Incident Management: Behavior Codes and Subcodes
Behavior Codes
Codes | Description |
BAP | Behaviors that Impede Academic Progress |
CRDC | Harassment (Bias Based) |
BSO | Behaviors Related to School Operations |
RB | Relationship Behaviors |
BBC | Behaviors of a Safety Concern |
BESO | Behaviors that Endanger Self/Others |
PD | Persistently Dangerous Behavior Code |
Behavior Subcodes
(BAP) Behaviors that Impede Academic Progress
Code | Description |
BAP1 | Interfering with learning in the classroom (examples include talking, excessive noise, off-task, out of seat, possessing items that distract) |
BAP2 | Interfering with learning outside of the classroom (examples include excessive noise, interrupting a class) |
BAP3 | Scholastic dishonesty (such as cheating, plagiarism) |
BAP4 | Unexcused tardiness to class |
BAP5 | Unexcused tardiness to school |
CRDC Harrassment (Bias Based)
Code | Description |
HIBS3 | Harassment Basis of Sex |
HIBS4 | Harassment Basis of Race, Color, or Origin |
HIBS5 | Harassment Basis of Disability |
HIBS1.1 | Harassment Basis of Sexual Orientation |
HIBS1.2 | Harassment Basis of Gender Identity |
(BSO) Behaviors Related to School Operations
Code | Description |
BSO1 | Altering an official document or record |
BSO2 | Giving false information, misrepresentation |
BSO3 | Refusal to comply with requests of staff in a way that interferes with the operation of school |
BSO4 | Failure to be in one’s assigned place - This code is retired |
BSO5 | Failure to attend assigned disciplinary setting (detention, in-school suspension, Saturday school) |
BSO6 | Bringing unauthorized persons to school or allowing unauthorized persons to enter the school building |
BSO7 | Dress Code Violation |
BSO8 | Gambling (games of chance for money or profit) |
BSO9 | Possessing items that are inappropriate for school (examples include toys, literature, electronics) |
BSO10 | Possession of stolen items |
BS011 | Unauthorized use of school electronic or other equipment |
BSO12 | Violation of the Acceptable Use of Technology/internet policy |
BSO13 | Violation of school board policy regarding the possession or use of portable communication devices |
BSO14 | Vandalism, graffiti, or other damage to school or personal property |
BSO15 | Student is not going to class as assigned |
BSO16 | Student is in an unauthorized area of the campus |
(RB) Relationship Behaviors
Code | Description |
RB1 | Bullying with no physical injury (See Model Policy to Addressing Bullying in Virginia’s Public Schools) |
RB2 | Cyberbullying (See Model Policy to Addressing Bullying in Virginia’s Public Schools) |
RB3 | Posting, distributing, displaying, or sharing inappropriate material or literature, including using electronics means |
RB4 | Saying or writing either directly or through electronic communication sexually suggestive comments, innuendos, propositions, or other remarks of a sexual nature |
RB5 | Stealing money or property without physical force |
RB6 | Speaking to another in an uncivil, discourteous manner |
RB7 | Teasing, taunting, engaging in a verbal confrontation, verbally inciting a fight |
RB8 | Using profane or vulgar language or gestures (swearing, cursing, hate speech, gang signs or gestures) |
RB9 | Using slurs based upon the actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, weight, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or disability |
RB10 | Failure to respond to questions or requests by staff |
RB11 | Unwanted or inappropriate physical contact |
(BBC) Behaviors of a Safety Concern
Code | Description |
BSC1 | Alcohol: Possessing, using, or being under the influence of alcohol |
BSC2 | Alcohol: Distributing alcohol to other students |
BSC3 | Drugs: Possessing drug paraphernalia |
BSC4 | Drugs: Violating school board non-prescription (Over the counter) medication policy or look-alike drug policy |
BSC5 | Tobacco: Possessing/Using/Distributing tobacco products, possessing tobacco paraphernalia, electronic cigarettes, vaping equipment |
BSC6 | Bullying Behavior without physical injury that continues after intervention (See Link: Model Policy to Addressing Bullying in Virginia’s Public Schools) Bullying that leads to physical injury should be classified as Assault and Battery |
BSC7 | Cyberbullying that continues after intervention (See Link: Model Policy to Addressing Bullying in Virginia’s Public Schools) Cyberbullying that relates a threat to the safety of students and staff should be treated with a higher level of intervention and consequences |
BSC8 | Harassment: Repeatedly annoying or attacking a student or a group of students or personnel creating an intimidating or hostile educational or work environment |
BSC9 | Bus: Distracting the bus driver |
BSC10 | Bus: Endangering the safety of others on the bus |
BSC11 | Fire alarm: Falsely activating a fire or other disaster alarm |
BSC12 | Fire Related: Possessing items that could be used to set or cause a fire or produce large amounts of smoke |
BSC13 | Engaging in reckless behavior that creates a risk of injury to self or others |
BSC14 | Fighting that results in no injury as determined by the school administration |
BSC15 | Inciting or causing a substantial disturbance to the operation of school or the safety of staff and/or students |
BSC16 | Throwing an object that has the potential to cause a disturbance, injury, or property damage |
BSC17 | Shoving, pushing, striking, biting another student with no visible injury |
BSC18 | Exposing body parts, lewd or indecent public behavior |
BSC19 | Physical contact of a sexual nature – patting body parts, pinching, tugging clothing |
BSC21 | Stalking as described in the Code of Virginia section 18.2-60.3 |
BSC22 | Stealing money or property using physical force (no weapon involved) |
BSC24 | Leaving school grounds without permission |
BSC25 | Trespassing |
BSC26 | Possessing dangerous instruments/substances that could be used to inflict harm upon another |
BSC27 | Weapons: Possessing any weapon (other than a firearm) as defined by § 18.2-308.1. |
(BESO) Behaviors that Endanger Self/Others
Code | Description |
BESO1 | Assault: Intending to cause physical injury to another person |
BESO2 | Assault and Battery: Causing physical injury to another person |
BESO3 | Fighting: The use of physical violence between students or on another person where there is minor injury as determined by the school administration |
BESO4 | Striking Staff: The use of force against a staff member when no injury is caused |
BESO5 | Drugs: Possessing controlled substances, illegal drugs inhalants, or synthetic hallucinogens or unauthorized prescription medications |
BESO6 | Drugs: Being under the influence of controlled substances, illegal drugs, inhalants, or synthetic hallucinogens or unauthorized prescription medications |
BESO7 | Drugs: Using controlled substances or using illegal drugs or synthetic hallucinogens or unauthorized prescription medications |
BESO9 | Fire: Attempting to set, aiding in setting, or setting a fire |
BESO10 | Gang-Related Behavior: Engaging in a threatening or dangerous behavior that is gang-related as defined in §18.2-46.1 |
BESO11 | Hazing as defined in §18.2-56 and noted in § 22.1-279.6. |
BESO12 | Threatening, intimidating or instigating violence, injury or harm to a staff member or members |
BESO13 | Threatening, intimidating or instigating violence, injury, or harm to another student(s) or other(s) (not including written threats) |
BESO14 | Threatening, intimidation, or instigating violence, injury or harm to another student(s) or other(s) in writing. |
BESO15 | Using an object not generally considered to be a weapon to threaten or attempt to injure school personnel |
BESO16 | Using an object not generally considered to be a weapon to threaten or attempt to injure students or others |
BESO17 | Bomb threat –Making a bomb threat |
BESO18 | Crime changed in community reported to Superintentdent |
(PD) Persistently Dangerous Behavior Code
Sub Category - I
Code | Description |
PD1 | Homicide - Firearm |
PD2 | Homicide - Other Weapon |
PD3 | Sexual Assault |
PD4 | Attempted Sexual Assault |
PD5 | Use of a Bomb |
Sub Category - II
Code | Description |
PD6 | Assault with Firearm or Weapon |
PD7 | Actual or Attempted Robbery |
PD8 | Kidnapping/Abduction |
PD9 | Malicious Wounding without a Weapon |
PD10 | Aggravated Sexual Battery on a Student |
Sub Category - III
Code | Description |
PD11 | Illegal Possession of Handgun |
PD12 | Illegal Possession of Rifle or Shotgun |
PD13 | Illegal Possession of Any Other Projectile Weapon |
PD14 | Illegal Possession of Bomb |
PD15 | Illegal Possession of Other Firearms: firebombs, explosive materials or devices, hoax explosive devices per §18.2-85, or explosive incendiary devices, as defined in §18.2-433.1, or chemical bombs per §18.2-87.1 |
PD16 | Illegal Possession of Controlled Drugs and Substances with Intent to Distribute or Sell |