
  • Login ID - replaces Filler F
  • Multidivision Online Provider (MOP), Resident Division, Virtual Virginia - added new column
  • Filler Replaces Temporary Condition
  • Online Testing replaces Filler AI
  • Session Name replaces Filler AJ
  • SLIFE replaces Filler AM
  • A new report parameter is added to print the legal name and gender fields.
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