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CRDC Staff Setup (2023-2034)

The following data elements are required for CRDC staff setup.

Staff Information

Navigation: Staff, [select staff], Information, CRDC

Data Element

Additional Information


School Questions



STAF-5a. Current Year Teacher

Count this staff as a teacher

Select to indicate whether the staff is a teacher.


STAF-5b. Previous Year Teacher

Was this staff a teacher during the prior school year as well?

Select to indicate whether the staff was a teacher and worked at the school the previous year.


Deprecated Fields

COUR-1b, COUR-9.   Teacher Certifications in Mathematics



Is this teacher certified in General Mathematics?


Is this teacher certified in Algebra I?


Is this teacher certified in Geometry?


Is this teacher certified in Algebra II?


Is this teacher certified in Advanced Mathematics?


Is this teacher certified in Calculus?

COUR-14, COUR-16.   Teacher Certifications in Science


Is this teacher certified in General Science?


Is this teacher certified in Biology?


Is this teacher certified in Chemistry?


Is this teacher certified in Physics?


Is this teacher certified in Computer Science?

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