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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273161All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Seating Chart Update

The PowerTeacher Portal's Seating Chart page is updated and now honors the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-272857Add Diploma Seal Field on the ReEnrollments Page

The "Diploma Seal" field is now visible on the student Edit Previous Enrollment page. This field displays after the Graduation Completer field.

Path: Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Information > Edit Previous Enrollment page

PSSR-277955CRDC 2020-2021 Data Collection Changes

A new field is added to the CRDC section of the student Log Entry page to indicate if a student was harassed based on perceived religion.  [S_VA_LOG_CRDC_X]Perceived_Religion.  If selected, a value in the new drop-down option for “Perceived Religion Affiliation” should be selected.

PSSR-276815Landing Page Header Breadcrumb Update

Breadcrumbs are updated in state page tabs as follows:

Tab NameLanding Page Breadcrumb
CTEStart Page>Student Selection>Virginia CTE Fields
CTECCStart Page>Student Selection> CTECC (Industry Credential Exams)
Special EdStart Page>Student Selection> Virginia Special Education Fields
District Attendance (click on ATT-Legacy)Start Page>Student Selection> Virginia Student Attendance Summary
TranscriptStart Page>Student Selection> Virginia Transcript Information
Legal IdentificationStart PageStudent SelectionVirginia State Information> Legal Identifications Data Fields
PSSR-277104SBAR 2021-22 Collection Report Updates

Student Behavior and Administrative Response (SBAR) Collection: Version 1.1

The Student Behavior and Administrative Response (SBAR) Collection report is updated for 2021-22:
• The report parameters page is updated with a new submission type option of 9 Pre-Submission
• Section C: Header Authorization Code for Other Explanation changed to Filler
• Section C: Two new data elements Notified of Charges Filed Flag and Notified of Conviction Flag are added to replace Filler1 and Filler2
• Data elements where Y/N are extracted, N is extracted unless a Yes/Y is found

PSSR-272888Student Record Collection: Update Logic for Seclusion and Restraint Fields

Student Record Collection - EOY report: Version 5.7
Student Record Collection - Fall report: Version 5.7
Student Record Collection - Spring report: Version 5.4
Student Record Collection - Summer report: Version 4.6
Student Record Collection - Special Ed (Dec 1) report: Version 4.7
Student Record Collection - EIMS report: Version 4.7

Reports are updated to extract Seclusion and Restraint fields count from the incident(s) that has the participant attribute of Seclusion^ or Restraint^.

Fall, EIMS, Dec 1, Spring, Summer reports extract the same date when "include all fields" runtime parameter is set to Yes.

PSSR-269622VA Discipline, Crime and Violence Data Verification Report Discontinued 2021

Discipline, Crime and Violence Data Verification Report is now moved to the legacy section on the VA State Reports page.

PSSR-272890VA Discipline, Crime and Violence Report Discontinued 2021

Discipline, Crime and Violence Report is now moved to the legacy section on the VA State Reports page.

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