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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-306020Incident Management: Student Victims Codes and Subcodes

A script is created to move the Student Victims Codes and their subcodes under Attributes and to restore the Hours code under Duration.

PSSR-302363SOL Student Registration Import (SRI) Exclusion Report 2022-2023 Update

SOL SRI Exclusion Verification Report: Version 1.6

When running the SOL SRI Registration report, the template is updated to include a new column, PNP Calculator. The value for this field is extracted from [S_VA_STU_TEST_C]PNPCalculator_Indicator.
Field PNP Calculator is field 51 and End of Record is field 52.

PSSR-306820SRC Reports Missing Required Columns

Student Record Collection - Spring: Version 6.0
Student Record Collection - EOY: Version 6.3
Student Record Collection - Summer: Version 5.1
Student Record Collection - Special Ed (Dec 1): Version 5.3
Student Record Collection - EIMS: Version 5.3
The above reports are updated for columns Internet Access and Device Access. If the Include All Fields is set to No, blank is reported for Internet Access and Device Access columns; if the Include All Fields is set to Yes, a value is reported.

PSSR-305175Update Descriptions for VA Full Time Virtual Program Codes (2022-2023)

The descriptions for Full-Time Virtual Programs are updated as indicated below.

Blank- Student not identified as participating in virtual program
2- Participates from home while on homebound or homebased education
3- Participates from home during a home-ed expulsion or long-term suspension
4- Participates from home during a home-ed short-term suspension
8- Participates in a full-time Virtual Virginia program

PSSR-306845VA Test Score Import

The VA Test Score Import validations have been changed as follows:
Performance Level null values are no longer invalid.
Test Administration now accepts the values 5 and 6.

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